
$FRFS About: Firefish is the mobile advertiser of choice in Mumbai city due to our very large and highly segmented database. Our database currently has 2.5 milion numbers in Mumbai. We have been chosen to advertise a wide array of products and services including educational services, health services, fitness programs, clothing, fashion accessories, jewelry and consumer electronics. We have even conducted mobile advertising programs for political organizations and religious institutions.
Our abilty to design high recall high engagement mobile advertising campaigns and to provide detailed campaign delivery reports and analysis sets us apart.
We also design and execute multi-city and nation-wide mobile advertising campaigns. Our services are also sometimes referred to as 'sms advertising', 'bulk sms' or 'text message advertising'.
We have developed the online platform http://mobile.firefish.in . This platform allows retailers to log into their account, choose a consumer segment to send their advertising message to selecting age, gender, location and income levels, compose the advertising message to send, personalize the message via addressing the consumer by name, and schedule the message for later delivery. Retailers can also pay online. In addition, retailers can also call Firefish to fully manage their advertising campaign.
The Company also offers educational services to young learners and young adults in India. Our English language training/certification/competition services consist of (1) the English Olympiad ( http://www.englishoympiad.com ) an annual English competency program and competition for young learners with the examination being conducted in January and February each year (2) Spoken English classes (3) English certification programs in partnership with non-governmental agencies and state governments.
With its success within its primary launch area of Mumbai, Firefish has plans to expand its range of marketing and education services to the top 25 Indian metropolitan areas, which have in the aggregate more than 200,000,000 people, as soon as the company successfully closes on the expansion capital necessary to fund these efforts.
Firefish originally developed an online-social networking platform ( http://www.ionisee.com ). We were able to recruit initial users for our social networking platform via partnerships with NGOs (non-governmental organizations), educational institutions and other entities. Our platform offers all of the traditional features of social networking, with additional features that include the ability to communicate extensively with the platform over mobile phones and the ability to communicate with others in many languages.
Firefish Inc. was incorporated in the State of Nevada on April 29, 2008. Firefish Networks Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated under the laws of India on November 11, 2008. Firefish Networks Pvt. Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Firefish, Inc.

