he has 22 M shares total now( I made him swear to God--that he didn't sell any single share after he bought in ,even last run to 0.005---made him double his money, he sweared to say that he still owns 22 M shares)..
his 1st 3M shares wer in at 0.0068---the 1st down day from 0.008, and he put another order to get his 8 M shares at 0.0028, and again put another 11 M shares at around 0.0021-0.0023,
If we could do long investors' holding tally agin like last March,I think with a lots of dedicate longs lke Dynomite, Stocologist, Ann1, Bman1, Perchy..., etc, as well as my pizza boss friend, , ( think all of them hold over 2 dighit M shares,--maybe some of them hold 3 digit Million shares)..., and plus a lots of small investors like me who holds 3 Million shares, and also lots of people who hold over 1 Million shares, ,we can easily get the tally number over 600 million shares or even higher than that,
So, If Steve and Collins don't bring new O/S or A/S issues( which as I think we only help the basementboys and their naked booses), by the time of Feb. 15, we can easily see the price over 1 cent , and if we can getgood news and get good revenue numbers from the 4Q, we can probably see shorties cover to send us over 5 cents directly....
May God bless us longs....