34th. You are free to express your opinions. I am also free to express mine. So here goes.
I think you have a worse impact on the overall impression of this company than the bashers on ihub. Most people can see that a lot of those posters are blatantly attacking PNCH nonstop and that they are trying to drive the price down.
You on the other hand come on here & whine away about how much Steve has let you down & unprofessional he is. You keep telling us how many shares your group owns and that they all think PNCH sucks.
If you have all these shares & you are tired of losing money, why don't you ask your questions...but stop all the attacks on Steve. I'm tired of it. I'ts hurting the stock. Its not helping.
The flip side: Steve continues to do virtually everythng he has said he would do. Sure, some things have fallen by the wayside. But the 2 biggest, Punch TV & ClearVision airports, are progressing rapidly.
Those are facts.
You say Steve is unprofessional because he told people to F off. Well: I have seen some of the absolutely over the top threatening stuff people have written to him. I for one absolutely do not blame him for fighting back.
Steve is fighting every day to progress this company. Steve has nothing to do with dumping shares. Steve cannot control the price. The price is down IN SPITE of the great work Steve is doing.
In case people are wondering: I never heard of this company until last Feb. When I read about it, I bought in at 1/2 cent. I've also bought more at higher prices...and some more at lower prices. I might buy a bit today before heading off for vacation for 1 week. Overall: I am in the hole too. I blame no one but myself for the timing of some of my purchases. I have no concern, because I believe in this company. Big time.
In time things will get better & better for PNCH.