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Posted On: 02/28/2019 12:27:56 PM
Post# of 150844
Here is uptick news interview on February 11th
00:00 [Music]
00:00 this is the uptick newswire stock day
00:03 podcast sponsored by investors hangout
00:05 com subscribe to us on iTunes and
00:09 YouTube to stay up to date on penny
00:10 stock news and interviews public
00:12 information on OTC pink sheets and micro
00:15 cap stocks from around the world with
00:17 your host Everett jolly on today's show
00:21 I'm bringing back a returning guest he
00:23 was on my show back in January this year
00:26 2019 we're talking no other than Saito
00:28 dyeing ink to me they're gonna be one of
00:31 the fastest growing companies and 2019
00:33 but that's my personal opinion you can
00:35 find him on the oTCQB under the ticker
00:37 symbol see ydy and with us today is the
00:40 president director and CEO of the
00:42 company dr. nadir port Hassan dr. nadir
00:45 welcome back to the show thank you for
00:47 having me again seeking alpha alpha
00:49 Arthur Terry crystal Malley recently
00:53 picked C Y dy to be one of the best
00:56 performing stocks for 2019 I want to
00:59 know did you have any comments on that
01:01 yes he's not the only person there are
01:04 many people that I mean they wonder what
01:06 happens when a company hits their
01:08 primary end point excuse me some of the
01:12 analysts at Wallace Street talked to me
01:14 and they all thought that this stock
01:16 would you know get the correct
01:18 evaluation but when you're held hostage
01:20 in OTC B you just don't get the value
01:23 that you need to get we have talked to a
01:26 lot of institutions who have indicated
01:28 to for us to please upgrade your
01:31 exchange so we can participate in
01:34 purchasing your shares our company is
01:37 tremendously undervalued in my opinion
01:39 because of the fact that we had a
01:42 primary endpoint we met with FDA FDA
01:45 recognized that we have the right data
01:48 to send submit the PLA then we attack
01:52 monotherapy the world of HIV we always
01:56 said there would be HIV paradigm shift
01:58 if this mono therapy pans out to have a
02:01 high responders rate that happened the
02:04 analyst from Gilead the biggest farmer
02:06 in the world of HIV indicated if this
02:09 little company has success with mono
02:11 therapy there will be huge pushback
02:13 on a twelve billion dollar excuse me
02:16 twelve billion dollar empire of gilead
02:18 sells every year and we got the higher
02:21 responders rate of close to 90 percent
02:23 we announced that then we were shocked
02:25 that we have indication
02:27 graft-versus-host disease
02:28 we got a Phase two we eliminated
02:31 graft-versus-host disease from mice
02:34 model and we went immediately to human
02:37 study FDA gave us orphan drug
02:39 designation then we realized the product
02:41 has indications in breast cancer and
02:45 maybe in all the cancers stopping the
02:48 metastases the discovery that happened
02:51 that the dr. Richard pastel
02:53 world-renowned oncologist came to us
02:56 says that your product has tremendous
02:58 potential application all cancers he
03:02 discovered that the metastases the
03:05 killing of cancer happens through H IV
03:09 pathway this is a revolution in the
03:12 world of cancer if we're able to show
03:14 the data from human study well it
03:17 happens that another similar product
03:19 that has toxicity and side effects so it
03:21 can do what we can showed in the same
03:24 mouse model that was going to be used
03:27 that the metastases will stop then the
03:30 germany in germany the german group they
03:33 put that in human and it eliminated
03:36 cancer metastases we compared ourselves
03:40 in it in an individual study and our
03:43 results are great fda again gave us
03:46 green light to do phase 1 b - - which is
03:49 incredible so when you have all these
03:52 things and you're about to submit your
03:54 final application for your first
03:56 approval that could give you half a
03:58 billion dollar water revenue e in 2020
04:01 how could you be sitting these numbers
04:03 so I do agree with mr. 30 crystal malice
04:06 that this should be the stock pick of
04:07 2019 recently you put out a press
04:10 release here in early February about
04:12 some patients about some updates I just
04:15 want to know if you might be able to
04:16 give us some updates to myself and my
04:18 listeners about that I'm sorry you're
04:20 talking about the patients that were
04:22 enrolling for
04:23 can yes yeah on the press release you
04:26 put out I think last week or something
04:28 like that so the press is but mainly
04:31 talk about that the FDA had a conference
04:34 call with us again and they indicated
04:36 that we are all good with your biologic
04:39 license applications to be fired for
04:41 your final approval however because the
04:45 combination therapy was done with 350
04:47 milligram and we just told the world of
04:50 700 milligram has a better efficacy they
04:53 wanted us to give some data from our
04:55 mono therapy to strengthen our B la for
04:59 combination therapy and switch that to
05:02 700 milligram so this is a very exciting
05:06 thing that the FDA allow us to have
05:08 higher dose approval potential without
05:11 doing the whole trial over with a higher
05:14 dose they recognize the patients in that
05:16 study some of them about 20-some
05:19 patients out of 52 we're in a very
05:22 dangerous situation they had three class
05:25 or four class resistance so they had no
05:27 more regiments available to them or very
05:30 very limited regiment so when we gave
05:33 him for 140 they could have deadly
05:36 disease if they don't if they stopped
05:38 giving a pro 140 so FDA wants to give us
05:41 a bridge to have this product available
05:44 without making a school to another three
05:46 four years of study which we announced
05:49 that and in other indications we are
05:52 hopefully hoping to start those
05:54 indications very soon also very good
05:56 very good
05:56 one of the questions I had what
05:59 distinguishes your company from other
06:01 bio tax that you think in 2019 well if
06:05 you look at Gilead for example and they
06:08 will stock let's just say around $65 how
06:11 many people think by the end of the year
06:13 they will have 10 times that value which
06:15 is 650 million dollars then look at our
06:18 company probe on 40 Lee Ron Lee map with
06:22 Cyberdyne which our website is Caroline
06:24 comm they can verify all the things that
06:28 we are telling everybody how many t how
06:31 many people would think that when you're
06:32 ready to file your biologic license
06:34 application and instead of losing money
06:37 every year you're about to be a revenue
06:40 small pharmaceutical yourself how many
06:43 people will think that this stock will
06:45 be ten times which is five dollars well
06:47 beside that only their first approval we
06:51 got many other things and that's in
06:54 cancer and GVHD and we are where we
06:56 believe we're going to make a lot of
06:57 noise and we're going to have a
06:59 tremendous 2019 and I don't think any
07:03 stock could match us that's my opinion I
07:06 could be wrong that's my opinion my
07:09 guest today is dr. nader poor hassan he
07:11 is the director and president CEO of
07:14 cider dine inc you can find them on the
07:16 OTC markets under the ticker symbol see
07:18 ydy again my personal opinion also i
07:22 think the stock price around 50 to 53
07:24 cents is definitely a buy here and it's
07:26 undervalue that being said what is your
07:29 price projection for 2019 if you might
07:31 be able to enlighten us so they're
07:33 usually as a CEO of a biotech company
07:36 you do not want to give price put a
07:38 price estimate however I would just
07:41 refer everybody to the third-party
07:43 report that was that came out on us
07:45 saying the potential sales for our first
07:48 approval is 1.2 billion and now that we
07:51 change the price of the product it's
07:53 about 3 billion and our monitor appear
07:55 has potential of 10 billion dollars
07:57 worth of sales if you just do those
07:59 numbers and multiply by 8 or 9 the
08:02 revenue that could be generated which is
08:05 a normal multiplier
08:06 those numbers become astonishing so I
08:09 just don't like to give any numbers out
08:11 I appreciate that and closing here what
08:13 would you want my listeners to take away
08:14 from this interview well please check
08:16 out www.sceeto.com and don't miss on
08:21 this opportunity in my opinion to just
08:23 check us out and make a decision for
08:25 yourself if this is the real good
08:27 investment for you or not thank you so
08:29 much dr. nader for coming on the show
08:31 it's always a pleasure to have you on
08:32 here i wish you nothing but continued
08:35 success hopefully you'll come back on in
08:36 30 or 40 days and give us an update on
08:38 your company thank you so much for
08:40 having me appreciate it
08:44 this program is entirely sponsored and
08:47 produced by uptick newswire LLC which is
08:49 responsible for the content the opinions
08:51 and information provided on this program
08:52 are those of the guests and those of the
08:54 respective companies they represent and
08:55 do not necessarily reflect those of the
08:57 staff or management of uptick newswire
08:58 uptick newswire encourages all listeners
09:00 of this programs to do their due
09:02 diligence and research when determining
09:03 investment strategies that will work for
09:04 them or to seek the assistance of an
09:06 investment professional the guests of
09:08 this program may have paid for its
09:09 distribution and are not directly
09:11 affiliated with uptick newswire or the
09:12 station
00:00 [Music]
00:00 this is the uptick newswire stock day
00:03 podcast sponsored by investors hangout
00:05 com subscribe to us on iTunes and
00:09 YouTube to stay up to date on penny
00:10 stock news and interviews public
00:12 information on OTC pink sheets and micro
00:15 cap stocks from around the world with
00:17 your host Everett jolly on today's show
00:21 I'm bringing back a returning guest he
00:23 was on my show back in January this year
00:26 2019 we're talking no other than Saito
00:28 dyeing ink to me they're gonna be one of
00:31 the fastest growing companies and 2019
00:33 but that's my personal opinion you can
00:35 find him on the oTCQB under the ticker
00:37 symbol see ydy and with us today is the
00:40 president director and CEO of the
00:42 company dr. nadir port Hassan dr. nadir
00:45 welcome back to the show thank you for
00:47 having me again seeking alpha alpha
00:49 Arthur Terry crystal Malley recently
00:53 picked C Y dy to be one of the best
00:56 performing stocks for 2019 I want to
00:59 know did you have any comments on that
01:01 yes he's not the only person there are
01:04 many people that I mean they wonder what
01:06 happens when a company hits their
01:08 primary end point excuse me some of the
01:12 analysts at Wallace Street talked to me
01:14 and they all thought that this stock
01:16 would you know get the correct
01:18 evaluation but when you're held hostage
01:20 in OTC B you just don't get the value
01:23 that you need to get we have talked to a
01:26 lot of institutions who have indicated
01:28 to for us to please upgrade your
01:31 exchange so we can participate in
01:34 purchasing your shares our company is
01:37 tremendously undervalued in my opinion
01:39 because of the fact that we had a
01:42 primary endpoint we met with FDA FDA
01:45 recognized that we have the right data
01:48 to send submit the PLA then we attack
01:52 monotherapy the world of HIV we always
01:56 said there would be HIV paradigm shift
01:58 if this mono therapy pans out to have a
02:01 high responders rate that happened the
02:04 analyst from Gilead the biggest farmer
02:06 in the world of HIV indicated if this
02:09 little company has success with mono
02:11 therapy there will be huge pushback
02:13 on a twelve billion dollar excuse me
02:16 twelve billion dollar empire of gilead
02:18 sells every year and we got the higher
02:21 responders rate of close to 90 percent
02:23 we announced that then we were shocked
02:25 that we have indication
02:27 graft-versus-host disease
02:28 we got a Phase two we eliminated
02:31 graft-versus-host disease from mice
02:34 model and we went immediately to human
02:37 study FDA gave us orphan drug
02:39 designation then we realized the product
02:41 has indications in breast cancer and
02:45 maybe in all the cancers stopping the
02:48 metastases the discovery that happened
02:51 that the dr. Richard pastel
02:53 world-renowned oncologist came to us
02:56 says that your product has tremendous
02:58 potential application all cancers he
03:02 discovered that the metastases the
03:05 killing of cancer happens through H IV
03:09 pathway this is a revolution in the
03:12 world of cancer if we're able to show
03:14 the data from human study well it
03:17 happens that another similar product
03:19 that has toxicity and side effects so it
03:21 can do what we can showed in the same
03:24 mouse model that was going to be used
03:27 that the metastases will stop then the
03:30 germany in germany the german group they
03:33 put that in human and it eliminated
03:36 cancer metastases we compared ourselves
03:40 in it in an individual study and our
03:43 results are great fda again gave us
03:46 green light to do phase 1 b - - which is
03:49 incredible so when you have all these
03:52 things and you're about to submit your
03:54 final application for your first
03:56 approval that could give you half a
03:58 billion dollar water revenue e in 2020
04:01 how could you be sitting these numbers
04:03 so I do agree with mr. 30 crystal malice
04:06 that this should be the stock pick of
04:07 2019 recently you put out a press
04:10 release here in early February about
04:12 some patients about some updates I just
04:15 want to know if you might be able to
04:16 give us some updates to myself and my
04:18 listeners about that I'm sorry you're
04:20 talking about the patients that were
04:22 enrolling for
04:23 can yes yeah on the press release you
04:26 put out I think last week or something
04:28 like that so the press is but mainly
04:31 talk about that the FDA had a conference
04:34 call with us again and they indicated
04:36 that we are all good with your biologic
04:39 license applications to be fired for
04:41 your final approval however because the
04:45 combination therapy was done with 350
04:47 milligram and we just told the world of
04:50 700 milligram has a better efficacy they
04:53 wanted us to give some data from our
04:55 mono therapy to strengthen our B la for
04:59 combination therapy and switch that to
05:02 700 milligram so this is a very exciting
05:06 thing that the FDA allow us to have
05:08 higher dose approval potential without
05:11 doing the whole trial over with a higher
05:14 dose they recognize the patients in that
05:16 study some of them about 20-some
05:19 patients out of 52 we're in a very
05:22 dangerous situation they had three class
05:25 or four class resistance so they had no
05:27 more regiments available to them or very
05:30 very limited regiment so when we gave
05:33 him for 140 they could have deadly
05:36 disease if they don't if they stopped
05:38 giving a pro 140 so FDA wants to give us
05:41 a bridge to have this product available
05:44 without making a school to another three
05:46 four years of study which we announced
05:49 that and in other indications we are
05:52 hopefully hoping to start those
05:54 indications very soon also very good
05:56 very good
05:56 one of the questions I had what
05:59 distinguishes your company from other
06:01 bio tax that you think in 2019 well if
06:05 you look at Gilead for example and they
06:08 will stock let's just say around $65 how
06:11 many people think by the end of the year
06:13 they will have 10 times that value which
06:15 is 650 million dollars then look at our
06:18 company probe on 40 Lee Ron Lee map with
06:22 Cyberdyne which our website is Caroline
06:24 comm they can verify all the things that
06:28 we are telling everybody how many t how
06:31 many people would think that when you're
06:32 ready to file your biologic license
06:34 application and instead of losing money
06:37 every year you're about to be a revenue
06:40 small pharmaceutical yourself how many
06:43 people will think that this stock will
06:45 be ten times which is five dollars well
06:47 beside that only their first approval we
06:51 got many other things and that's in
06:54 cancer and GVHD and we are where we
06:56 believe we're going to make a lot of
06:57 noise and we're going to have a
06:59 tremendous 2019 and I don't think any
07:03 stock could match us that's my opinion I
07:06 could be wrong that's my opinion my
07:09 guest today is dr. nader poor hassan he
07:11 is the director and president CEO of
07:14 cider dine inc you can find them on the
07:16 OTC markets under the ticker symbol see
07:18 ydy again my personal opinion also i
07:22 think the stock price around 50 to 53
07:24 cents is definitely a buy here and it's
07:26 undervalue that being said what is your
07:29 price projection for 2019 if you might
07:31 be able to enlighten us so they're
07:33 usually as a CEO of a biotech company
07:36 you do not want to give price put a
07:38 price estimate however I would just
07:41 refer everybody to the third-party
07:43 report that was that came out on us
07:45 saying the potential sales for our first
07:48 approval is 1.2 billion and now that we
07:51 change the price of the product it's
07:53 about 3 billion and our monitor appear
07:55 has potential of 10 billion dollars
07:57 worth of sales if you just do those
07:59 numbers and multiply by 8 or 9 the
08:02 revenue that could be generated which is
08:05 a normal multiplier
08:06 those numbers become astonishing so I
08:09 just don't like to give any numbers out
08:11 I appreciate that and closing here what
08:13 would you want my listeners to take away
08:14 from this interview well please check
08:16 out www.sceeto.com and don't miss on
08:21 this opportunity in my opinion to just
08:23 check us out and make a decision for
08:25 yourself if this is the real good
08:27 investment for you or not thank you so
08:29 much dr. nader for coming on the show
08:31 it's always a pleasure to have you on
08:32 here i wish you nothing but continued
08:35 success hopefully you'll come back on in
08:36 30 or 40 days and give us an update on
08:38 your company thank you so much for
08:40 having me appreciate it
08:44 this program is entirely sponsored and
08:47 produced by uptick newswire LLC which is
08:49 responsible for the content the opinions
08:51 and information provided on this program
08:52 are those of the guests and those of the
08:54 respective companies they represent and
08:55 do not necessarily reflect those of the
08:57 staff or management of uptick newswire
08:58 uptick newswire encourages all listeners
09:00 of this programs to do their due
09:02 diligence and research when determining
09:03 investment strategies that will work for
09:04 them or to seek the assistance of an
09:06 investment professional the guests of
09:08 this program may have paid for its
09:09 distribution and are not directly
09:11 affiliated with uptick newswire or the
09:12 station

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