(Total Views: 970)
Posted On: 11/13/2018 6:08:48 AM
Post# of 82676
Big deals& Revs in November? 3rdQtr& Jan2019
This post is about the big picture, the impact of Gallagher deal and Kays tweet of multiple deals and millions by oct, are there other deals than Gallagher? Who might they be? I will touch on my 3rd qtr expectations. And why I feel January might be a breakout month for us.
Here we go . . .
Kay mentioned in August we should see multiple deals & millions in revenues by Sept or Oct. Then Oct passed and the bashers came out saying Kays is dangling the carrot again, lying , kicking the can down the road. Etc
Then out of nowhere, we land Gallagher Insurance company it surprised everyone, (including yours truly)
We have Secure Guard iD’s customer Gallagher Insurance which is now live! They are taking orders from their customers selling SFORs OOBA and Encryption to DOD contractors and insuring them to be DOD compliant, Their customer base is DOD contractors and sub-contractors who must be security compliant by December. Looks like we are in for a very busy rest of Nov and all of December.
Now there is no reason to doubt that there is more than one big deal, is there?
Well, he mentioned in August deals in the millions, we now know one of those deals is live (Gallagher) . So possibly there might be another million dollar deal or deals that may have already gone live or are about to go live as well, like Gallagher. They might be making revenues we don't know about, we don’t know who they are or what they do.
However all of us can agree Kay sure wasn’t bluffing on the significance of Gallagher was he?
What do we know about Gallagher WE KNOW it’s the 5th largest insurance company in the world, it’s an international billion dollar company, it is now actively selling our product , per their web site and the PR’s submitted by both SFORs channel partner and 360/Gallagher! Is it really real? Yes you can kick the tires if you want to on the deal, to see that it is real by going to their website.
And dear fellow longs , it is real, it is huge, it will create immense revenue as all DOD contractors must be complaint by December, therefore they should see immense sales from DOD contractors in Nov & Dec who otherwise would lose business with the DOD if not compliant SFOR will get there 20 to 25% probably in the beginning of Jan 19 (Maybe sooner)
Who might the other or others big client be?
So again remember Kay told the truth on Deals with millions of revenues. But he said other deals as well.
WE have been waiting for some big deals from SFORs Channel partner ACS, who according to emails and other DD posted here before, has worked with both BofA merchants services and billion dollar international corp First Data (8 mil clients) deal to protect their credit card transaction to be PCI (Payment Card industry) compliant with OOBA (SFORs patent) Has that gone live? It could have , We will see. Remember PCI security measures make OOBA processing mandatory! Not a suggestion but mandatory!!
If First Data's clients are actively being protected by SFORs OOBA through ACS, can you imagine the amount of credit card activity and revenue for SFOR from now through December and the holiday shopping season? That would also show up in January. SFORs gets it 20 % or more cut.
Also being worked on by ACS /McAfee is endpoint protection utilizing OOBA in its deal with the US Army $550 mil and $180 mil contracts , as well as all other McAfee clients requiring endpoint protection.
A hold up for some clients coming on board with McAfee is that this product is offered on ePO 5.1 and clients need to upgrade to it to be covered with endpoint protection. Could that also be a deal that has gone live? We don't know but that deal was announced about a year ago. SFOR will get their 20% or more cut.
Is there another unknown names huge multi-billion company that is now using SFOR products, like Gallagher Insurance, that has signed on and will surprise us all ? AON, Blackwater a Bank or Banks a mobile company? we will have to wait to find out.
AS mentioned, Nov with Gallagher Ins. will have good sales and December should see a full month of revenues from the above deals IMO and Jan should be a month in which they pay SFOR their 20 to 25% cut. Kay should be able to do a significant revenue PR.
Also, in January (Feb latest) it is expected that in December we should receive a January court date announced for which we are long overdue for.
As you can see January looks like it could be the start of a beautiful PPS run
So what does this mean to you?
Fellow longs, it is not “getting real” now, IT IS REAL NOW. Gallagher is proof positive of Kay NOT putting a carrot before us , to lead us on, or a stall tactic to put off bad news, or kicking the can down the road as it were. That what the bashers have been going insane over.
This is proof of Kays earnest efforts in trying to inform us of things he was briefed on by certain channel partners who appraised him of events that were thought close, but then , after he told us , those events evidently ended up being delayed.
Kay is playing it tight to the vest these days as it relates to these deals. He is careful because these are Channel partner deals, so he is limited on commenting on them.
But one thing is certain SFOR and their Channel partners have been working tirelessly at various stages on many huge deals all year and finally we are seeing them come to life. We are hearing the revenue Volcano start to clear her voice with a ka, ka , ka ---before the revenue volcano goes KABOOM!
While December could see a rev PR or 2 , IMO January 2019 will be a turning the corner month, as it relates to receiving revenues for SFOR , as they should finally see revenues flowing in from December’s harvest and be paid with in the first 2 weeks of January.
Expectations for me for this 3rd Quarters report? (modest revs)
So what are my expectations for this week's 3rd quarter report?
My expectation is for an unremarkable report revenue wise. I think we might see an increase in sales. moderate revs. Hope I’m wrong , I would love to be surprised with lots of mula, however if I am right and the revs are unremarkable, it doesn't concern me. IMO
Remember numbers don’t tell the whole story. They being SFOR and its channel partners worked there butts off to get the multi million dollars deals. And I am so happy about that , giddy if you will. So it didn’t show up in the 3rd qtr who cares, it is in the system and those revenues are on the way. We are golden!
The 3rd Qtr revs could have been great , if the above mega deals or whatever deals that did closed , had closed in Sept as initially was expected by channel partners that Mark had confidently related to us.
SO while a low rev 3rd Qtr may be a little disappointing to some , to me, it is truly just a "little" disappointment , as I am looking at the amazing big picture here in the next 2 months.
Charts are useful and great. But not always. Sometimes it’s the unwritten charts, the ones from your DD , that you project in your mind as you put all the DD together with current developments that may have happened after the previous Qtr has ended. And that figurative chart reads very clearly , in your mind , you can see it develop as if has already happened.
Oh some will arrive and say look at the charts leading up to October. And say prospects are dismal at best. Some may trade on that old news. Safe bet. Best wishes to you!
However, that chart, doesn’t show the future of SFOR like the Gallagher chart does. (It’s a figurative chart I am being a little waggish lol )
That Gallagher deal blows up the old charts that are based upon old, outdated data , resulting in it being a misleading road map.
Gallagher is the harbinger of the multi millions in SFORs financial future of with more PRs and rev PR news based on the way Gallagher developed. The future is indeed golden!
The new chart data is starting now in the 4th qtr. I will make my financial decisions based on the most recent information, thank you ! Gallagher Insurance and the other multiple deals Kay referred to as either being live or being close to being live and selling our product and receiving revenues.
So the next 2 months Nov 15 ,Dec and early Jan 15 will be SFORs version of Tesla’s accelerating from 0-60 in insane mode.
Why do I say the next 2 months ? Because it’s going to be crazy-awesome IMO that our channel partners are finally starting to see, a flow of money, NOW!, as in NOW!!!! as in November and those revenues should steadily increase the rest of this month, Finally!
In December Gallagher should hit their stride, and we should see revenues increasing to a strong surge next month during the compliance deadline of December ! We are talking the 5th largest insurance company in the world, can you say “significant revenues” ! IMO
We might see other PRs in November , maybe this week, or the next , like Gallagher’s coming out of nowhere. Or in December just like Gallagher suddenly happened, the other deal or multi deals Kay referred to are happening as well. He is truthful. (Where is a Paul Revere to announce stuff when you need one lol!)
So for me, it’s all pointing to a very big January for us, we might see another couple of PRs presented to us by either a client like Gallagher did in their PR or by one of our Channel partners like Secure Guard ID did or even SFOR might surprise us with a PR on a big client, of their own.
However, as amazing as the above will be, it’s a confirmation of what has been posted by some of the DD here and tweets of CEO Kay.
Imagine all of this and a January reversal of Alice 101! how will the stock world react to that?
How will they react to settlements from Thales, Singtel? and the settlement jewel Cisco/Duo? The Cisco triple willful infringement part of the settlement will be perhaps as large as $500 mil or more , in which SFOR would split the $500 mil with ropes and Grey (contingency). How would the market react to that?
As the three infringers above after settling will become channel partners, what about the monthly revenue from all three numbering in the 10’s of millions of dollars a month.
Yes, I am looking forward to January, but things may happen to pop the PPS between now and then. Obviously things now are moving quickly.
How about Stock price dropping before Shareholders Meeting?
The low volume has made it easy for some traders to sell on the expectations that the 3rd Qtr. report will be negative and they will try to spin the report as disastrously bad, and SFOR as being a hopeless investment, and they are planning on typical bashing to create some fear selling afterwards a disappointing possible 3Qtr report. That’s what some flippers are hoping for. They can do that if everyone forgets one little something: THAT WE JUST SIGNED A HUGE MULTI MILLION DEAL WITH THE 5TH LARGEST INSURANCE COMPANY ON THE WORLD, DEALING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CONTRACTORS who must be compliant in December of this year. RESULTING IN MILLIONS AND ZILLIONS AND BRAZILLIONS! (if you live in brazil
But honestly with Gallagher on board and the millions of dollars in revenues it will bring in to SFOR along with others , makes the 3rd quarter report already obsolete!
Gallagher and other deals are what the immediate future is for SFOR and it is starting now!.
Without the Gallagher deal we might have been in trouble a little but not now. We are going to be hit with more amazing news of deals and revenues that are happening as I type and you read!
Kindly reread some of zpauls , Grows and Hates Liars DD, become familiar with it , because it is happening! It is SFORs future! it is your future! Mine too!
Don’t let anyone take your future away! Honestly, bashers have been telling us Kay is a liar, we have again learned otherwise, he has told the truth and we can indeed trust him. He has delivered.
Caution : If others try and overhype the 3rd Qtr report saying that it is going to be ridiculously amazing, we are going to be at .50 cents ,I hope they are right, but honestly I don’t see it happening,
Some bashers posing like SFOR longs, would try to fluff/hype like a true long poster on Liehub they would post fluff , saying stuff like this weekend we will be at a dollar , and she would keep posting nonsense week after week, , in order to build false grandiose expectations ,then when it didn’t materialize it left some feeling like Kay deceived them only to be disappointed, or the longs had unrealistic expectations , but the lie hub poster was hoping they would then sell. Also it gave the board and its longs an appearance of being a bunch of Rah Rahs which we clearly are not. WE are about DD here.
I think we are at a point, to sit back, don’t worry, add if you need a bigger position now is the time to do it as shares are really cheap right now, do whatever is in your best interests ! Me, I will add here on dips!
Man, I don’t know about you, but this is starting to get really really fun!
Take Care and blessings!
(sorry this was long, probably lost some of you , wasn’t intending on a novel lol )
This post is about the big picture, the impact of Gallagher deal and Kays tweet of multiple deals and millions by oct, are there other deals than Gallagher? Who might they be? I will touch on my 3rd qtr expectations. And why I feel January might be a breakout month for us.
Here we go . . .
Kay mentioned in August we should see multiple deals & millions in revenues by Sept or Oct. Then Oct passed and the bashers came out saying Kays is dangling the carrot again, lying , kicking the can down the road. Etc
Then out of nowhere, we land Gallagher Insurance company it surprised everyone, (including yours truly)
We have Secure Guard iD’s customer Gallagher Insurance which is now live! They are taking orders from their customers selling SFORs OOBA and Encryption to DOD contractors and insuring them to be DOD compliant, Their customer base is DOD contractors and sub-contractors who must be security compliant by December. Looks like we are in for a very busy rest of Nov and all of December.
Now there is no reason to doubt that there is more than one big deal, is there?
Well, he mentioned in August deals in the millions, we now know one of those deals is live (Gallagher) . So possibly there might be another million dollar deal or deals that may have already gone live or are about to go live as well, like Gallagher. They might be making revenues we don't know about, we don’t know who they are or what they do.
However all of us can agree Kay sure wasn’t bluffing on the significance of Gallagher was he?
What do we know about Gallagher WE KNOW it’s the 5th largest insurance company in the world, it’s an international billion dollar company, it is now actively selling our product , per their web site and the PR’s submitted by both SFORs channel partner and 360/Gallagher! Is it really real? Yes you can kick the tires if you want to on the deal, to see that it is real by going to their website.
And dear fellow longs , it is real, it is huge, it will create immense revenue as all DOD contractors must be complaint by December, therefore they should see immense sales from DOD contractors in Nov & Dec who otherwise would lose business with the DOD if not compliant SFOR will get there 20 to 25% probably in the beginning of Jan 19 (Maybe sooner)
Who might the other or others big client be?
So again remember Kay told the truth on Deals with millions of revenues. But he said other deals as well.
WE have been waiting for some big deals from SFORs Channel partner ACS, who according to emails and other DD posted here before, has worked with both BofA merchants services and billion dollar international corp First Data (8 mil clients) deal to protect their credit card transaction to be PCI (Payment Card industry) compliant with OOBA (SFORs patent) Has that gone live? It could have , We will see. Remember PCI security measures make OOBA processing mandatory! Not a suggestion but mandatory!!
If First Data's clients are actively being protected by SFORs OOBA through ACS, can you imagine the amount of credit card activity and revenue for SFOR from now through December and the holiday shopping season? That would also show up in January. SFORs gets it 20 % or more cut.
Also being worked on by ACS /McAfee is endpoint protection utilizing OOBA in its deal with the US Army $550 mil and $180 mil contracts , as well as all other McAfee clients requiring endpoint protection.
A hold up for some clients coming on board with McAfee is that this product is offered on ePO 5.1 and clients need to upgrade to it to be covered with endpoint protection. Could that also be a deal that has gone live? We don't know but that deal was announced about a year ago. SFOR will get their 20% or more cut.
Is there another unknown names huge multi-billion company that is now using SFOR products, like Gallagher Insurance, that has signed on and will surprise us all ? AON, Blackwater a Bank or Banks a mobile company? we will have to wait to find out.
AS mentioned, Nov with Gallagher Ins. will have good sales and December should see a full month of revenues from the above deals IMO and Jan should be a month in which they pay SFOR their 20 to 25% cut. Kay should be able to do a significant revenue PR.
Also, in January (Feb latest) it is expected that in December we should receive a January court date announced for which we are long overdue for.
As you can see January looks like it could be the start of a beautiful PPS run
So what does this mean to you?
Fellow longs, it is not “getting real” now, IT IS REAL NOW. Gallagher is proof positive of Kay NOT putting a carrot before us , to lead us on, or a stall tactic to put off bad news, or kicking the can down the road as it were. That what the bashers have been going insane over.
This is proof of Kays earnest efforts in trying to inform us of things he was briefed on by certain channel partners who appraised him of events that were thought close, but then , after he told us , those events evidently ended up being delayed.
Kay is playing it tight to the vest these days as it relates to these deals. He is careful because these are Channel partner deals, so he is limited on commenting on them.
But one thing is certain SFOR and their Channel partners have been working tirelessly at various stages on many huge deals all year and finally we are seeing them come to life. We are hearing the revenue Volcano start to clear her voice with a ka, ka , ka ---before the revenue volcano goes KABOOM!
While December could see a rev PR or 2 , IMO January 2019 will be a turning the corner month, as it relates to receiving revenues for SFOR , as they should finally see revenues flowing in from December’s harvest and be paid with in the first 2 weeks of January.
Expectations for me for this 3rd Quarters report? (modest revs)
So what are my expectations for this week's 3rd quarter report?
My expectation is for an unremarkable report revenue wise. I think we might see an increase in sales. moderate revs. Hope I’m wrong , I would love to be surprised with lots of mula, however if I am right and the revs are unremarkable, it doesn't concern me. IMO
Remember numbers don’t tell the whole story. They being SFOR and its channel partners worked there butts off to get the multi million dollars deals. And I am so happy about that , giddy if you will. So it didn’t show up in the 3rd qtr who cares, it is in the system and those revenues are on the way. We are golden!
The 3rd Qtr revs could have been great , if the above mega deals or whatever deals that did closed , had closed in Sept as initially was expected by channel partners that Mark had confidently related to us.
SO while a low rev 3rd Qtr may be a little disappointing to some , to me, it is truly just a "little" disappointment , as I am looking at the amazing big picture here in the next 2 months.
Charts are useful and great. But not always. Sometimes it’s the unwritten charts, the ones from your DD , that you project in your mind as you put all the DD together with current developments that may have happened after the previous Qtr has ended. And that figurative chart reads very clearly , in your mind , you can see it develop as if has already happened.
Oh some will arrive and say look at the charts leading up to October. And say prospects are dismal at best. Some may trade on that old news. Safe bet. Best wishes to you!
However, that chart, doesn’t show the future of SFOR like the Gallagher chart does. (It’s a figurative chart I am being a little waggish lol )
That Gallagher deal blows up the old charts that are based upon old, outdated data , resulting in it being a misleading road map.
Gallagher is the harbinger of the multi millions in SFORs financial future of with more PRs and rev PR news based on the way Gallagher developed. The future is indeed golden!
The new chart data is starting now in the 4th qtr. I will make my financial decisions based on the most recent information, thank you ! Gallagher Insurance and the other multiple deals Kay referred to as either being live or being close to being live and selling our product and receiving revenues.
So the next 2 months Nov 15 ,Dec and early Jan 15 will be SFORs version of Tesla’s accelerating from 0-60 in insane mode.
Why do I say the next 2 months ? Because it’s going to be crazy-awesome IMO that our channel partners are finally starting to see, a flow of money, NOW!, as in NOW!!!! as in November and those revenues should steadily increase the rest of this month, Finally!
In December Gallagher should hit their stride, and we should see revenues increasing to a strong surge next month during the compliance deadline of December ! We are talking the 5th largest insurance company in the world, can you say “significant revenues” ! IMO
We might see other PRs in November , maybe this week, or the next , like Gallagher’s coming out of nowhere. Or in December just like Gallagher suddenly happened, the other deal or multi deals Kay referred to are happening as well. He is truthful. (Where is a Paul Revere to announce stuff when you need one lol!)
So for me, it’s all pointing to a very big January for us, we might see another couple of PRs presented to us by either a client like Gallagher did in their PR or by one of our Channel partners like Secure Guard ID did or even SFOR might surprise us with a PR on a big client, of their own.
However, as amazing as the above will be, it’s a confirmation of what has been posted by some of the DD here and tweets of CEO Kay.
Imagine all of this and a January reversal of Alice 101! how will the stock world react to that?
How will they react to settlements from Thales, Singtel? and the settlement jewel Cisco/Duo? The Cisco triple willful infringement part of the settlement will be perhaps as large as $500 mil or more , in which SFOR would split the $500 mil with ropes and Grey (contingency). How would the market react to that?
As the three infringers above after settling will become channel partners, what about the monthly revenue from all three numbering in the 10’s of millions of dollars a month.
Yes, I am looking forward to January, but things may happen to pop the PPS between now and then. Obviously things now are moving quickly.
How about Stock price dropping before Shareholders Meeting?
The low volume has made it easy for some traders to sell on the expectations that the 3rd Qtr. report will be negative and they will try to spin the report as disastrously bad, and SFOR as being a hopeless investment, and they are planning on typical bashing to create some fear selling afterwards a disappointing possible 3Qtr report. That’s what some flippers are hoping for. They can do that if everyone forgets one little something: THAT WE JUST SIGNED A HUGE MULTI MILLION DEAL WITH THE 5TH LARGEST INSURANCE COMPANY ON THE WORLD, DEALING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CONTRACTORS who must be compliant in December of this year. RESULTING IN MILLIONS AND ZILLIONS AND BRAZILLIONS! (if you live in brazil
But honestly with Gallagher on board and the millions of dollars in revenues it will bring in to SFOR along with others , makes the 3rd quarter report already obsolete!
Gallagher and other deals are what the immediate future is for SFOR and it is starting now!.
Without the Gallagher deal we might have been in trouble a little but not now. We are going to be hit with more amazing news of deals and revenues that are happening as I type and you read!
Kindly reread some of zpauls , Grows and Hates Liars DD, become familiar with it , because it is happening! It is SFORs future! it is your future! Mine too!
Don’t let anyone take your future away! Honestly, bashers have been telling us Kay is a liar, we have again learned otherwise, he has told the truth and we can indeed trust him. He has delivered.
Caution : If others try and overhype the 3rd Qtr report saying that it is going to be ridiculously amazing, we are going to be at .50 cents ,I hope they are right, but honestly I don’t see it happening,
Some bashers posing like SFOR longs, would try to fluff/hype like a true long poster on Liehub they would post fluff , saying stuff like this weekend we will be at a dollar , and she would keep posting nonsense week after week, , in order to build false grandiose expectations ,then when it didn’t materialize it left some feeling like Kay deceived them only to be disappointed, or the longs had unrealistic expectations , but the lie hub poster was hoping they would then sell. Also it gave the board and its longs an appearance of being a bunch of Rah Rahs which we clearly are not. WE are about DD here.
I think we are at a point, to sit back, don’t worry, add if you need a bigger position now is the time to do it as shares are really cheap right now, do whatever is in your best interests ! Me, I will add here on dips!
Man, I don’t know about you, but this is starting to get really really fun!
Take Care and blessings!
(sorry this was long, probably lost some of you , wasn’t intending on a novel lol )
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