This is the complaint in federal court-this is what the "prosecution" contends and wants-but CWRN will have an opportunity to contest at a hearing and more. CWRN does have at least 1 attorney on its advisory board as noted in a fall 2010 PR but he's probably only qualified to practice in Mexico and may not have this specialty anyway-so Bob would have to obtain an attorney qualified to practice in U.S. federal court (most attorneys are not trial attorneys-many attorneys have never been in court and never will be)- I doubt that he had any prior warning-he probably got served w the complaint today himself.
The justice system is crazier than a mad hatter so this is my opinion only-out of all the fraudulent schemes out there in thousands of penny stocks its odd that this happens in our back yard-wonder if we have basher friends to thank for that - for alerting re CWRN just like shorters screamed promotion to otc when the rapid Jan 2011 pps rise was killing shorters- the childish feeding frenzy-wonder if bashers had advance notice-an attempted raid was obvious both Friday and today.
The company continues-operations continue and may have to be turned over to Sharon until this is settled-she is President of the sub which does the mining-she is reportedly smart and reportedly has a degree in international business from the reputedly excellent Madrid University and the University of Mexico I think. CWRN has qualified geologists and mining engineers etc also.
Its hard to get any detail on a 5 year chart but during that time frame the 5 yr chart doesnt show any trading or change in pps-does anybody have a good chart for the Feb-April 2010 time frame? This was part of the time frame when regulatory was targeting penny stocks in a new antibusiness attitude-an attitude which eventually gave otc/dtc/brokers etc "freedom" to do what they had wanted to do for a long time-and the thing is penny stocks have a lot more "regulation/disclosure" than they did just years ago-especially in the pre- 1999 wild west days, from what I've read.
This was before CWRN obtained investor financing ca June/July 2010. In Feb 2010 CWRN had an offering-and made a filing - to sell convertible debentures or stock but sold only 50 thousand dollars of the intended 500 thousand dollar offering.