I spent my evening at a meeting of a non-profit organization on whose board of directors I serve. And I come back to this.
I am appalled that on the night of HUGE, GIGANTIC news for CTIX, this board has spent its time and energy in a pissing contest about who is worse or better, instead of focused on this news.
Why are people spending their energy on this? Is this going to educate prospective shareholders about the merits of CTIX?
Right now it is time to stop all this. Provocative and slyly sarcastic comments about other posters must stop. Using one board to attack people on another board must stop (I refer to CLSN CTIX).
JUST DROP THIS. Focus on CTIX on this board.
If someone continues to make sly digs at other people, or outright digs, the posts should be deleted. I suggest that the entire evening's "work" be "disappeared." It's ridiculous and does not reflect well on this board.
Why are we focused on one person? I would like to think that people are smart enough to realize when they are being baited, and that responding is just giving the baiter the EXACT response they wanted and hoped for.
Dynabolic's post has a lot of merit.
I say, STFU about all this and move on. If someone keeps on with this counterproductive fighting, the posts should be deleted.