Over the weekend, I made a post wondering how many shares Steve will need to issue for his trip to Abu Dhabi. The post was removed for "bashing". Is that what this website has become? You're not free to speak unless you only sing the praises of a stock or a CEO?
Well guess what. I'm not singing the praises of Steve. As someone asked me over the weekend, "When did you go to the dark side?" Well, you see, I didn't really "go to the darkside" per se. When I asked Steve a couple of very simple questions on this board & he dodged them, skirted around them, and then attacked me for asking them, I knew immediately he is one slimy dude. So if you wanna call it "going to the dark side", then that's when it started. Steve is a joke and a slimeball. I used to believe in his company, but Steve can't tell the truth to save his life.