We have had some less than enthusiastic backers on the board recently and I believe that most on this board, like me, mainly have an attitude of "What do they not understand about CTIX or believe about CTIX mgt, products, current trials, etc that causes them not to believe it has great potential?"
Remembering that CTIX is basically a penny stock, and for the most part such investors are not averse to risk as they are seeking massive returns, then how could they not recognize CTIX as one of the most upside weighted stocks they will ever come across? Why constantly throw water in the face of all the positive factors the company has to offer but only look for the negative? If that is their approach to investing, keep tabs on CTIX and jump in when trials prove successful, but spare us the gloom and doom until that time arrives. If they have info that is counter to a positive result for CTIX, let us know, but if no positive news than give us the credit to know the risks we are taking with our investing monies in backing a startup, no current approved products, but hauling a sack of goodies larger than Santa's bag that appear to have a damn good chance of making medical history.
I am probably one of the most politically incorrect persons you will ever meet. I appreciate that this board, though tolerant, does not have the "kumbaya, can't we all just get along?" attitude so prevalent in the world today.
Edit: Just read bio's post about deletions and that pretty much answers my question.