And this little paragraph - at the end of the article does give some support to the idea that Kevetrin, if safe and successful in its wild and mutant p53 activity, could possibly be used in a preventative way. Detection of mutant p53 in your blood? Detection of p53 antibodies? But no evidence of cancer yet? Start Kevetrin until red flag warning signs disappear. Kill the cancer before it has time to grow...
Mutations in the p53 Tumor Suppressor Gene
Important Milestones at the Various Steps of Tumorigenesis
However, assessing p53 status may very well be beneficial in early detection and monitoring of tumor relapse, by detecting p53 antibodies and mutant p53 DNA. Furthermore, analysis of p53 status can serve as a tool in the prediction of effective therapeutic regimens, whereas p53 itself, particularly mutant p53, may represent targets for cancer therapy.