The "i Told you So's" are immature and disrespectfull towards current shareholders, i cannot comprehend the fact some would slap similar comments into other peoples faces when something like this happens and peoples money are at stake, don't come and say that type of BS just not Ethical
Yes FBI, SEC investigated etc.. but there is more to the story ... IMO ... 2 years after the fact WTH are they really that slow ? we will see what happens with this mess with CWRN, hope Bob fixes it or if he really did what is accused towards him then the company will "logically" be handed oaver to Sharon.
the production is REAl, the Equipment is Real, BAO Steel is REAL, The IRON is REAL ... yes before one says "the Investigation is also Real" but the case did'nt even start yet if he's accused of what is stated or he was simply setup? we all know in mexico the corruption is not uncommon with all the CARTEL's like everyone suggested here.