Be serious. You made far more precise examples of hate speech and outright anti-social behaviour than the simple citing of an article by eddie. I countered that article with facts and reason, you did it with vile behaviour.
I've got all the quotations if you need your memory refreshed.
The stark difference biomanbaba, is Eddie was man enough to apologise publicly. You refused to to so either publicly or privately.
The worst eddie did was give credibility to a questionable article. You engaged in outright defamation, stalking, character assassination, etc.
This ongoing defamation is despicable period. Not one person has commented on what buccaneer1961 and Biomanbabba has written here, issued an apology.
"Vermin, Nazi, Anti-semite, animal, hunt down, slimeball" etc. etc.
It's hypocrisy, pure and simple.