$OPIX .O12 closed DOWN 56%, WITH MERGER NEWS RELEASED YESTERDAY!!! It is starting its bounce IGNORE IT if you want. See you at 4 cents! $$
$AAVG IS NOW AT .OO28! 18O% GAIN FROM MY ALERT A little over a week ago.
$TDEY .OO18 Some fool sold $7O worth of $TDEY <Market maker I think> and it fell 27%!! Trying to scare those that are in but YOU FAILED! Those in this KNOW WHAT WE OWN down here at these levels. $TDEY will run over 1OOO% very soon In my opinion.
$DUSS my alert at .OOO5 a week ago, now at .OO17 close to a 2OO% gain.
$TDEY and $OPIX will run much further that $AAVG and $DUSS have so far WATCH AND SEE!
YOU GUYS Have seen all my alerts within this last month on this board. Numbers don't lie... TTDZ .OO1 to .OO8 8OO%^, TDEY from .OO1 To .OO27 17O^, DUSS from .OOO5 to .OO17 nearly a 2OO%^ AAVG 17O%^....... AND YOU STILL IGNORE TDEY HERE at .OO18? Oh well
$TDEY and $OPIX are about to FLY very soon, in my opinion.