Pete! That is so funny - that you thought the Kevetrin trial was in Jerusalem! Awesome!
So - consistency of staff for each cohort is a big, big deal. That's why the holidays slowed them up. Any replacements at higher levels would mean IRB permission through amendment - better that they slow trial down for vacations of clinical investigator and patient liason, etc.
I can't think of any reason for there to be a time difference between cohorts. Same data collected at each dose and surely they haven't had to do a backup yet because they reached possible mtd.
Cellceutix is owner of info in this trial. Leo said in one email that DF has say on some of the info release timing. ASCO disclosure depends on the research contract they created with DF. I have no idea what the details of that contact are, but nondisclosure of data seems to be a part of it given how tightlipped they've been to this point. If I ventured a pure guess - I'd say CTIX worked ASCO into the contract as the contract would be written for the best benefit of the company sponsor of the trial.