Thats a possibility I suppose. They cant buy back the float on open market without pps climbing to who knows how much over a couple years-maybe ending at 1 dollar?
wild guess- and buyback of all the float might take 2 years since they are limited to 25% of the volume for buyback and other rules- balahi has been our buyback expert-see his posts below re buyback rules.
So they would have to make a tender offer? I'm no expert on that type of thing- for maybe 10 cents pps?
A 2 billion share float at 10 cents pps would be 200 million dollars. 5 cents-giving everybody a profit-100 million.
Such a move may be profitable to CWRN and Bao in the long run? and certainly eliminate the non-stop headaches/regulations that are part of being a public company.
Depends on how serious Bao is and what kind of reserves they think they will ultimately have
Any ideas on this type of thing guys? Thanks for the suggestion.
We saw probably fake buyout offer of .15 (possibly upgraded to .18) last year as noted by the 2-28-11 and 3-1-11 (probably on advice of counsel since the full offer wasnt disclosed to stockholders in the 2-28-11 PR) PR's.