yes -off topic is the default catch all used-as opposed to personal attack , duplicate post etc often not off topic at all-e.g I posted from wikipedia about BaoSteel-and it was automatically flagged by sb etc for removal as off topic-
so the admin asked me without removing it (very unusual) "how is this relevant"
see they dont know if these things are relevant-- so you have to tell admin how things are relevant -but dont ever talk back to them - ihub admin is real sensitive about that-so I explained in detail to admin and then I think she scolded the people who kept hitting the tou violation button on my posts-so thats how the game is played-
the bashers have an edge because many of them are paid for every post that replies to them and every post that mentions their moniker-and they have a real thought out strategy/playbook honed by PH.D's on how to get people to react to their posts so they get paid and the reactor gets a deletion and eventually restrictions
btw keep your name on the list of people to be added to mod positions on ihub so when vacant positions come open they might be filled by longs-only requirement to become a mod is to have 4 posts in last 2 months on that stock board