At this time I am forecasting only about $13,000 revenue for all of 4th quarter based on oil and gas revenues, not equipment rental revenues if there were any in 4th quarter. This forecast is with the assumption that oil was disposed of from the Lakeshore well which might not have been the case. I also am assuming the the McComas well did not produce any oil in December. I don't know when that well was actually put in production if it was and whether it is producing anywhere near the 18+bopd they stated in November PR. I hope I am wrong, time will tell.
June 2012 goal was for 1,000bopd then goal for all of 2012 was set for 1,000bopd by December 31, 2012. Near as I can determine company is producing about 1.1bopd and about 19mcf of gas as of December 31, 2012. Facts not bashing and long time TECO long with 2.4mil shares.