Lietuvos Energijos Gamyba, AB identification code 302648707, registered office placed at Elektrinės str. 21, LT-26108 Elektrėnai, Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the Company). The total number of registered ordinary shares issued by company is 648 002 629; ISIN code LT0000128571.
On 31 December 2018, the Board of the Company adopted a decision to revoke its decision to discontinue the exploitation of the first unit of Kruonis Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant (KPSHP) as of 1 January 2019 (notification on material event on this decision has been published on 20 November 2018). On 31 December 2018, the Supervisory Board of the Company made a decision not to object the decision of the Board of the Company to revoke discontinue of the use of the first unit of KPSHP.
These decisions were made because of the changes in legal regulation and according to the resolution adopted by National Commission for Energy Control and Prices “Regarding the Electricity Transmission Service Prices and Publication of their Application Procedure” in which taxes of the transmission and system services for the electricity that was used to load KPSHP shall not be paid in 2019.
Valentas Neviera, Head of Communication Division, tel. +370 670 25997, e-mail.