Nice job holding the line on iFlub. The day will come (soon?) when your efforts will be rewarded.
I remember reading last year, a post from Sunny (possibly from IronMan), that stated that the biggest issue that CWRN had was with production, not trucking or shipping. More equipment was necessary to get things going at the mine. Here we are, a year later, and everything on the production side is falling into place. Bob is punching holes, buying equipment, finding more veins, and selling everything that he touches in Baja 14. Iron ore, fertilizer, aggregate for cement. I'd be surprised if he doesn't find a way to sell the dirt as oil dry and turn the grass into straw hats to sell to tourists.
If Bob gets all of the cylinders firing soon and releases some news on progress, it will be one crazy summer. Looking forward to that day.
GL, Micro, and thanks again for your tireless support.