(Total Views: 437)
Posted On: 06/04/2018 3:35:14 PM
Post# of 72444

Edited post with expanded negative comments section:
I hope some can use this to send to friends who may want to put IPIX on a watch list. I realize this is all known to those on this board but it gives a decent description to newbies who might want to watch the stock:
IPIX is at the point where all on this board should have it on a watch list because the rise could(should) be quite dramatic if results on the Psoriasis trial results are good or if a major deal is signed. This applies to both traders and long term holders (long term in the range of a year or so). Am thinking of putting a pretty detailed current report on the Biotech board today for all to be able to share w/ friends (should anyone think they would share same with friends). Just to put in perspective why this could be an extremely dramatic move, if Prurisol is shown to be highly effective against Psoriasis it should become the leading prescribed treatment due to efficacy close to biologics, ease of administering since it is in pill form, much lower cost, and most importantly safety - next to 0 side effects. The Psoriasis market is about $12B/yr and saying they only capture $7B/yr (which I would think is conservative) that brings in a total of over $100B over the life of the patent. Thus, the stock price of IPIX should rise dramatically. Let me know if anyone wants a detailed briefing, otherwise I will pass and just let those that think IPIX is worthwhile to follow to put on their watch list. News should be out any time this month beginning now and certainly coming about before the end of the month.
I will start w/ the negatives of IPIX. First, it is in the biotech field and that is about the riskiest in investing as about 1 in 10K drugs actually make it to commerciality. The company has access to money, no problem, but they issue stock to Aspire Financial when cash needed and at current stock price that is very expensive cash. The only other negative is there is a very, very strong group of folks that have been manipulating the stock price for a couple of years and they will continue to compress the stock price at current levels until we get a major transfusion of cash in due to a deal. As a result, I feel TA is all but useless in the stock at the current time. Extremely positive Prurisol trial results will be a big help, but I believe a major deal with a major BP is the only thing that is firmly going to advance the company in terms of visibility, acceptance by financial institutions, and getting the cabals working against IPIX to finally leave for greener pastures. In all honesty, I cannot think of any more negatives to the company than those listed above. To expand on those mentioned above wanting the stock to fail, they made posts on various blogs about 2 years ago that were nothing but a pack of lies and had an ambulance-chasing law firm that preys upon young firms struggling to succeed file a class action suit against them. These suits usually result with the firm paying off the law firm to drop the suit. IPIX mgt. would have none of that and took them to court and although they were not awarded any monies as punishment, the judge did throw out all charges as pure BS. These same crews have regularly over the last couple of years disparaged both Dr. Menon and Leo's reputations and characters for minor events that were either totally fictitious or were extremely minor and blown totally out of proportion. This was done to try and keep any newcomer from investing in the company. This is indicative of the type of near criminal ploys (or ploys that most reasonable people would say even went over that line) with which mgt has had to contend for the last few years. Thank God they have had the moral fortitude to stand tall against all the slings and arrows that have been pointed at them all this time. Most lesser mgt. types would have packed it in by now.
Now for the upside of the company and though what I am abot to say sounds too good to be true, I believe that I am not exaggerating anything in terms of expectations, numbers, science, etc.
IPIX has en toto somewhere just under 200MM shares so I am using that figure for all share price projections. IPIX has about $70MM debt to insiders so there is no worry about a financial debacle that could bring the company down. The CEO, also the largest shareholder, has said NO, NO, and NO to a possible reverse split so that worry is off the table. I state emphatically that the 3 drugs that IPIX has brought to the end of Phase II trials (Phase I trial is for safety, Phase 2 is for optimum dose and frequency of taking the drug, and Phase 3 is a large population test to make sure no odd side effects prior to gaining FDA approval - Trials normally take about 10 yrs from start to finish. At the end of Phase2 for all our 3 drugs we are looking for BEST IN CLASS for all of them across many applications (each separate application in biotech is referred to as an indication) and EVERY indication is for MULTI-BILLION dollar markets. The one glaring strength of our pipeline is the SAFETY of all our drugs and that fact that we have no bad side effects with any of them for any indication. This is pretty much unheard of in biotech and that is why I am so confident that we will have successful Phase 3's and all drugs will lead to commerciality. It is also why I say that our current pipeline is the strongest pipeline EVER at one time by any startup biotech in history and possibly is the strongest pipeline for new products by any BIG PHARMA in history as our 3 drugs will be addressing markets that total over $100B/yr!! I will get to the science of our drugs in a few moments, but l want to stress that all the areas that make the science moot we also have been blessed in and that is why I believe IPIX at this time is the "Perfect Storm" for being so primed for riches. With no embarrassment, I will state as I have to my family and friends that I believe this is the GOLDEN RING that penny stock players pray for and hope to find once in their life. Our mgt consists of Dr. Krishna Menon, the genius behind formulating the drugs (he already led two projects for E.I. Lily that resulted in 2 current billion dollar cancer drugs), Dr. Bertolino who was head of dermatology for both Pfizer and Novartis and is the new addition to the team and has done wonders in guiding us thru clinical trials and putting us on a respected level when dealing w/ big pharma, and Leo Erhlich, a CPA who is the CEO and manages the company. Leo and Dr. Menon have taken their salary for years in stock rather than cash so as not to drain needed funds, they have lent the company millions, and from acquaintances who know them personally they are said to be of the highest character so in that regard we are blessed. I have already mentioned that IPIX is the rare, rare case where we are not at the mercy of major players being able to bring us into bankruptcy for their own personal gain and that can't be stressed enough. The firm now only has a handful of employees other than mgt as the lab work is done. As for the business plan, Leo has made it clear for years that deals would not be signed until Phase 2s were finished as the value of a drug really rises after P2 since the great portion of failures occur during P1 and P2. He has stated that they see IPIX becoming a franchiser and partnering out our drugs to BPs who will take over the P3 trial costs and then move the drugs into commerciality and do the distributing with IPIX getting regular royalty payments.
Another part of our "Perfect Storm" is that BP at the current time is flush with cash that they want to bring back onshore due to Trump's change to offshore cash and most BPs at the current time have pretty bare pipelines with many top selling drugs coming to the end of their patent protection. Most BPs today prefer to buy drugs in advanced stages of trials (exactly as what IPIX can provide) where the probability of success is much, much higher than taking an idea from scratch and running thru pre-clinical trials and then clinical trials. BP NEEDS NEW DRUGS NOW - IPIX HAS THE GREATEST LINEUP of drugs available - BP HAS THE BIG BUCKS TO SPEND - so it should bode extremely well for IPIX in the very near term. The above are all the incidental areas that can tear a company apart and yet which IPIX has been able to surmount and which now should be working heavily in our favor. That only leaves the science of our products and this is IPIX's greatest strength for our products to date have passed EVERY TRIAL w/ flying colors and spotless safety results.
The first of our drugs is PRURISOL and it was formulated by Dr M from an HIV drug and viewed as a great shot at being able to CURE psoriasis, not take care of the symptoms, but CURE the disease. We ran a P2a trial at dosages of 50, 100, and 200 units and it was found that the 200 dosage showed tremendous improvement in cure rate compared to the 50 and 100. Our current trial, P2b, tested patients with more severe cases of Psoriasis at dosage levels of 300 and 400. Most word I have heard is that we expect the 300 dosage to be the sweet spot and the 400 dosage was done just to make sure there wasn't more to gain from a stronger dose. We finished the actual medication in early Dec '17 and the follow up visits ended the end of Dec '17. We had about 190 patients from 34 various test sites. Upon the end of the trial, the data is all gathered by a firm that specializes in this field and they tabulate all the data and from what I have been told they will also analyze the data (which I expect is so that there can not be said there was any bias by our mgt analyzing the data) and the final primary endpoints are given to mgt. Then months later the secondary endpoints are finished with being analyzed and they are also published and this report as a whole leads to how the Phase 3 trial is to be designed in conjunction w/ FDA approval. We currently expect the primary endpoints ANY DAY now. Excellent results would be great for the company, but if they are not it would certainly be disappointing but not fatal to the company as a drug I will discuss later has already proven itself worth billions in its own right. We are hoping Prurisol does really well in Psoriasis as to curing the disease, but it has already shown in the P2a that it seemed to stop the severe itching of Psoriasis and if all Prurisol does is relieve the itching that would be a tremendous success as I have heard the itching can become so severe it has led to suicides and extremely poor quality of life for many, many thousands of patients. So as one can see, trials are not an all or nothing result. Partial success can lead to very lucrative drugs. The couple anecdotal stories I have heard regarding Prurisol in P2b is that it moistens the skin, stops the itching, and pretty much cures the disease. If this is true, we should have a nearly $10B/yr drug on our hands just for this indication but there is oh so much more just for Prurisol. It's properties (and I am no biological chemist so all what I have read) is that it should have amazing indications in the field of dermatology and even more exciting across the entire range of AUTOIMMUNE diseases (there are about 100 of them to inclue arthritis) and these would be researched by our BP partners down the line with IPIX getting royalties on all indications that prove commercial.
The second drug is Brilacidin, a small molecule defensin mimetic (synthetic defensin), that appears to be a damn wonder drug and which some have proclaimed could outdo Humira as the largest drug in history in terms of revenue. It is an antibiotic/antiinflammatory. A protein defensin is the body's first line of defense against viruses and bacterial and B is said to be 100 times as powerful as a natural defensin and 1000 times as selective. You have all heard about the medical crisis with superbugs that defy current antibiotics, well B has already solved that problem because it works in a totally new way against invaders and they cannot develop a resistance to it. In a P2 trial it went up against the best antibiotic available today, daptomyacin, and in one application showed itself as effective as a full weeks application of daptomyacin and it kills everything. Nothing is immune to it in the way of bad viruses. The P3 trial will cost at least $30 MM and involve 4,000 patients and IPIX just doesn't have the money at the current time to put that much money to that indication so it is on hold but ready to proceed immediately and the P3 should be a very short trial as results will be seen in days instead of weeks or months and patients will be found probably within a matter of days. It's most valuable properties seem to be in the antiinflammatory field where it has proven itself to be effective against what many belive will be all IBD (Irritable Bowel Diseases) conditions and solve everything in the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract and this is a BIG revenue target. It has already worked in tests for Ulcerative Colitis and Supra.... Colitis and would undoubtedly work against Crohn's Disease, it has worked against Oral Mucositis, a condition with no current treatment and is a $1-$2B/ yr target, and it has expected exceptional uses against dermatology conditions (acne, eczema, supra dermititis), eye and ear infections, and some have even said it could become like a one-a-day pill to ward off all infections. It als has the ability to be used in plastics, paints, and textiles to make all these items antimicrobial so indications would be all wound dressings, artifical parts put into the body, hernia stitches, colostomy bags, catheters, etc. In paints and plastics all surfaces in schools and hospitals would be self-ridding of viruses,etc. Brilacidin is also expected to be a monster drug for indications in dermatology in topical cream formulations for acne, eczema, and other more egregious skin indications (Did I say Dr. B was head of dermatology for both Pfizer and Novartis in the past? Nice connections.) There has been much talk that many, many other areas could be targets for Brilacidin that just haven't been recognized yet and that is also one of the major upsides to this drug.
The last drug was the original biggie for the company, Kevetrin, as it is a cancer treatment drug that could be used against about 50% of cancers (per Dr. Menon) and is expected to be such a wonderful complementary drug for all other cancer treatments that it would make all of them much more effective. The wonder of this drug is that it turns back on the p53 gene, the Guardian Angel gene, which in medicine has bee the Holy Grail to fight cancer. It affects no good cells or DNA and in the P1 safety trial which only had Stage 4 terminal patients enrolled they had to quit the trial after about 3 years and the dosage had risen from 10 units to 800 units because they couldn't induce any negative endpoints. People did not get sick because of the drug and these were patienst whose bodies were already at the point of falling apart when they entered the trial. As a complementary drug, this could work with all the big treatment drugs as many of them are getting near the end of their patent and by combining w/ Kevetrin would become patented for another near 20 yr term.
The top nine selling cancer treatment drugs sold about $90B/yr last year. Thus, I feel my call for all to at least put IPIX on your watch list is well warranted. I am not saying to buy now, you can wait until a major deal is done and take away all risk. The stock could rise a couple of dollars and you would still be in at a very attractive entry point. I hate to make projections of where the stock price could go, but I believe from what I posted above that the upside is darn near beyond belief. To make things even better, not only will stockholders make out richly but hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide should benefit from IPIX products.
I hope some can use this to send to friends who may want to put IPIX on a watch list. I realize this is all known to those on this board but it gives a decent description to newbies who might want to watch the stock:
IPIX is at the point where all on this board should have it on a watch list because the rise could(should) be quite dramatic if results on the Psoriasis trial results are good or if a major deal is signed. This applies to both traders and long term holders (long term in the range of a year or so). Am thinking of putting a pretty detailed current report on the Biotech board today for all to be able to share w/ friends (should anyone think they would share same with friends). Just to put in perspective why this could be an extremely dramatic move, if Prurisol is shown to be highly effective against Psoriasis it should become the leading prescribed treatment due to efficacy close to biologics, ease of administering since it is in pill form, much lower cost, and most importantly safety - next to 0 side effects. The Psoriasis market is about $12B/yr and saying they only capture $7B/yr (which I would think is conservative) that brings in a total of over $100B over the life of the patent. Thus, the stock price of IPIX should rise dramatically. Let me know if anyone wants a detailed briefing, otherwise I will pass and just let those that think IPIX is worthwhile to follow to put on their watch list. News should be out any time this month beginning now and certainly coming about before the end of the month.
I will start w/ the negatives of IPIX. First, it is in the biotech field and that is about the riskiest in investing as about 1 in 10K drugs actually make it to commerciality. The company has access to money, no problem, but they issue stock to Aspire Financial when cash needed and at current stock price that is very expensive cash. The only other negative is there is a very, very strong group of folks that have been manipulating the stock price for a couple of years and they will continue to compress the stock price at current levels until we get a major transfusion of cash in due to a deal. As a result, I feel TA is all but useless in the stock at the current time. Extremely positive Prurisol trial results will be a big help, but I believe a major deal with a major BP is the only thing that is firmly going to advance the company in terms of visibility, acceptance by financial institutions, and getting the cabals working against IPIX to finally leave for greener pastures. In all honesty, I cannot think of any more negatives to the company than those listed above. To expand on those mentioned above wanting the stock to fail, they made posts on various blogs about 2 years ago that were nothing but a pack of lies and had an ambulance-chasing law firm that preys upon young firms struggling to succeed file a class action suit against them. These suits usually result with the firm paying off the law firm to drop the suit. IPIX mgt. would have none of that and took them to court and although they were not awarded any monies as punishment, the judge did throw out all charges as pure BS. These same crews have regularly over the last couple of years disparaged both Dr. Menon and Leo's reputations and characters for minor events that were either totally fictitious or were extremely minor and blown totally out of proportion. This was done to try and keep any newcomer from investing in the company. This is indicative of the type of near criminal ploys (or ploys that most reasonable people would say even went over that line) with which mgt has had to contend for the last few years. Thank God they have had the moral fortitude to stand tall against all the slings and arrows that have been pointed at them all this time. Most lesser mgt. types would have packed it in by now.
Now for the upside of the company and though what I am abot to say sounds too good to be true, I believe that I am not exaggerating anything in terms of expectations, numbers, science, etc.
IPIX has en toto somewhere just under 200MM shares so I am using that figure for all share price projections. IPIX has about $70MM debt to insiders so there is no worry about a financial debacle that could bring the company down. The CEO, also the largest shareholder, has said NO, NO, and NO to a possible reverse split so that worry is off the table. I state emphatically that the 3 drugs that IPIX has brought to the end of Phase II trials (Phase I trial is for safety, Phase 2 is for optimum dose and frequency of taking the drug, and Phase 3 is a large population test to make sure no odd side effects prior to gaining FDA approval - Trials normally take about 10 yrs from start to finish. At the end of Phase2 for all our 3 drugs we are looking for BEST IN CLASS for all of them across many applications (each separate application in biotech is referred to as an indication) and EVERY indication is for MULTI-BILLION dollar markets. The one glaring strength of our pipeline is the SAFETY of all our drugs and that fact that we have no bad side effects with any of them for any indication. This is pretty much unheard of in biotech and that is why I am so confident that we will have successful Phase 3's and all drugs will lead to commerciality. It is also why I say that our current pipeline is the strongest pipeline EVER at one time by any startup biotech in history and possibly is the strongest pipeline for new products by any BIG PHARMA in history as our 3 drugs will be addressing markets that total over $100B/yr!! I will get to the science of our drugs in a few moments, but l want to stress that all the areas that make the science moot we also have been blessed in and that is why I believe IPIX at this time is the "Perfect Storm" for being so primed for riches. With no embarrassment, I will state as I have to my family and friends that I believe this is the GOLDEN RING that penny stock players pray for and hope to find once in their life. Our mgt consists of Dr. Krishna Menon, the genius behind formulating the drugs (he already led two projects for E.I. Lily that resulted in 2 current billion dollar cancer drugs), Dr. Bertolino who was head of dermatology for both Pfizer and Novartis and is the new addition to the team and has done wonders in guiding us thru clinical trials and putting us on a respected level when dealing w/ big pharma, and Leo Erhlich, a CPA who is the CEO and manages the company. Leo and Dr. Menon have taken their salary for years in stock rather than cash so as not to drain needed funds, they have lent the company millions, and from acquaintances who know them personally they are said to be of the highest character so in that regard we are blessed. I have already mentioned that IPIX is the rare, rare case where we are not at the mercy of major players being able to bring us into bankruptcy for their own personal gain and that can't be stressed enough. The firm now only has a handful of employees other than mgt as the lab work is done. As for the business plan, Leo has made it clear for years that deals would not be signed until Phase 2s were finished as the value of a drug really rises after P2 since the great portion of failures occur during P1 and P2. He has stated that they see IPIX becoming a franchiser and partnering out our drugs to BPs who will take over the P3 trial costs and then move the drugs into commerciality and do the distributing with IPIX getting regular royalty payments.
Another part of our "Perfect Storm" is that BP at the current time is flush with cash that they want to bring back onshore due to Trump's change to offshore cash and most BPs at the current time have pretty bare pipelines with many top selling drugs coming to the end of their patent protection. Most BPs today prefer to buy drugs in advanced stages of trials (exactly as what IPIX can provide) where the probability of success is much, much higher than taking an idea from scratch and running thru pre-clinical trials and then clinical trials. BP NEEDS NEW DRUGS NOW - IPIX HAS THE GREATEST LINEUP of drugs available - BP HAS THE BIG BUCKS TO SPEND - so it should bode extremely well for IPIX in the very near term. The above are all the incidental areas that can tear a company apart and yet which IPIX has been able to surmount and which now should be working heavily in our favor. That only leaves the science of our products and this is IPIX's greatest strength for our products to date have passed EVERY TRIAL w/ flying colors and spotless safety results.
The first of our drugs is PRURISOL and it was formulated by Dr M from an HIV drug and viewed as a great shot at being able to CURE psoriasis, not take care of the symptoms, but CURE the disease. We ran a P2a trial at dosages of 50, 100, and 200 units and it was found that the 200 dosage showed tremendous improvement in cure rate compared to the 50 and 100. Our current trial, P2b, tested patients with more severe cases of Psoriasis at dosage levels of 300 and 400. Most word I have heard is that we expect the 300 dosage to be the sweet spot and the 400 dosage was done just to make sure there wasn't more to gain from a stronger dose. We finished the actual medication in early Dec '17 and the follow up visits ended the end of Dec '17. We had about 190 patients from 34 various test sites. Upon the end of the trial, the data is all gathered by a firm that specializes in this field and they tabulate all the data and from what I have been told they will also analyze the data (which I expect is so that there can not be said there was any bias by our mgt analyzing the data) and the final primary endpoints are given to mgt. Then months later the secondary endpoints are finished with being analyzed and they are also published and this report as a whole leads to how the Phase 3 trial is to be designed in conjunction w/ FDA approval. We currently expect the primary endpoints ANY DAY now. Excellent results would be great for the company, but if they are not it would certainly be disappointing but not fatal to the company as a drug I will discuss later has already proven itself worth billions in its own right. We are hoping Prurisol does really well in Psoriasis as to curing the disease, but it has already shown in the P2a that it seemed to stop the severe itching of Psoriasis and if all Prurisol does is relieve the itching that would be a tremendous success as I have heard the itching can become so severe it has led to suicides and extremely poor quality of life for many, many thousands of patients. So as one can see, trials are not an all or nothing result. Partial success can lead to very lucrative drugs. The couple anecdotal stories I have heard regarding Prurisol in P2b is that it moistens the skin, stops the itching, and pretty much cures the disease. If this is true, we should have a nearly $10B/yr drug on our hands just for this indication but there is oh so much more just for Prurisol. It's properties (and I am no biological chemist so all what I have read) is that it should have amazing indications in the field of dermatology and even more exciting across the entire range of AUTOIMMUNE diseases (there are about 100 of them to inclue arthritis) and these would be researched by our BP partners down the line with IPIX getting royalties on all indications that prove commercial.
The second drug is Brilacidin, a small molecule defensin mimetic (synthetic defensin), that appears to be a damn wonder drug and which some have proclaimed could outdo Humira as the largest drug in history in terms of revenue. It is an antibiotic/antiinflammatory. A protein defensin is the body's first line of defense against viruses and bacterial and B is said to be 100 times as powerful as a natural defensin and 1000 times as selective. You have all heard about the medical crisis with superbugs that defy current antibiotics, well B has already solved that problem because it works in a totally new way against invaders and they cannot develop a resistance to it. In a P2 trial it went up against the best antibiotic available today, daptomyacin, and in one application showed itself as effective as a full weeks application of daptomyacin and it kills everything. Nothing is immune to it in the way of bad viruses. The P3 trial will cost at least $30 MM and involve 4,000 patients and IPIX just doesn't have the money at the current time to put that much money to that indication so it is on hold but ready to proceed immediately and the P3 should be a very short trial as results will be seen in days instead of weeks or months and patients will be found probably within a matter of days. It's most valuable properties seem to be in the antiinflammatory field where it has proven itself to be effective against what many belive will be all IBD (Irritable Bowel Diseases) conditions and solve everything in the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract and this is a BIG revenue target. It has already worked in tests for Ulcerative Colitis and Supra.... Colitis and would undoubtedly work against Crohn's Disease, it has worked against Oral Mucositis, a condition with no current treatment and is a $1-$2B/ yr target, and it has expected exceptional uses against dermatology conditions (acne, eczema, supra dermititis), eye and ear infections, and some have even said it could become like a one-a-day pill to ward off all infections. It als has the ability to be used in plastics, paints, and textiles to make all these items antimicrobial so indications would be all wound dressings, artifical parts put into the body, hernia stitches, colostomy bags, catheters, etc. In paints and plastics all surfaces in schools and hospitals would be self-ridding of viruses,etc. Brilacidin is also expected to be a monster drug for indications in dermatology in topical cream formulations for acne, eczema, and other more egregious skin indications (Did I say Dr. B was head of dermatology for both Pfizer and Novartis in the past? Nice connections.) There has been much talk that many, many other areas could be targets for Brilacidin that just haven't been recognized yet and that is also one of the major upsides to this drug.
The last drug was the original biggie for the company, Kevetrin, as it is a cancer treatment drug that could be used against about 50% of cancers (per Dr. Menon) and is expected to be such a wonderful complementary drug for all other cancer treatments that it would make all of them much more effective. The wonder of this drug is that it turns back on the p53 gene, the Guardian Angel gene, which in medicine has bee the Holy Grail to fight cancer. It affects no good cells or DNA and in the P1 safety trial which only had Stage 4 terminal patients enrolled they had to quit the trial after about 3 years and the dosage had risen from 10 units to 800 units because they couldn't induce any negative endpoints. People did not get sick because of the drug and these were patienst whose bodies were already at the point of falling apart when they entered the trial. As a complementary drug, this could work with all the big treatment drugs as many of them are getting near the end of their patent and by combining w/ Kevetrin would become patented for another near 20 yr term.
The top nine selling cancer treatment drugs sold about $90B/yr last year. Thus, I feel my call for all to at least put IPIX on your watch list is well warranted. I am not saying to buy now, you can wait until a major deal is done and take away all risk. The stock could rise a couple of dollars and you would still be in at a very attractive entry point. I hate to make projections of where the stock price could go, but I believe from what I posted above that the upside is darn near beyond belief. To make things even better, not only will stockholders make out richly but hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide should benefit from IPIX products.

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