(Total Views: 740)
Posted On: 11/25/2018 5:05:09 AM
Post# of 32801

Sound familiar?
AUGUST 21, 2018
If you sell something, let it go…for free? It might sound crazy, but sampling is a sales strategy being successfully utilized by dozens of retailers. The most notable of these is, of course, Costco—the warehouse store known for slashed prices and complimentary morsels at the end of every aisle.
Costco spends a good chunk of change on sampling, evidenced by the sheer magnitude of their campaigns (have you ever visited a store and not been greeted by a selection of free goodies??), and they’ve reported some pretty impressive statistics as a result:
• Featured beer brands saw a 71% boost in sales.
• Featured brands and varieties of frozen pizza experienced a 600% sales increase.
• Featured wines enjoyed a boost of more than 300% in sales.
• Featured cosmetics of lipstick and mascara sales rose by more than 500%.
• Featured packaged cheeses doubled in sales.
Those are some seriously significant numbers, and they’re not alone. In fact, according to the Atlantic article referenced below, some retailers have seen a 2,000% increase in sales as a result of sampling. Why does it work? The article quotes Dan Ariely, a behavioral economist at Duke University, who breaks it down into two reasons:
Reciprocity: “If someone does something for you, you really feel a rather surprisingly strong obligation to do something back for them.” Cravings: “What samples do is they give you a particular desire for something. If I gave you a tiny bit of chocolate, all of a sudden it would remind you about the exact taste of chocolate and would increase your craving.” So how can you make sampling work for you? We’ve made it easy. Through its digital app and desktop platform, we provide clients with a comprehensive sampling system that is professional, simplified and low-cost. This system harnesses the power of sampling and contributes to significantly increased product sales. Need more evidence? Check out this case study, which demonstrates that one of the best ways to convert a prospect is through a physical experience—which is often best achieved by tasting, touching or smelling a product.
CASE STUDY: Sound Concepts Digital Platform Sets New Standards for Product Sampling
In this case study, a Sound Concepts app subscriber sent out 75 product samples using the digital sampling system. The subscriber enjoyed a nearly 20-fold return, with a very high conversion rate of 20%. Here are the key results:
• # of Product Samples Sent: 75
• Total Cost of Samples: $113
• Conversion Rate: Appx 20%
• Revenue Created: $2,000
• Residual Revenue Created: $400/month
Inside the Numbers
There are a few key take-aways from this campaign’s results:
Other Sound Concepts clients have reported conversion rates as high as 36%!
Removes Major Obstacles: A major challenge in traditional sampling is that the distributor often has to create/assemble their own sample packaging (printing a sheet/letter, folding, adhering, etc), and then do the mailing as well. Sound Concepts moves that “pain point” by doing all the creation, assembling and mailing. Neither the company nor distributor has to be involved in those steps. The prospect receives a professionally designed and printed sample for an optimal product experience. Full-Scale Results: This was only a small, test-sample sized campaign. It’s easy to imagine how the results would scale within a full-scale campaign. Analytics & Insight: Sound Concepts’ digital platform creates unique “action links” that are assigned to a distributor in all sharing activities (social media posts, text sharing of videos, etc.) Insights and analytics gained by Sound Concepts’ unique action links has helped clients like this to modify and better manage existing campaigns, understand what message/marketing is working, and so forth. Harnesses Social Media Power: The SC platform provides professional, pre-written social content to share on distributors’ social media networks. This overcomes the common challenge of distributors not knowing what to say/post and doing it in an effective and compliant way. Drip Emails Provide Education and Call to Action: The System also provides a drip email campaign that tells the prospect receiving the sample it is on its way, educates them on the product benefits, provides links to other info and the shopping cart, and has purchase call to actions. Creates Qualified Leads: The system also helps create qualified leads—typically by including a small shipping/handling fee. Those prospects who are unwilling to pay a few dollars shipping for a product sample are highly unlikely to purchase a month’s supply of product. Those who do pay the shipping are then a more qualified lead and deserve the focus and follow-up efforts of the distributor.
The results of this case study clearly demonstrate the unique ability of the Sound Concepts digital app and sampling system to deliver significantly increased sales and potential distributor enrollments. This system removes the normal challenges of traditional sampling, making it a very attractive and efficient option for growing product exposure and sales.
Have you used sampling before? How has it impacted your business? Sound off in the comments! And for more information about how to institute a sampling campaign through our Brightools system, contact us at <contact information>.
If you sell something, let it go…for free? It might sound crazy, but sampling is a sales strategy being successfully utilized by dozens of retailers. The most notable of these is, of course, Costco—the warehouse store known for slashed prices and complimentary morsels at the end of every aisle.
Costco spends a good chunk of change on sampling, evidenced by the sheer magnitude of their campaigns (have you ever visited a store and not been greeted by a selection of free goodies??), and they’ve reported some pretty impressive statistics as a result:
• Featured beer brands saw a 71% boost in sales.
• Featured brands and varieties of frozen pizza experienced a 600% sales increase.
• Featured wines enjoyed a boost of more than 300% in sales.
• Featured cosmetics of lipstick and mascara sales rose by more than 500%.
• Featured packaged cheeses doubled in sales.
Those are some seriously significant numbers, and they’re not alone. In fact, according to the Atlantic article referenced below, some retailers have seen a 2,000% increase in sales as a result of sampling. Why does it work? The article quotes Dan Ariely, a behavioral economist at Duke University, who breaks it down into two reasons:
Reciprocity: “If someone does something for you, you really feel a rather surprisingly strong obligation to do something back for them.” Cravings: “What samples do is they give you a particular desire for something. If I gave you a tiny bit of chocolate, all of a sudden it would remind you about the exact taste of chocolate and would increase your craving.” So how can you make sampling work for you? We’ve made it easy. Through its digital app and desktop platform, we provide clients with a comprehensive sampling system that is professional, simplified and low-cost. This system harnesses the power of sampling and contributes to significantly increased product sales. Need more evidence? Check out this case study, which demonstrates that one of the best ways to convert a prospect is through a physical experience—which is often best achieved by tasting, touching or smelling a product.
CASE STUDY: Sound Concepts Digital Platform Sets New Standards for Product Sampling
In this case study, a Sound Concepts app subscriber sent out 75 product samples using the digital sampling system. The subscriber enjoyed a nearly 20-fold return, with a very high conversion rate of 20%. Here are the key results:
• # of Product Samples Sent: 75
• Total Cost of Samples: $113
• Conversion Rate: Appx 20%
• Revenue Created: $2,000
• Residual Revenue Created: $400/month
Inside the Numbers
There are a few key take-aways from this campaign’s results:
Other Sound Concepts clients have reported conversion rates as high as 36%!
Removes Major Obstacles: A major challenge in traditional sampling is that the distributor often has to create/assemble their own sample packaging (printing a sheet/letter, folding, adhering, etc), and then do the mailing as well. Sound Concepts moves that “pain point” by doing all the creation, assembling and mailing. Neither the company nor distributor has to be involved in those steps. The prospect receives a professionally designed and printed sample for an optimal product experience. Full-Scale Results: This was only a small, test-sample sized campaign. It’s easy to imagine how the results would scale within a full-scale campaign. Analytics & Insight: Sound Concepts’ digital platform creates unique “action links” that are assigned to a distributor in all sharing activities (social media posts, text sharing of videos, etc.) Insights and analytics gained by Sound Concepts’ unique action links has helped clients like this to modify and better manage existing campaigns, understand what message/marketing is working, and so forth. Harnesses Social Media Power: The SC platform provides professional, pre-written social content to share on distributors’ social media networks. This overcomes the common challenge of distributors not knowing what to say/post and doing it in an effective and compliant way. Drip Emails Provide Education and Call to Action: The System also provides a drip email campaign that tells the prospect receiving the sample it is on its way, educates them on the product benefits, provides links to other info and the shopping cart, and has purchase call to actions. Creates Qualified Leads: The system also helps create qualified leads—typically by including a small shipping/handling fee. Those prospects who are unwilling to pay a few dollars shipping for a product sample are highly unlikely to purchase a month’s supply of product. Those who do pay the shipping are then a more qualified lead and deserve the focus and follow-up efforts of the distributor.
The results of this case study clearly demonstrate the unique ability of the Sound Concepts digital app and sampling system to deliver significantly increased sales and potential distributor enrollments. This system removes the normal challenges of traditional sampling, making it a very attractive and efficient option for growing product exposure and sales.
Have you used sampling before? How has it impacted your business? Sound off in the comments! And for more information about how to institute a sampling campaign through our Brightools system, contact us at <contact information>.
Party-plan companies (or companies that promote their products by arranging social events) have long been a staple of the direct sales industry and continue to rise in popularity. So, what can the Brightools platform offer in terms of digital tools to a company model that is based on in-person interactions? We’ve broken it down into three key features that will help your party-plan company achieve increased sales and exposure:
Feature #1: Digital Catalogs
Stop wasting money, paper and other resources. Allowing your distributors access to an app-based digital catalog will provide them opportunities to reach out to more prospects for a smaller investment, even when they’re on the go! Digital catalogs can also be interactive, so customers can be redirected right to a shopping cart to place their order. These enhanced catalogs are adapted to ensure a positive digital experience for distributors and customers alike.
Feature #2: Print-on-Demand Catalogs
Of course, there are also traditionalists who prefer a tangible way to view your company’s offerings. For that reason, we offer print-on-demand catalogs as a way to minimize waste while still catering to your distributor wants and needs. This feature is designed to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds—not only can these catalogs be sent straight from the app, but the people you send them to will receive a drip of messages to keep them in the loop, and you’ll receive up-to-date notifications. Adding the ability for a consultant to customize the catalog with her picture, contact information, and website make this a personal tool that will impress every contact.
Feature #3: Social Sharing
Your distributors can view and share a vast variety of social images and video with just a tap of the finger. This content can be anything from conversation starters to motivational quotes, or a promotional post about your company. While all posts have the end goal of boosting engagement and online interaction for your distributors, promotional posts have the added advantage of boosting site views and sales. For more details on how this works, check out the case study below.
Case Study: Promotional social posts lead to increases in site views, sales
What kind of results can you expect by utilizing the Brightools app in your party-plan company? Below are the results from one week’s use by a client. Note: One distributor reported receiving an order for $300 as a direct result of sharing a promotional post via social media!
Client A Week 41 Stats
New users this week: 632
Active users this week: 4,660
Number of prospects per user: 16.71
Total social media shares this week: 41,558
Prospects generated per share: 1.87
As you can see, the client in question saw incredible results—an average of nearly two prospects gained just by sharing a social post!
Distributor Testimonials:
“I tried the social sharing feature in the app and it works quite well, allowing you to copy your message and paste it into the post. Quick and easy! So I uploaded one of these [photos] and guess what I received? A ‘Congratulations, you have an order’ message! Yes, one of my customers saw the picture and went online to purchase the [item]!” – Paulette Matthews
“This new app is great. For those of you who have not yet tried it, it is a great tool for your business. I used it to send emails with the new Halloween PDF file attached. If they follow the link to your site it lets you know. This means following up is easy and if they do not order you can contact them in a few days.” – Sandy Edmison
Toms. Zappos. Warby Parker.
What do all these companies have in common? Well, in addition to huge success, they are known for their social causes, which have had a huge role in driving that success.
In an industry where paid advertising is gasping for air, and word-of-mouth marketing is more competitive than ever, adopting a cause is an easy and effective way to build a powerful movement that can propel your company to new heights.
Zija is a great example of this. Their #NaturalHealthRevolution not only functions as a campaign to encourage healthier lifestyles, but also as a compelling reason to choose Zija over its competitors. The #NaturalHealthRevolution tagline is, “MOTIVATED – DRIVEN – FOCUSED – HEALTH MINDED. Help us, Help others!” By coupling revolutionary products with a way for consumers to help others navigate what they refer to as a “global nutritional famine,” Zija has created a powerful call to action that has translated into increased sales.
An article on businessnewsdaily.com titled, “What is Corporate Social Responsibility” says, “Today's consumers are looking for more than just high-quality products and services when they make a purchase. They're prioritizing corporate social responsibility (CSR), and holding corporations accountable for effecting social change with their business beliefs, practices and profits.”
The bottom line is this: people want their dollars to do more than pay for goods and services; they want them to make a difference. And capitalizing on this growing trend is a surefire way to build brand loyalty—and, in turn, word-of-mouth marketing. And, of course, supporting a cause is a great way to give back your community (or even the world at large).
If you’re willing to give this strategy a chance, begin by selecting a cause that is in line with your company’s mission and values. You can start small by participating in already established charity drives, such as Red Nose Day, or go big by integrating your cause into a larger aspect of your business.
Whether you decide to support a non-profit aimed at combatting domestic violence, use a percentage of your profits to build schools in impoverished areas, host a gala to raise money for cancer research, or something else, there are numerous ways to establish yourself as a socially responsible company. Just remember to keep your passion for your cause authentic and to abide by all laws and guidelines governing charitable donations.
Looking for other ways to increase your company’s exposure? We’re happy to help. Email us at pr@soundconcepts.com to set up a consultation.
There’s no question that that today’s consumers are more mobile than ever. In fact, we are past the tipping point in terms of digital media—the number of global mobile users now exceeds desktop users, and the average adult spends almost three hours a day on a mobile device. Tech giant companies like Amazon and Apple have seen massive mobile digital commerce growth—and you can do the same.
How Can Our Brightools Platform Help?
It’s very clear that the use of digital tools and formats within the direct sales industry has increased greatly and will continue to increase well into the future. The need to invest in and incorporate digital tools is paramount to any direct sales company’s success. Sound Concepts has been at the digital forefront for many years now, and boasts award-winning, proprietary digital technology in our Brightools platform and tools. These digital tools will help your distributors “touch” more prospects via mobile devices, resulting in increased sales and enrollments.
One of the innovative digital tools mentioned above is the Brightools app’s social selling feature. This patent-pending technology creates unique links that simplify social sharing and provide comprehensive data to analyze and improve your campaigns in just four simple steps:
1. A distributor selects a tool to share through social media.
2. With just a tap they are guided through writing a message to post and share the content via any of their social networks.
3. The app creates a unique link that ties the asset to the distributor.
4. Prospects who tap the content are taken from the post to a pre-populated shopping cart, shortening the decision-making experience.
That’s a sale made in as few as three taps!
Of course, one of the most difficult things about implementing a new digital system is simply helping everyone learn how to use it. We eliminate this worry by providing detailed, clear and up-to-date training for all of our tools. We’ll also make sure you know exactly what you’re paying for, as the Brightools digital platform boasts a heap of digital data and many ways to analyze it. You’ll be kept informed about user activity, contact activity, shared content analytics and more!
The Perfect Blend of Digital & Physical
We’ve talked before on this blog about the importance of marrying digital and physical tools to build a brand. In spite of the increase in the use of and demand for digital tools, traditional “analog” tools compliment and reinforce branding and messaging and can be essential for certain demographics. In fact, many field leaders find a distinct synergy when using both types of tools for recruiting, training, and business building. That’s why we offer the ultimate blend of print/analog tools and their digital counterparts to ensure your customers will receive and share your message.
Interested in learning more about Brightools and its powerful, intuitive features? Shoot us an email at pr@soudnconcepts.com.
AUGUST 21, 2018
If you sell something, let it go…for free? It might sound crazy, but sampling is a sales strategy being successfully utilized by dozens of retailers. The most notable of these is, of course, Costco—the warehouse store known for slashed prices and complimentary morsels at the end of every aisle.
Costco spends a good chunk of change on sampling, evidenced by the sheer magnitude of their campaigns (have you ever visited a store and not been greeted by a selection of free goodies??), and they’ve reported some pretty impressive statistics as a result:
• Featured beer brands saw a 71% boost in sales.
• Featured brands and varieties of frozen pizza experienced a 600% sales increase.
• Featured wines enjoyed a boost of more than 300% in sales.
• Featured cosmetics of lipstick and mascara sales rose by more than 500%.
• Featured packaged cheeses doubled in sales.
Those are some seriously significant numbers, and they’re not alone. In fact, according to the Atlantic article referenced below, some retailers have seen a 2,000% increase in sales as a result of sampling. Why does it work? The article quotes Dan Ariely, a behavioral economist at Duke University, who breaks it down into two reasons:
Reciprocity: “If someone does something for you, you really feel a rather surprisingly strong obligation to do something back for them.” Cravings: “What samples do is they give you a particular desire for something. If I gave you a tiny bit of chocolate, all of a sudden it would remind you about the exact taste of chocolate and would increase your craving.” So how can you make sampling work for you? We’ve made it easy. Through its digital app and desktop platform, we provide clients with a comprehensive sampling system that is professional, simplified and low-cost. This system harnesses the power of sampling and contributes to significantly increased product sales. Need more evidence? Check out this case study, which demonstrates that one of the best ways to convert a prospect is through a physical experience—which is often best achieved by tasting, touching or smelling a product.
CASE STUDY: Sound Concepts Digital Platform Sets New Standards for Product Sampling
In this case study, a Sound Concepts app subscriber sent out 75 product samples using the digital sampling system. The subscriber enjoyed a nearly 20-fold return, with a very high conversion rate of 20%. Here are the key results:
• # of Product Samples Sent: 75
• Total Cost of Samples: $113
• Conversion Rate: Appx 20%
• Revenue Created: $2,000
• Residual Revenue Created: $400/month
Inside the Numbers
There are a few key take-aways from this campaign’s results:
Other Sound Concepts clients have reported conversion rates as high as 36%!
Removes Major Obstacles: A major challenge in traditional sampling is that the distributor often has to create/assemble their own sample packaging (printing a sheet/letter, folding, adhering, etc), and then do the mailing as well. Sound Concepts moves that “pain point” by doing all the creation, assembling and mailing. Neither the company nor distributor has to be involved in those steps. The prospect receives a professionally designed and printed sample for an optimal product experience. Full-Scale Results: This was only a small, test-sample sized campaign. It’s easy to imagine how the results would scale within a full-scale campaign. Analytics & Insight: Sound Concepts’ digital platform creates unique “action links” that are assigned to a distributor in all sharing activities (social media posts, text sharing of videos, etc.) Insights and analytics gained by Sound Concepts’ unique action links has helped clients like this to modify and better manage existing campaigns, understand what message/marketing is working, and so forth. Harnesses Social Media Power: The SC platform provides professional, pre-written social content to share on distributors’ social media networks. This overcomes the common challenge of distributors not knowing what to say/post and doing it in an effective and compliant way. Drip Emails Provide Education and Call to Action: The System also provides a drip email campaign that tells the prospect receiving the sample it is on its way, educates them on the product benefits, provides links to other info and the shopping cart, and has purchase call to actions. Creates Qualified Leads: The system also helps create qualified leads—typically by including a small shipping/handling fee. Those prospects who are unwilling to pay a few dollars shipping for a product sample are highly unlikely to purchase a month’s supply of product. Those who do pay the shipping are then a more qualified lead and deserve the focus and follow-up efforts of the distributor.
The results of this case study clearly demonstrate the unique ability of the Sound Concepts digital app and sampling system to deliver significantly increased sales and potential distributor enrollments. This system removes the normal challenges of traditional sampling, making it a very attractive and efficient option for growing product exposure and sales.
Have you used sampling before? How has it impacted your business? Sound off in the comments! And for more information about how to institute a sampling campaign through our Brightools system, contact us at <contact information>.
If you sell something, let it go…for free? It might sound crazy, but sampling is a sales strategy being successfully utilized by dozens of retailers. The most notable of these is, of course, Costco—the warehouse store known for slashed prices and complimentary morsels at the end of every aisle.
Costco spends a good chunk of change on sampling, evidenced by the sheer magnitude of their campaigns (have you ever visited a store and not been greeted by a selection of free goodies??), and they’ve reported some pretty impressive statistics as a result:
• Featured beer brands saw a 71% boost in sales.
• Featured brands and varieties of frozen pizza experienced a 600% sales increase.
• Featured wines enjoyed a boost of more than 300% in sales.
• Featured cosmetics of lipstick and mascara sales rose by more than 500%.
• Featured packaged cheeses doubled in sales.
Those are some seriously significant numbers, and they’re not alone. In fact, according to the Atlantic article referenced below, some retailers have seen a 2,000% increase in sales as a result of sampling. Why does it work? The article quotes Dan Ariely, a behavioral economist at Duke University, who breaks it down into two reasons:
Reciprocity: “If someone does something for you, you really feel a rather surprisingly strong obligation to do something back for them.” Cravings: “What samples do is they give you a particular desire for something. If I gave you a tiny bit of chocolate, all of a sudden it would remind you about the exact taste of chocolate and would increase your craving.” So how can you make sampling work for you? We’ve made it easy. Through its digital app and desktop platform, we provide clients with a comprehensive sampling system that is professional, simplified and low-cost. This system harnesses the power of sampling and contributes to significantly increased product sales. Need more evidence? Check out this case study, which demonstrates that one of the best ways to convert a prospect is through a physical experience—which is often best achieved by tasting, touching or smelling a product.
CASE STUDY: Sound Concepts Digital Platform Sets New Standards for Product Sampling
In this case study, a Sound Concepts app subscriber sent out 75 product samples using the digital sampling system. The subscriber enjoyed a nearly 20-fold return, with a very high conversion rate of 20%. Here are the key results:
• # of Product Samples Sent: 75
• Total Cost of Samples: $113
• Conversion Rate: Appx 20%
• Revenue Created: $2,000
• Residual Revenue Created: $400/month
Inside the Numbers
There are a few key take-aways from this campaign’s results:
Other Sound Concepts clients have reported conversion rates as high as 36%!
Removes Major Obstacles: A major challenge in traditional sampling is that the distributor often has to create/assemble their own sample packaging (printing a sheet/letter, folding, adhering, etc), and then do the mailing as well. Sound Concepts moves that “pain point” by doing all the creation, assembling and mailing. Neither the company nor distributor has to be involved in those steps. The prospect receives a professionally designed and printed sample for an optimal product experience. Full-Scale Results: This was only a small, test-sample sized campaign. It’s easy to imagine how the results would scale within a full-scale campaign. Analytics & Insight: Sound Concepts’ digital platform creates unique “action links” that are assigned to a distributor in all sharing activities (social media posts, text sharing of videos, etc.) Insights and analytics gained by Sound Concepts’ unique action links has helped clients like this to modify and better manage existing campaigns, understand what message/marketing is working, and so forth. Harnesses Social Media Power: The SC platform provides professional, pre-written social content to share on distributors’ social media networks. This overcomes the common challenge of distributors not knowing what to say/post and doing it in an effective and compliant way. Drip Emails Provide Education and Call to Action: The System also provides a drip email campaign that tells the prospect receiving the sample it is on its way, educates them on the product benefits, provides links to other info and the shopping cart, and has purchase call to actions. Creates Qualified Leads: The system also helps create qualified leads—typically by including a small shipping/handling fee. Those prospects who are unwilling to pay a few dollars shipping for a product sample are highly unlikely to purchase a month’s supply of product. Those who do pay the shipping are then a more qualified lead and deserve the focus and follow-up efforts of the distributor.
The results of this case study clearly demonstrate the unique ability of the Sound Concepts digital app and sampling system to deliver significantly increased sales and potential distributor enrollments. This system removes the normal challenges of traditional sampling, making it a very attractive and efficient option for growing product exposure and sales.
Have you used sampling before? How has it impacted your business? Sound off in the comments! And for more information about how to institute a sampling campaign through our Brightools system, contact us at <contact information>.
Party-plan companies (or companies that promote their products by arranging social events) have long been a staple of the direct sales industry and continue to rise in popularity. So, what can the Brightools platform offer in terms of digital tools to a company model that is based on in-person interactions? We’ve broken it down into three key features that will help your party-plan company achieve increased sales and exposure:
Feature #1: Digital Catalogs
Stop wasting money, paper and other resources. Allowing your distributors access to an app-based digital catalog will provide them opportunities to reach out to more prospects for a smaller investment, even when they’re on the go! Digital catalogs can also be interactive, so customers can be redirected right to a shopping cart to place their order. These enhanced catalogs are adapted to ensure a positive digital experience for distributors and customers alike.
Feature #2: Print-on-Demand Catalogs
Of course, there are also traditionalists who prefer a tangible way to view your company’s offerings. For that reason, we offer print-on-demand catalogs as a way to minimize waste while still catering to your distributor wants and needs. This feature is designed to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds—not only can these catalogs be sent straight from the app, but the people you send them to will receive a drip of messages to keep them in the loop, and you’ll receive up-to-date notifications. Adding the ability for a consultant to customize the catalog with her picture, contact information, and website make this a personal tool that will impress every contact.
Feature #3: Social Sharing
Your distributors can view and share a vast variety of social images and video with just a tap of the finger. This content can be anything from conversation starters to motivational quotes, or a promotional post about your company. While all posts have the end goal of boosting engagement and online interaction for your distributors, promotional posts have the added advantage of boosting site views and sales. For more details on how this works, check out the case study below.
Case Study: Promotional social posts lead to increases in site views, sales
What kind of results can you expect by utilizing the Brightools app in your party-plan company? Below are the results from one week’s use by a client. Note: One distributor reported receiving an order for $300 as a direct result of sharing a promotional post via social media!
Client A Week 41 Stats
New users this week: 632
Active users this week: 4,660
Number of prospects per user: 16.71
Total social media shares this week: 41,558
Prospects generated per share: 1.87
As you can see, the client in question saw incredible results—an average of nearly two prospects gained just by sharing a social post!
Distributor Testimonials:
“I tried the social sharing feature in the app and it works quite well, allowing you to copy your message and paste it into the post. Quick and easy! So I uploaded one of these [photos] and guess what I received? A ‘Congratulations, you have an order’ message! Yes, one of my customers saw the picture and went online to purchase the [item]!” – Paulette Matthews
“This new app is great. For those of you who have not yet tried it, it is a great tool for your business. I used it to send emails with the new Halloween PDF file attached. If they follow the link to your site it lets you know. This means following up is easy and if they do not order you can contact them in a few days.” – Sandy Edmison
Toms. Zappos. Warby Parker.
What do all these companies have in common? Well, in addition to huge success, they are known for their social causes, which have had a huge role in driving that success.
In an industry where paid advertising is gasping for air, and word-of-mouth marketing is more competitive than ever, adopting a cause is an easy and effective way to build a powerful movement that can propel your company to new heights.
Zija is a great example of this. Their #NaturalHealthRevolution not only functions as a campaign to encourage healthier lifestyles, but also as a compelling reason to choose Zija over its competitors. The #NaturalHealthRevolution tagline is, “MOTIVATED – DRIVEN – FOCUSED – HEALTH MINDED. Help us, Help others!” By coupling revolutionary products with a way for consumers to help others navigate what they refer to as a “global nutritional famine,” Zija has created a powerful call to action that has translated into increased sales.
An article on businessnewsdaily.com titled, “What is Corporate Social Responsibility” says, “Today's consumers are looking for more than just high-quality products and services when they make a purchase. They're prioritizing corporate social responsibility (CSR), and holding corporations accountable for effecting social change with their business beliefs, practices and profits.”
The bottom line is this: people want their dollars to do more than pay for goods and services; they want them to make a difference. And capitalizing on this growing trend is a surefire way to build brand loyalty—and, in turn, word-of-mouth marketing. And, of course, supporting a cause is a great way to give back your community (or even the world at large).
If you’re willing to give this strategy a chance, begin by selecting a cause that is in line with your company’s mission and values. You can start small by participating in already established charity drives, such as Red Nose Day, or go big by integrating your cause into a larger aspect of your business.
Whether you decide to support a non-profit aimed at combatting domestic violence, use a percentage of your profits to build schools in impoverished areas, host a gala to raise money for cancer research, or something else, there are numerous ways to establish yourself as a socially responsible company. Just remember to keep your passion for your cause authentic and to abide by all laws and guidelines governing charitable donations.
Looking for other ways to increase your company’s exposure? We’re happy to help. Email us at pr@soundconcepts.com to set up a consultation.
There’s no question that that today’s consumers are more mobile than ever. In fact, we are past the tipping point in terms of digital media—the number of global mobile users now exceeds desktop users, and the average adult spends almost three hours a day on a mobile device. Tech giant companies like Amazon and Apple have seen massive mobile digital commerce growth—and you can do the same.
How Can Our Brightools Platform Help?
It’s very clear that the use of digital tools and formats within the direct sales industry has increased greatly and will continue to increase well into the future. The need to invest in and incorporate digital tools is paramount to any direct sales company’s success. Sound Concepts has been at the digital forefront for many years now, and boasts award-winning, proprietary digital technology in our Brightools platform and tools. These digital tools will help your distributors “touch” more prospects via mobile devices, resulting in increased sales and enrollments.
One of the innovative digital tools mentioned above is the Brightools app’s social selling feature. This patent-pending technology creates unique links that simplify social sharing and provide comprehensive data to analyze and improve your campaigns in just four simple steps:
1. A distributor selects a tool to share through social media.
2. With just a tap they are guided through writing a message to post and share the content via any of their social networks.
3. The app creates a unique link that ties the asset to the distributor.
4. Prospects who tap the content are taken from the post to a pre-populated shopping cart, shortening the decision-making experience.
That’s a sale made in as few as three taps!
Of course, one of the most difficult things about implementing a new digital system is simply helping everyone learn how to use it. We eliminate this worry by providing detailed, clear and up-to-date training for all of our tools. We’ll also make sure you know exactly what you’re paying for, as the Brightools digital platform boasts a heap of digital data and many ways to analyze it. You’ll be kept informed about user activity, contact activity, shared content analytics and more!
The Perfect Blend of Digital & Physical
We’ve talked before on this blog about the importance of marrying digital and physical tools to build a brand. In spite of the increase in the use of and demand for digital tools, traditional “analog” tools compliment and reinforce branding and messaging and can be essential for certain demographics. In fact, many field leaders find a distinct synergy when using both types of tools for recruiting, training, and business building. That’s why we offer the ultimate blend of print/analog tools and their digital counterparts to ensure your customers will receive and share your message.
Interested in learning more about Brightools and its powerful, intuitive features? Shoot us an email at pr@soudnconcepts.com.

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