[Early Alert] – May 30, 2012
This is probably one of the most controversial ALERTS we ever sent out. We expect our competitors (stock bashers) to come out in full force. Over the past several years we have been issuing these “Early Alerts” and “Fridays Tips” to our email subscribers. Our intention was to educate the novice traders / shareholders and hopefully give them a leg up on their seasoned veteran day traders. In our process we have stepped on allot of our competitors toes and in turn they have lashed out by pretending to be shareholders of a certain company. For years we have warned our followers that many posters have a hidden agenda. We introduced the “Get The Facts” right statement. We are not alone. Companies that are planning to stick around for a while like OTC Markets for example have introduced an icon type ranking system ie SKULL and BONES, STOP YIELD, and CURRENT. It is all done in a movement to create transparency and bring some respect to the marketplace of penny stocks. Even Yahoo Finance no longer quotes companies as Symbol.Pk Just symbol Many of our critics claim that we are a “scam” assist “scammers” yet we are the only company that is non public in an IR field that is fully transparent. Ask yourself why? Here’s a tip and a challenge. Google penny stocks, buy penny stocks. Look at the advertisers that pop up all seeking to get your email address promising insane returns. Now click on “contact us”. Any phone number? Any address? Any way to reach these people? Exactly! They hide! Ask yourself why do they hide!? |
Example of Danger Signs when a company makes a claim(s):
Share Buyback We through our Alerts have advised our followers not to fall for “Share buyback” promises of companies! The OTC Markets quoted companies DO NOT DO SHARE BUY BACKS! These are all developmental stage companies and they barely have the resources to keep their day to day operations in check. Share buyback is the last thing on their mind! The “share buy backs” that do rarely and occasionally occur for example are in a merger or for some service structure. Usually a block of restricted stock is issued and (if the company is smart that is paid in escrow until the services or the threshold is met) Assuming the threshold is not met, then those shares return to treasury. Let us put it another way. The company may buy shares back from a single large block shareholder off the market but never in an open retail market. Why? Find one broker – dealer that will allow that and get back to us. Here’s another challenge: Find us one OTC Markets company that actually completed a share buyback in a retail environment. Good luck! Dividends OTC Market companies DO NOT pay dividends. Even if they do FINRA no matter what will not process them. We are talking from experience and we know what we are talking about. If they are willing to process them they are so cost prohibitive it literally wipes out any gains. Remember OTC Markets companies are non reporting. Any stock they issue is restricted stock unless its under an exemption and the exemptions are quite limiting. We have figured out a way to do this and we are doing this with several clients who have been given the DTCC kiss of death “stock chill”. Here’s another challenge: Find us one OTC Markets company that actually completed a dividend distribution in a retail environment. Short Position OTC Market companies DO NOT have “shorts”. They are traded on a quotation system. A brokerage or bank that maintains a firm bid and ask price in a given security by standing ready, willing, and able to buy or sell at publicly quoted prices (called making a market). These firms display bid and offer prices for specific numbers of specific securities, and if these prices are met, they will immediately buy for or sell from their own accounts. A decentralized market of securities not listed on an exchange where market participants trade over the telephone, facsimile or electronic network instead of a physical trading floor. There is no central exchange or meeting place for this market. n the OTC market, trading occurs via a network of middlemen, called dealers, who carry inventories of securities to facilitate the buy and sell orders of investors, rather than providing the order matchmaking service seen in specialist exchanges such as the NYSE. What the market makers do is “oversell”. None of thios matters as they simply move out of the box. Eventually they will balance their books and that’s when the experts come screaming out “accumulation” After Hours Trading OTC Markets does not trade after hours. The market makers can and often do a print out of previous day’s activity. |
Some of our critics have been busy posting a listing of our business which we recently posted http://www.businessesforsale.com/Consulting-M...bsp; No we are not bailing out! We have our hearts set on being a market maker for our Forex division www.spotfx.com We are also venturing into Nasdaq small cap and ADR’s. Our ad is self explanatory THE KEY MANAGEMENT HAS INDICATED THEIR DESIRE TO STAY ON WITH THE NEW OWNERS! We are already in talks with some hedge funds, secondary markets financiers and similar. The new management will in our opinion bring more value to the firm and our client base. DILUTION, DILUTION , DILUTION !!! Here is a snippet of an email received from a scorned shareholder of one of our Ex Clients GOIG. Other than XXX of the CEO name we left the entire snippet unedited and uncensored. “Listen, I know you don’t really give a rat’s ass about the companies, the products, the shareholders, etc. They’re just stock ‘plays’ to you and about making money…nothing wrong with that. But, in my opinion, this was handled very poorly after Mina Mar first ran it and then supported it after it peaked. It could have held some value, and been around a whole lot longer to make everyone, not just (xxxx CEO name) , a few more bucks had it not been diluted to death. How the hell can you expect to dilute several milion dollars of a pink penny in that short a period of time without queering the deal??” The author of this email goes by the name “Oil” on many chat boards so you may verify the authenticity of this email. We started out with this company as IR at 0.0005 and it peaked at about 0.061c. The reason we are showing you this email snippet is to make a point. In this business there is a saying “you are as good as your last deal”. In other words if the ALERTS we are sending out are self serving and used for ill gains then our subscription rate would collapse. The opposite is taking place! These ALERTS take a considerable time and effort to put together and we try to make sure that they are 1,0000% accurate with the info at hand when we push the send button. We are sending these alerts to you because you are our subscriber! We want you to buy shares at a lowest price possible before the awareness starts and price starts to appreciate! So as we bring up the volume in a certain company it stands to reason a company would raise some moneys to expand their business. We do not hide the fact that we help companies raise capital! Think about it… If the company did not want to raise capital they would of stayed private! Each and every share you own did not fall from a sky. It was sold by a company as they raised capital in their process. We are doing these alerts to create a WIN WIN WIN scenario. How so? The company gets a following and volume. This attracts Accredited Investors. The shareholder sees a price appreciation. They can sell their stock for a profit. We continue building a loyal following! We do care about these companies and their shareholders. This particular company has a DTCC chill. In simple terms it’s a kiss of death. It’s at 0.0001 and unless the Chill goes off this company is dead and will never trade (with the exception of shareholders trading amongst themselves) . We realized that and reached out to the company on a unsolicited basis. We talked to one of our merger seeking clients about doing an amalgamation through their existing already trading subsidiary. Our aim is to create a WIN WIN WIN for all concerned!
Now do you really want to see reckless dilution? Take a look at Facebook! Symbol FB | ||||||||||||||
http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/FB/financials See all the Form 4 filings? Note letter “D”: Table I – Non-Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or Beneficially Owned D = They are disposing (Selling) Now if you ever wanted to short sell anything there’s no better choice than FB!! Look at their registration statement: Preferred Stock Issuances
Plan-Related Issuances
Eventually all these shares and sells will be absorbed by the market and then it will start to retrace. They key is to try to get on the elevator going up and hopefully on the lower floors and get off before any more options are exercised or another registration statement filed. Our point is that OTC Market companies and the “big boys” all dilute! They all raise capital. Our Alerts are designed to give you a heads up so that you can reap some of these benefits as did some of the FB accredited investors who were granted stock at sub penny levels and zero costs. Sorry the best we can do is 0.0001 on some deals.
Again, when we do an ALERT we want our subscribers to load up at a lowest price! For example VCTY just got skull and bones rank. Why? Well, there’s no financials posted, no adequate disclosure posted and we alerted it. It traded 80-90 million shares and someone got a ton of 0001s. It went to 0.0003! Then they saw the skull and bones and panicked and sold. The skull and bones is the cost of doing business. We are working on the VCTY merger and we will file an adequate disclosure in any event. So the skull and bones rank is a moot point. It’s a cost of doing business to help you the follower of our alerts make gains. We have a 93% closing ration on M&A deals. Find us another M&A firm that can match that! On EVDR the documents are going back and forth. The whole weekend was dedicated to the dozen or so merger plays scheduled to close shortly on various clients. The Adequate Disclosure is being worked on. The German company is doing their filings in Germany. You will see the Adequate Disclosure filed and then the merger announced. The skull and bones rank may still be in display. AGIJ recently filed Adequate Disclosure. Some minor adjustments were required. New re filing will follow and the skull and bones icon should go off shortly. The DTCC chill is being addressed by company CEO and great progress is being made. BTW the DTCC chill made AGIJ collapse and not any dilution. Watch for a hard and long run once DTCC chill is removed. GOIG and SAVW Last week in our ALERT we issued this: The merger candidate (amalgamation) is ready to pull the trigger! They want Ike Sutton to stay, as the CEO, the bashings to stop and an orderly transition to occur in the amalgamation. If we can’t deliver them that they will walk away from both deals. So please don’t shoot the massager! Clean up that board and we can get the job done or sit back and watch other companies on this alert fly instead! Update GOIG This shareholder group “gets it”!! The board is cleaned up and the CEO is talking directly to the merger company. We expect a news release will be issued shortly. (Or at least that’s the last we heard on Saturday). There is a dreaded DTCC chill on this company that the CEO is working on removing. Some progress should be forthcoming within the next 30-45 days! Update SAVW This shareholder group “doesn’t get it”!! The board remains unchanged the CEO bashings continue. Yesterday we got a call from the merger company. Our reply was that we did reach out to bring some tranquility and order in place to no avail. We know that there is a DTCC chill the CEO is working on removing. All we can say to SAVW board posters is watch EVDR, AGIJ VCTY as they all start to move from 0.0001 to ?? It begs the question does bashing a CEO mean more than making money? We wish them all the best! PPJE The securities lawyer looking after the DTCC chill quit! Yes DTCC can be challenging and a daunting task. DTCC is out to destroy OTC Markets and OTCBB issuers. They do not hide that fact! DTCC chills can be removed but they require the company to get involved intimately. We are in the process of hiring a USA based securities lawyer in house. Her 1st task will be to take on the PPJE DTCC chill. RMDM We are in the process of hiring a USA based securities lawyer in house. Her 1st set of tasks will be to take on the RMDM reverse split on behalf of the preferred shareholder as the China operating sub remains unresponsive. GLGT We are in the process of hiring a USA based securities lawyer in house. Her 1st task(s) will be to take on the GLGT reverse split on behalf of the preferred shareholder as the China operating sub remains unresponsive. VCTY These shareholders get it! On the ALERT they added 100 million shares. The smart money knows the merger is as good as a done deal. We were in NY yesterday and this company is one of a dozen mergers set to close! Don’t worry about the skull and bones rank. New adequate disclosure is being worked on. This baby will fly! Expect a PR in the future that the company has retired some billion plus shares. How so? Those were shares held in trust for China operating company. UWRL Yes we will up ramp UWRL Forex business and we will assist them with Customer Service needs through our call centre in Belgrade. They are not a sub licensee of SpotFx. They have their own stand alone software. Their web site is being developed See www.minamar.rs/pointzerofx This company is utilizing our Corporate Presence Program http://www.minamargroup.com/cpp.php FOGC Working on removing DTCC chill. Share structure posted here: http://www.minamargroup.net/support/index.php...bsp; PTSH Looks like your EU seller is gone! Choppy trading. $50,000 to $75,000 total volume in the last 2 weeks. Has a lock up agreement. Only a 20 million or so share float. See filings. MSEZ CEO in talks with an East European IT company (Romania) His own deal in social networking space. He is in a merger mode and talking to other USA based companies. KING, ZMGD and MSEZ We were on the telephone with these CEOs and they are desperately seeking a way to increase their share price valuation. Our message is simple. Create wealth and value. Get some contracts signed focus on your business. In OTC Markets there are no underwriters, analysts, and institutional money. It is the company, its achievements and its IR that brings awareness. The rest is up to the shareholders.