It's impossible to get new prices on most equipment. Dealers won't give you a price unless you are somebody like Bob and own a mine. LOL! So all my estimates are just based on prices from online auction sites and used stuff on the internet. So not very accurate.. I tried to get some quotes on surface mining equipment like the RockHawg and big Vermeer, but the dealers wouldn't even talk to me over the phone.. The one guy was kind enough to give me a ballpark figure of a new one that had been sold a year earlier. 3+ million for a 1255 Commander/terrain levelor. I still wish we could afford one.. It would make mincedmeat out of the hardpan the 375 is trying to remove from the tops of the seams.
I can't believe we didn't get a new picture of the stockpile the trommel is supposed to be taking care of. Hopefully it is 3 equal piles by now.. LOL!