5.29.18 ( markage @ 20% )
15:59:35 0.445 400 OTO
15:59:23 0.445 100 OTO
15:50:56 0.445 3000 OTO
15:47:38 0.445 270 OTO
15:45:03 0.46 6600 OTO
15:00:38 0.46 6526 OTO
14:40:02 0.441 350 OTO
14:18:34 0.448 500 OTO
13:25:48 0.45 3000 OTO
13:10:36 0.463 2500 OTO
11:27:53 0.443 525 OTO
11:21:25 0.45 2500 OTO
11:11:50 0.45 2000 OTO
11:11:15 0.45 2000 OTO
10:20:22 0.45 5000 OTO
10:20:18 0.4491 2260 OTO
10:12:53 0.45 2500 OTO
10:09:44 0.468 7970 OTO
10:09:41 0.468 12900 OTO
10:09:32 0.4644 100 OTO
09:59:43 0.45 3000 OTO
09:54:43 0.45 2500 OTO
09:52:35 0.45 5000 OTO
09:51:50 0.45 5000 OTO
09:42:49 0.465 100 OTO
Detailed Quote:IPIX
0.445Down -0.025 (-5.32 %)AS OF 3:59:35PM ET 05/29/2018
Last Trade 0.445
Trade Time 3:59:35pm ET
Change -0.025
% Change -5.32%
Bid 0.441
Bid Size 3500
Ask 0.472
Ask Size 2500
Open 0.465
Day High 0.468 ** .027 *liquidity*
Day Low 0.441
Previous Close
05/25/2018 0.47
52-Week High
12/06/2017 1.17
52-Week Low
05/09/2018 0.35
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/25/2018 -53.92%
Volume 76,601
Volume (10 day Average) 212,942
Volume (90 day Average) 218,304
last grab B/A .. may not align with Fido's above ..
ETRF 0.445 4,000 15:50
CSTI 0.441 3,500 09:30
NITE 0.44 2,500 15:59
LAFC 0.42 2,500 05/25
CDEL 0.405 2,540 15:58
VERT 0.40 2,500 05/25
OTCX 0.3611 2,500 10:02
STXG 0.30 2,500 04/17
VNDM 0.30 2,500 05/25
CANT 0.28 2,500 08:30
PUMA 0.0001 10,000 08:10
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 09:22
DBOX U 0 04/16
ETRF 0.46 9,000 15:48
LAFC 0.47 2,500 05/25
NITE 0.472 2,500 05/25
PUMA 0.49 2,500 08:10
CSTI 0.49 2,500 08:30
CDEL 0.50 5,000 15:58
VERT 0.52 1,000 05/22
CANT 0.72 5,000 09:30
VNDM 1.00 100 05/25
STXG 2.00 100 10/05
MAXM 8.00 100 09:22
DBOX U 0 04/16
OTCX U 0 12:04
5.30.18 ( markage @ 57% )
15:51:47 0.45 4500 OTO
15:51:14 0.45 7066 OTO
15:49:41 0.45 3000 OTO
15:30:16 0.45 1100 OTO
14:47:04 0.4455 240 OTO
14:34:52 0.441 4500 OTO
14:30:43 0.441 3500 OTO
14:30:36 0.4455 2500 OTO
14:23:27 0.45 3500 OTO
14:23:03 0.45 2000 OTO
14:13:40 0.45 500 OTO
14:00:48 0.45 5000 OTO
13:38:21 0.445 5000 OTO
13:31:13 0.45 2500 OTO
13:19:33 0.45 5000 OTO
13:13:24 0.45 2012 OTO
12:49:48 0.45 9900 OTO
12:29:53 0.45 2200 OTO
11:58:39 0.441 1232 OTO
11:51:12 0.441 2500 OTO
11:39:10 0.4491 5000 OTO
11:37:16 0.441 2000 OTO
11:34:12 0.441 2000 OTO
11:28:14 0.45 7000 OTO
11:27:11 0.4538 1000 OTO
11:20:02 0.455 1268 OTO
10:47:01 0.455 2500 OTO
10:47:01 0.455 2500 OTO
10:45:07 0.441 200 OTO
10:44:05 0.441 2000 OTO
10:24:54 0.458 5000 OTO
10:15:59 0.45 10000 OTO
10:13:37 0.46 5000 OTO
09:34:45 0.465 600 OTO
09:30:09 0.465 1725 OTO
09:30:03 0.441 3000 OTO
09:30:01 0.441 10 OTO
Detailed Quote:IPIX note bid and ask
0.45Up 0.005 (1.12 %)AS OF 3:51:47PM ET 05/30/2018
Last Trade 0.45
Trade Time 3:51:47pm ET
Change 0.005
% Change 1.12%
Bid 0.45
Bid Size 8434
Ask 0.458
Ask Size 12400
Open 0.441
Day High 0.465 ** .024 *liquidity*
Day Low 0.441
Previous Close
05/29/2018 0.445
52-Week High
12/06/2017 1.17
52-Week Low
05/09/2018 0.35
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/29/2018 -53.64%
Volume 118,553
Volume (10 day Average) 195,177
Volume (90 day Average) 217,182
last grab B/A .. may not align with Fido's above ..
ETRF 0.45 8,434 15:51
CSTI 0.441 3,500 09:30
LAFC 0.42 2,500 05/25
CDEL 0.405 10,300 15:52
VERT 0.40 2,500 05/25
NITE 0.40 2,500 08:26
STXG 0.30 2,500 04/17
VNDM 0.30 2,500 05/29
CANT 0.28 2,500 08:30
PUMA 0.0001 10,000 08:10
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 09:08
DBOX U 0 04/16
OTCX U 0 10:26
OTCX 0.46 3,000 15:52
ETRF 0.46 10,200 15:51
LAFC 0.47 2,500 05/25
NITE 0.472 2,500 05/25
PUMA 0.49 2,500 08:10
CSTI 0.49 2,500 08:30
CDEL 0.50 5,000 15:52
VERT 0.52 1,000 05/22
CANT 0.72 5,000 09:30
VNDM 1.00 100 05/29
MAXM 1.95 100 09:08
5.31.18 ( markage @ 67% ) .. interesting to see 44c be first the bid then the *UC ask*
15:59:48 0.431 600 OTO .. goes off hidden (between B/A)
15:58:28 0.431 100 OTO .. goes off hidden (between B/A)
15:55:30 0.422 2550 OTO
15:55:30 0.426 2450 OTO
15:49:26 0.422 3566 OTO
15:49:26 0.4285 1434 OTO
15:39:48 0.44 1200 OTO
15:39:48 0.44 1000 OTO
15:13:41 0.448 5475 OTO
14:25:37 0.435 2000 OTO
13:34:58 0.44 2000 OTO
13:10:39 0.44 1000 OTO
12:56:55 0.44 6000 OTO
12:51:17 0.44 4000 OTO
12:49:09 0.44 1900 OTO
12:49:03 0.44 100 OTO
12:09:21 0.435 5000 OTO
10:50:12 0.4265 1900 OTO
10:35:34 0.4382 193 OTO
10:27:30 0.44 9643 OTO
10:25:01 0.448 4000 OTO
10:18:23 0.44 3275 OTO
09:40:20 0.44 1940 OTO
09:40:20 0.44 50100 OTO .. *single* trade fed to ETRF on bid
09:40:19 0.441 3500 OTO ** long's @ bid (there since last Friday)
Detailed Quote:IPIX
0.431Down -0.019 (-4.22 %) AS OF 3:59:48PM ET 05/31/2018
Last Trade 0.431
Trade Time 3:59:48pm ET
Change -0.019
% Change -4.22%
Bid 0.422
Bid Size 30000
Ask 0.44
Ask Size 16400
Open 0.441
Day High 0.448 ** .026 *liquidity*
Day Low 0.422
Previous Close
05/30/2018 0.45
52-Week High
12/06/2017 1.17
52-Week Low
05/09/2018 0.35
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/30/2018 -52.63%
Volume 114,926
Volume (10 day Average) 168,584
Volume (90 day Average) 217,253
last grab B/A .. may not align with Fido's above
CDEL 0.42 20,000 15:39
NITE 0.42 8,000 12:33
CSTI 0.42 3,500 10:42
LAFC 0.42 2,500 05/25
ETRF 0.4088 8,000 14:25
VERT 0.40 2,500 05/25
OTCX 0.3925 2,500 09:43
STXG 0.30 2,500 04/17
VNDM 0.30 2,500 05/30
CANT 0.28 2,500 08:30
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 08:04
PUMA 0.0001 10,000 08:10
DBOX U 0 04/16
OTCX 0.44 8,000 15:39
VNDM 0.45 16,667 10:12
ETRF 0.46 10,200 11:40
LAFC 0.47 2,500 05/25
PUMA 0.49 2,500 08:10
CSTI 0.49 2,500 08:30
NITE 0.50 22,500 10:56
CDEL 0.50 5,000 15:39
VERT 0.52 1,000 05/22
CANT 0.72 5,000 09:30
STXG 2.00 100 10/05
MAXM 8.00 100 08:04
DBOX U 0 04/16
6.1.18 ( markage @ 51% )
15:58:42 0.448 438 OTO ** long's @ ask
15:56:51 0.44 5000 OTO
15:56:32 0.448 4100 OTO
15:56:22 0.444 2500 OTO
15:55:20 0.448 2039 OTO
15:53:50 0.448 2500 OTO
15:53:40 0.439 2500 OTO
15:29:30 0.44 3994 OTO
15:23:02 0.44 5000 OTO
15:20:24 0.44 500 OTO
14:41:23 0.448 300 OTO
14:41:23 0.44 300 OTO
14:33:11 0.43 7500 OTO
14:24:59 0.44 44077 OTO
14:24:59 0.44 1000 OTO
14:12:05 0.448 2000 OTO
14:12:05 0.44 2000 OTO
13:20:10 0.44 2000 OTO
13:20:10 0.4363 2000 OTO
13:06:50 0.44 500 OTO
13:06:42 0.4325 2500 OTO
13:05:49 0.4325 2000 OTO
13:04:25 0.44 2500 OTO
13:04:15 0.4325 2500 OTO
12:51:09 0.425 1006 OTO
12:43:16 0.44 1000 OTO
12:28:25 0.44 306 OTO
12:14:38 0.4365 250 OTO
11:19:14 0.43 7200 OTO
11:19:12 0.43 2000 OTO
11:08:29 0.43 94 OTO
10:05:11 0.448 100 OTO
10:00:18 0.43 6400 OTO
10:00:18 0.43 1100 OTO
09:46:49 0.445 600 OTO
09:44:06 0.45 1000 OTO
09:44:06 0.44 1000 OTO
09:36:00 0.47 5 OTO
09:35:07 0.45 5000 OTO
09:34:59 0.47 5000 OTO
09:31:25 0.47 2500 OTO
09:31:16 0.45 2500 OTO
09:31:06 0.448 3495 OTO
09:30:21 0.448 5000 OTO
Detailed Quote:IPIX
0.448Up 0.017 (3.94 %)AS OF 3:58:42PM ET 06/01/2018
Last Trade 0.448
Trade Time 3:58:42pm ET
Change 0.017
% Change 3.94%
Bid 0.42
Bid Size 2500
Ask 0.45
Ask Size 16667
Open 0.448
Day High 0.47 ** .039 *liquidity*
Day Low 0.425
Previous Close
05/31/2018 0.431
52-Week High
12/06/2017 1.17
52-Week Low
05/09/2018 0.35
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
05/31/2018 -52.64%
Volume 145,304
Volume (10 day Average) 119,568
Volume (90 day Average) 215,516
last grab B/A .. may not align with Fido's above
CDEL 0.44 5,000 15:56
ETRF 0.43 2,520 14:33
CSTI 0.42 2,500 08:30
VERT 0.40 2,500 05/25
NITE 0.38 12,000 15:55
STXG 0.30 2,500 04/17
VNDM 0.30 2,500 05/31
CANT 0.28 2,500 08:30
LAFC 0.28 2,500 09:46
PUMA 0.25 2,500 08:10
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 13:08
DBOX U 0 04/16
OTCX U 0 09:44
CDEL 0.448 2,700 15:56
VNDM 0.45 16,667 09:44
CSTI 0.49 2,500 08:30
NITE 0.50 2,500 05/31
VERT 0.52 1,000 05/22
LAFC 0.54 1,000 09:31
ETRF 0.69 1,500 15:56
CANT 0.72 5,000 09:30
PUMA 1.00 100 08:10
MAXM 1.95 100 13:08
STXG 2.00 100 10/05
DBOX U 0 04/16
OTCX U 0 15:55
so this week's *facts* on IPIX ..
*short week .. 4 trading days*
1 day marked sub 30%
2 days marked plus 50%
1 day marked plus 60%
*volume* avgs .. 2 weeks ago Friday .. ( 5.18.18 )
IPIX Volume 285,462
Volume (10 day Average) 390,365
Volume (90 day Average) 223,813
*volume* avgs .. 1 week ago Friday .. ( 5.25.18 )
IPIX Volume 112,596
Volume (10 day Average) 237,710
Volume (90 day Average) 219,191
*volume* avgs .. this past Friday ( 6.1.18 )
IPIX Volume 145,304
Volume (10 day Average) 119,568
Volume (90 day Average) 215,516
liquidity for the week *ranged* from a high of .47c to a low of .422c (.048c)
all of the above continues to indicate *stress* on NR (non retail)
there is zero liquidity (in spite of all those *sells*) ..
feeding a bid and then re-feeding the UC ask (usually @ the same PPS i.e. 44c)
and the fact remains NR has no traction .. just stuck in a hole of their making
i remain convinced that NR is this close (visualize an inch) to triggering reg sho
which is one of the reasons why (sans news out of mgmt) i expect *volume* to hold at these levels or decrease
next up out of NR is MM Monthly to see who reports *where* for the month of May (due out next week)
and then the next round of *legal* reported* is AH's on 6.11.18
best to all Innovation Pharma investors ..
so for 5.21/5.25 .. IPIX had a net loss of .05975c .. (0.52975 - 0.47)
prior week (5.14/5.18) IPIX had a net increase of .079c .. (0.515 - 0.436)
now 2 weeks a pattern doesn't make .. but remember my comments about
NRs' (non retails) *laddered* cover where they will be beyond *subtle* re: a take up at a slightly higher % than their *reset* back down (% wise)
also imo it's vital to remember 2 aspects about the last legal *reported* by NR
(link back) .. first is the *volume* (avg) NR *reported* for IPIX .. 677k ~ .. a totally made up number and completely bogus as to *factual* .. the
other pertains to *alleged* shares *sold* .. .. volume doesn't support that claim nor does the % marked *increasing* in alignment with *decreasing* volume avgs
so i have to ask myself .. in NRs' shoes .. knowing that this OTC *target* has outlasted NRs' *efforts .. years in the making* .. what would i do .. and imo the answer is pretty simple
retain as many of those shares to *control* .. reaction to any positive news out of Innovation Pharma as able to .. i.e. a controlled take up
and this is imo is part of what is currently in play .. the problem i see for NR is that they are this close to triggering reg sho .. which puts even more *stress* on NRs' abilities to *maneuver* via their usual MO .. which makes how *imo* IPIX gets *handled* with news out of mgmt that NR *cant handle* .. beyond telling