I assume your speaking of managements visit to Belize? Normally a trip of this importance and it's agenda would be PR'd by some OTCBB companies. Especially since TECO PR'd what they did last January and have only given status updates since on four wells that will take over a year to drill once the fourth well is completed. We all know this Belize GOB political nightmare that calls for all this secrecy until who knows what needs to happen. The super bond crap is over with and the dust had to settle. Then this meeting needed scheduling which can take time to get all parties together. The third hole should be completed by now with some results whether good or bad. If good then we have one well with oil out of SJ no. 1&2 and another a mile away out of hole no 3 or 4. I doubt both no. 3 & 4 holes are completed and to be honest I would be surprised if they were able to complete either one at the rate TECO moves. I'm optimistic that the reason for the trip is no. 3 or 4 had oil so now there is a possibility of two holes a mile apart having signs of oil. GOB wanted 8 holes drilled so this might only be a status update with the GOB or a material event. We're not going to hear anything until the GOB allows it and TECO isn't going to take any risks and make the same mistakes they made last January.
Wasn't it BNE that had huge BPD flow rates in Belize and it was a couple years before they could publicize it.