*imo* considering the *effort* NR has expended on both (years) .. both OTC targets retain a beyond enviable Share Structure ..
imo most of what NR does is % based .. and some of it imo is signaling
i think yesterday the *attempt* was to have far more *volume* than was actually done
it is quite possible that the first round of trading is either clueless newbies trying to buy (18c yesterday) or NR signaling to others who illegally manipulate OTC targets
i tend to just try and note where the 3 Primary MMs re: IPIX are positioned and which decoy MM is usually aligned (CDEL/VERT for example) and check *trades* to see what they show .. @ the ask .. @ the bid (adjust or NC .. no change on size) or hidden (done between bid and ask)
note earlier that the *bid* of 13c became the UC ask of 13c
i refer to this effort as resetting .. yesterday there was a lot of that done via 5000 *trades* .. resetting imo can be wash trading for *volume* or the clock .. between colluding entities .. it is done constantly on IPIX
and remember too .. *imo* if NRs' old line in the sand was that 30c to 35c range .. the new line in the sand *imo* becomes 15c to 175c .. with a goal of always resetting the 52 week low (given is the accompanying demoralization of investors by embeds) and working towards that next round
i noted *volume* would have to enter IPIX .. and it's clear in the last several weeks *volume* has upped the avgs (kicked in on 9.12.18) .. so i'm watching for volume maintenance and what the tape of trades reveals re: trades and how *marked* .. lastly watching to see how last round of dated data on *legal* shows (due out AH's tomorrow if memory serves) .. with all the *volume* in play and the relentlessly compressed PPS giving the impression of *sells* .. one might expect that the 1.4M~ *reported* gets reduced significantly down .. say to 1M~ (imo NRs' goal is to get back to 850k~) .. we shall see
as of this post ..
Detailed Quote:IPIX
0.122Down -0.01 (-7.58 %)AS OF 10:46:31AM ET 10/23/2018
Last Trade 0.122
Trade Time 10:46:31am ET
Change -0.01
% Change -7.58%
Bid 0.122
Bid Size 20000
Ask 0.13
Ask Size 25225
Open 0.1378
Day High 0.14
Day Low 0.122
Previous Close
10/22/2018 0.132
52-Week High
12/06/2017 1.17
52-Week Low
10/19/2018 0.12
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
10/22/2018 -80.73%
Volume 234,951
Volume (10 day Average) 1,155,862
Volume (90 day Average) 380,742
B/A ..
VERT 0.122 5,000 10:08
CANT 0.121 5,000 10:07
NITE 0.121 5,000 10:08
ETRF 0.12 5,000 10:39
CSTI 0.12 5,000 10:41
CDEL 0.116 24,500 10:44
LAFC 0.1103 5,000 10/19
STXG 0.1012 5,000 09/28
VNDM 0.1012 5,000 10/22
PUMA 0.10 5,000 08:10
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
INTL U 0 10/08
DBOX U 0 10/15
OTCX U 0 08:15
CDEL 0.13 15,225 10:44
NITE 0.13 5,000 10:45
CSTI 0.135 5,000 10:43
VERT 0.143 5,000 09:50
ETRF 0.15 8,000 09:53
VNDM 0.23 2,500 10/22
LAFC 0.35 2,500 10/02
PUMA 0.35 2,500 08:10
CANT 0.36 5,000 09:30
STXG 2.00 100 >year
MAXM 8.00 100 07:35
INTL U 0 10/08
DBOX U 0 10/15
OTCX U 0 08:15
4kids can you explain why we see a gap up almost every day. It seems like this manipulation is just a tell to the market to tale down the price.