Detailed Quote:IPIX
0.55Down -0.04 (-6.78 %)AS OF 10:56:46AM ET 07/02/2018
Last Trade 0.55
Trade Time 10:56:46am ET
Change -0.04
% Change -6.78%
Bid 0.5401
Bid Size 1200
Ask 0.5699
Ask Size 1000
Open 0.58495
Day High 0.64
Day Low 0.52
Previous Close
06/29/2018 0.59
52-Week High
12/06/2017 1.17
52-Week Low
06/21/2018 0.325
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks) ** imo presents an issue (30 - 35%)
06/29/2018 -37.89%
Volume 254,348
Volume (10 day Average) 362,826
Volume (90 day Average) 225,072
OTCX 0.5401 1,200 10:57
CDEL 0.54 5,700 10:54
CSTI 0.535 1,000 10:42
LAFC 0.53 1,000 10:36
ETRF 0.52 7,750 11:08
NITE 0.52 1,000 10:29
VERT 0.46 2,500 10:13
STXG 0.30 2,500 04/17
VNDM 0.30 2,500 06/29
PUMA 0.25 2,500 08:10
CANT 0.1101 5,000 08:30
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
DBOX U 0 04/16
NITE 0.5699 1,000 10:03
LAFC 0.58 1,000 10:52
CDEL 0.58 1,000 10:54
ETRF 0.58 1,000 10:56
VERT 0.59 1,000 10:56
VNDM 0.64 1,000 09:31
CANT 0.64 1,000 09:31
CSTI 0.66 1,000 09:32
PUMA 1.00 100 08:10
STXG 2.00 100 10/05
MAXM 8.00 100 07:35
DBOX U 0 04/16
OTCX U 0 10:09
Shorts trying to discourage investors by showing they are in control. The last thing they want is more buying lest they lose control and we are off and running. I would love to see Leo issue another PR to keep the pressure on the criminals. Go IPIX!!!