WE are all aware of the upcoming Prurisol trial but I do not think that most people will pay any attention to it until it is announced that we are on the pathway to trials. People have seen so many companies say that they will be doing trials, and the trials never happen.
When they announce that Prurisol is being submitted to the FDA for testing for purity and stability, THAT should send the price up some as people realize the trial really is on the way. Then when they announce that the trials have commenced, that should give it another pop. Most people are not willing to sit there patiently waiting for a drug to progress to trials because they've seen too many not ever make it that far.
So my theory is that announcements of steps toward Prurisol trials will result in more publicity for CTIX and a pop in share price as new investors come in. This has happened so many times in the other biotechs I have watched over the years.