Thought the following TRUE story is apropros since p53 has been called the "Guardian Angel Gene".
Very good friends of mine, both police officers, had a young son who died at 7 from leukemia. The husband died of cancer and his many good friends have been wonderful in helping his wife with whatever needs to be done. One day I related to her that my sister passed out on her front lawn from an ear problem of some sort and she swears that my deceased father knelt over her to protect her while she was out. I mentioned the possibility of hallucination and she got near violent swearing Dad was there. Well, my friend said she had a story that topped that. When her young son was near death, she told him not to worry because when the time came for him to go to Heaven, God would send angels so he wouldn't feel alone. He responded "Mom, you don't have to tell me. They were here last night and I asked them if I could have one more day and they said yes." He died later that night.
The strange part of the story is that they never had pushed religion in their home as their idea was to let him get a little older then they would introduce him to various religions and let him decide which one made the most sense to him. Thus, he had no expectations or parental guidance to make him think anything like angels would be coming to him. It puts a smile on my face whenever I think about it. That's why I love p53 and the "Guardian Angel" term.