(Total Views: 575)
Posted On: 08/05/2018 10:58:57 PM
Post# of 65629
Pick One
Are you a Christian or a Republican? You can’t be both. A follower of the Nazareen believes in feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and caring for the sick.
Republicans are against doing any of the above, and implement policies that gut funding for programs that accomplish the very things Jesus himself admonished his followers to do. Pick one.
Are you a patriot or a Republican? You can’t be both. Either you are against your “pResident” kow-towing to our Russian enemies, or you are willing to see our democracy sold out to those enemies. Pick one.
Are you a supporter of our troops or are you a Republican? You can’t be both. Either you support our veterans by ensuring they get the best of care, or you support a party that slashes the funding for their care while planning a multi-million dollar military parade for a man who bragged about his “heroism” in not having contracted an STD while his fellow citizens served in Viet Nam. Pick one.
Are you a decent human being or are you a Republican? You can’t be both. Either you are outraged at the idea of migrant children being taken from their parents and housed in cages, or you’re perfectly fine with the immoral and inhumane indecency of it. Pick one.
Are you an intelligent person or a Republican? You can’t be both. Either you accept scientifically-proven facts about climate change and the conservation necessary to preserve our natural resources, or you’re an ignorant idiot who thinks polluting our air and water is of no consequence whatsoever. Pick one.
Are you possessed of common sense or are you a Republican? You can’t be both. Either you believe your own eyes and ears, or you believe what you’re told to believe by a man who lies to you – repeatedly, blatantly, and without hesitation. Pick one.
Are you a thinking person or are you a Republican? You can’t be both. Either you think that racial inequality and bigotry pose a threat to our nation as well as our fellow citizens, or you think stopping athletes from taking a knee at a sports event will end the discord by putting certain people in their place. Pick one.
Are you for education or are you a Republican? You can’t be both. Either you understand how access to affordable education strengthens our nation, or you think being a country full of ill-informed dumb-asses makes “America Great Again”. Pick one.
Are you of the belief that our elected representatives should enact laws that keep weapons out of the hands of the mentally unstable or are you a Republican? You can’t be both. Either you support gun control laws that ensure that only responsible gun-owners have access to weapons, or you think sending “thoughts and prayers” to the parents of dead school children is sufficient. Pick one.
Are you for the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution or are you a Republican? You can’t be both. Either you believe in freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, or you believe these freedoms can and should be curtailed by a political party once they are in control of the government. Pick one.
Are you for the principles we’ve always stood for or are you a Republican? You can’t be both. Either you welcome immigrants as Americans have always done, or you embrace the idea that all immigrants are rapists, drug dealers, and gang members who emanate from “shithole countries”. Pick one.
Are you an American or are you a Republican? Pick one – because we are now at the point where you really can’t be both.
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