All Stock Alerts 1/22 - 1/23 | 294 Alerts on 40 stocks
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Promoted Stocks in alphabetical order
Stock: AEGY - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.0013 - Last Trade: 0.0013 | Low: 0.0012 - High: 0.0013 | Trades: 18 | Volume: 7044$
Stock: ASCC - 3 Alert(s)
Gain today: 24% | First Trade: 1 - Last Trade: 1.24 | Low: 0.9 - High: 1.24 | Trades: 13 | Volume: 9550$
Stock: ASTI - 4 Alert(s)
Gain today: 10.28% | First Trade: 0.675 - Last Trade: 0.7444 | Low: 0.6655 - High: 0.7589 | Trades: 260 | Volume: 1347369$
Stock: ASUV - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 18.97% | First Trade: 1.16 - Last Trade: 1.38 | Low: 1.16 - High: 1.43 | Trades: 138 | Volume: 833911$
Stock: BBLU - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 2.54% | First Trade: 1.18 - Last Trade: 1.21 | Low: 1.18 - High: 1.22 | Trades: 15 | Volume: 61026$
Stock: BLDW - 10 Alert(s)
Loss today: -2.04% | First Trade: 0.049 - Last Trade: 0.048 | Low: 0.035 - High: 0.051 | Trades: 32 | Volume: 31662$
Stock: BOPO - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.13 - Last Trade: 0.13 | Low: 0.13 - High: 0.13 | Trades: 1 | Volume: 65$
Stock: BSRC - 3 Alert(s)
Loss today: -11.09% | First Trade: 0.4499 - Last Trade: 0.4 | Low: 0.34 - High: 0.4499 | Trades: 13 | Volume: 10968$
Stock: CERP - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 99.5% | First Trade: 0.02 - Last Trade: 0.0399 | Low: 0.0185 - High: 0.042 | Trades: 240 | Volume: 2019267$
Stock: COWI - 2 Alert(s)
Loss today: -20% | First Trade: 0.001 - Last Trade: 0.0008 | Low: 0.0007 - High: 0.0011 | Trades: 90 | Volume: 163741$
Stock: CWNM - 2 Alert(s)
Gain today: 17.69% | First Trade: 0.147 - Last Trade: 0.173 | Low: 0.101 - High: 0.18 | Trades: 56 | Volume: 108407$
Stock: DEYU - 8 Alert(s)
Loss today: -0.91% | First Trade: 1.1 - Last Trade: 1.09 | Low: 1 - High: 1.15 | Trades: 28 | Volume: 42214$
Stock: DYNT - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 17.18% | First Trade: 3.2 - Last Trade: 3.7499 | Low: 3.2 - High: 3.77 | Trades: 49 | Volume: 287285$
Stock: EKNL - 8 Alert(s)
Gain today: 2.17% | First Trade: 0.23 - Last Trade: 0.235 | Low: 0.21 - High: 0.235 | Trades: 7 | Volume: 4657$
Stock: GGCO - 6 Alert(s)
Gain today: 18.28% | First Trade: 0.093 - Last Trade: 0.11 | Low: 0.0901 - High: 0.12 | Trades: 28 | Volume: 37111$
Stock: GMEC - 23 Alert(s)
Loss today: -13.17% | First Trade: 0.0835 - Last Trade: 0.0725 | Low: 0.07 - High: 0.0985 | Trades: 135 | Volume: 513532$
Stock: GVIT - 29 Alert(s)
Loss today: -9.09% | First Trade: 0.033 - Last Trade: 0.03 | Low: 0.0217 - High: 0.035 | Trades: 59 | Volume: 97246$
Stock: GWIV - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 7.41% | First Trade: 0.27 - Last Trade: 0.29 | Low: 0.26 - High: 0.29 | Trades: 4 | Volume: 4235$
Stock: IENT - 2 Alert(s)
Gain today: 19.96% | First Trade: 0.25 - Last Trade: 0.2999 | Low: 0.1611 - High: 0.2999 | Trades: 16 | Volume: 14507$
Stock: KABX - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 4.62% | First Trade: 0.0411 - Last Trade: 0.043 | Low: 0.04 - High: 0.0525 | Trades: 26 | Volume: 23765$
Stock: KBLB - 2 Alert(s)
Loss today: -22.08% | First Trade: 0.077 - Last Trade: 0.06 | Low: 0.0578 - High: 0.077 | Trades: 47 | Volume: 124394$
Stock: LWSP - 6 Alert(s)
Loss today: -4% | First Trade: 0.0175 - Last Trade: 0.0168 | Low: 0.012 - High: 0.02 | Trades: 34 | Volume: 31472$
Stock: MJNA - 3 Alert(s)
Loss today: -6.39% | First Trade: 0.147 - Last Trade: 0.1376 | Low: 0.134 - High: 0.149 | Trades: 206 | Volume: 1810029$
Stock: MKRS - 53 Alert(s)
Loss today: -34.21% | First Trade: 0.19 - Last Trade: 0.125 | Low: 0.121 - High: 0.205 | Trades: 137 | Volume: 383953$
Stock: NOVZ - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.36 - Last Trade: 0.36 | Low: 0.36 - High: 0.36 | Trades: 1 | Volume: 576$
Stock: OBJE - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 2.03% | First Trade: 1.97 - Last Trade: 2.01 | Low: 1.91 - High: 2.02 | Trades: 30 | Volume: 88101$
Stock: PHIL - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 2.03% | First Trade: 1.97 - Last Trade: 2.01 | Low: 1.91 - High: 2.02 | Trades: 30 | Volume: 88101$
Stock: PIEX - 17 Alert(s)
Loss today: -27.71% | First Trade: 0.249 - Last Trade: 0.18 | Low: 0.177 - High: 0.258 | Trades: 28 | Volume: 256012$
Stock: STEV - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 7.69% | First Trade: 0.26 - Last Trade: 0.28 | Low: 0.25 - High: 0.28 | Trades: 100 | Volume: 200312$
Stock: STRH - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 7.69% | First Trade: 0.26 - Last Trade: 0.28 | Low: 0.25 - High: 0.28 | Trades: 100 | Volume: 200312$
Stock: SUNB - 19 Alert(s)
Loss today: -11.54% | First Trade: 0.026 - Last Trade: 0.023 | Low: 0.022 - High: 0.0299 | Trades: 66 | Volume: 48212$
Stock: SWVI - 16 Alert(s)
Gain today: 46.32% | First Trade: 0.19 - Last Trade: 0.278 | Low: 0.19 - High: 0.295 | Trades: 164 | Volume: 24140034$
Stock: TRLI - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0.08% | First Trade: 0.1249 - Last Trade: 0.125 | Low: 0.12 - High: 0.129 | Trades: 13 | Volume: 6912$
Stock: TRTC - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 2.45% | First Trade: 0.449 - Last Trade: 0.46 | Low: 0.44 - High: 0.48 | Trades: 34 | Volume: 52368$
Stock: TWDL - 17 Alert(s)
Gain today: 4.65% | First Trade: 0.0086 - Last Trade: 0.009 | Low: 0.007 - High: 0.0098 | Trades: 84 | Volume: 81484$
Stock: USGT - 7 Alert(s)
Loss today: -1.06% | First Trade: 0.7469 - Last Trade: 0.739 | Low: 0.695 - High: 0.759 | Trades: 201 | Volume: 1555683$
Stock: VKML - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 14.95% | First Trade: 0.0214 - Last Trade: 0.0246 | Low: 0.019 - High: 0.0269 | Trades: 91 | Volume: 224098$
Stock: VUME - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -34.31% | First Trade: 0.274 - Last Trade: 0.18 | Low: 0.15 - High: 0.286 | Trades: 126 | Volume: 605627$
Stock: WUHN - 19 Alert(s)
Loss today: -48.14% | First Trade: 0.349 - Last Trade: 0.181 | Low: 0.176 - High: 0.37 | Trades: 142 | Volume: 730934$
Stock: ZPPB - 18 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0.48% | First Trade: 0.208 - Last Trade: 0.209 | Low: 0.193 - High: 0.224 | Trades: 111 | Volume: 829882$