Hey All
Now the price of CHRI and the HBRM will move up together.
The thought I have on stated value ios that the HBRM is worth 10% of the price of CHRI.
It will take both now moving up to take the HBRM above the .01.
Stated value of CHRI based on one year eps is over .15 now. The earning are looking at .036 for the year on HRI and with a conservative forward P/E that puts theCHRI value above the .15 short term. for the merger.
Now into the news of the deal finalizing and the reporting of the 10k we will see chri at .15 with its new partner at .015.
CHRI and HBRM are also on a news campaign schedule of three to five days and this could see news as early as Friday to Monday.
Good lcuk and projected earnings for CHRI are .038 a share in profit for 2012 and long term we see the 70 million in revenues put this above .30 to .40 the next year now./