PTOI shows 33,200 in volume (edit below)
of those .. 11000 in trades went off *hidden* (33.13%) ..
last 2 trades (bid feed and ask hit) did not *adjust* size showing
interestingly the ask side remains curious .. imo .. note *decoy OTCX MIA* and *cant*
CDEL 0.02 20,000 12:03
ETRF 0.014 20,000 10:41
NITE 0.0137 10,000 01/29
CSTI 0.008 350,566 09:30
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
CANT 0.0001 10,000 08:30
OTCX U 0 08:15
NITE 0.0225 10,000 10:04
ETRF 0.045 10,000 09:30
CDEL 0.049 19,195 12:03
CANT 0.146 400,000 09:30
CSTI 0.15 5,000 08:30
MAXM 200.00 1 07:35
OTCX U 0 08:15
edited in new volume total
the additional 15300 in volume went off against NN's *ask* size of 10000 .. with the requisite NC on size .. hmmm
bid jumped from 014c to 02c while posting .. see above
currently B/A ..
Bid 0.02
Bid Size 20000
Ask 0.025
Ask Size 10000
note NN finally *relo/d* on *ask* .. .. who says documentation doesn't *impact* ..
CDEL 0.02 20,000 12:03
ETRF 0.014 20,000 10:41
NITE 0.014 10,000 12:04
CSTI 0.008 350,566 09:30
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
CANT 0.0001 10,000 08:30
OTCX U 0 08:15
NITE 0.025 10,000 12:04
ETRF 0.045 10,000 09:30
CDEL 0.049 19,195 12:03
CANT 0.146 400,000 09:30
CSTI 0.15 5,000 08:30
MAXM 200.00 1 07:35
OTCX U 0 08:15
Does a .02 close create problems for those short? Stay tuned! Go PTOI!!!