Members asked for more record breaking days and we gave it today with USEI hitting a fresh new high of $0.048…
Members asked for more gains, and we definitely gave over 40% again today making our total tally of 800% …
Members ask for more updates and company news and we definitely got solid news today… US Energy Initiatives Enters Joint Venture for Sale of Alternative Fuel PR Newswire(Tue 5:22AM EDT)
Members are asking where USEI is headed, and all signs are pointing to an easy $0.10+ stock
But more important of them all, we have just got word from Direct Global Media that they are about to release their research report soon and expect price targets to be upgraded well north of the $0.10 near term target.
We are now on watch for Direct Global Media (DGM) research report with price targets expected soon. DGM made Fuse Science (DROP) famous with their $1.25 price target and were right on target since they initiated coverage of DROP in the sub-pennies - all signs are all pointing to a repeat here!