(Total Views: 1206)
Posted On: 06/01/2018 7:37:55 PM
Post# of 525

DRNK Business Updates June 2018: NOHO on Amazon - Top Rated Hangover Prevention Drink with Prickly Pear, Ginger Root & Electrolyte Blend, Helps Fight Drowsiness, Jet Lag, Daily Fatigue, Alcohol Metabolism & Hangover Remedy
Manufactured 3/5/2018 as confirmed by seller BargainSquad ; Expiration date 3/5/2020
DRNK owns NOHO, a hangover prevention and healthy lifestyle drink which has received various awards , such as the Spirits International Prestige (SIP) Award which handed NOHO, Inc. a Gold medal in taste and quality for NOHO’s premium lifestyle 8.4 oz. beverage, NOHO Gold, at the 2015 award ceremony.
Along with the Gold medal, NOHO also won a Consumers’ Choice Award for being awarded a Gold medal two years in a row.
See NOHO's current trademark registration:
DRNK also owns a FDA registered drug offering fast and effective relief from Hangover pain and headache . DRNK is listed by FDA as Significantly Regulated Organization (SRO)
FDA.gov. Search for "DRNK" on the FDA website below.
Business name: NOHO, Inc
Ticker Symbol: DRNK
DUNS#: 078534735
The exclusive rights to the product were purchased from DMR Biologic, LLC (formerly Puramed Biosc.). Patent see https://ndclist.com/?s=34331-202-06
The CEO:
The CEO, David Mersky, is an attorney (practiced law in the NY for 10 years as a litigation attorney) and was CEO of an elite and successful marketing firm (Time Jump) that specializes in developing products for web based offerings/implementation of the sales process/CRM consulting and credit card processing.
NOHO provides a mixture of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and antioxidants. It is SUGAR FREE, GLUTEN FREE, LOW IN SODIUM, WITH NO ADDED CAFFEINE.
In addition to dehydration, a primary cause of hangovers is the result of a toxin called acetaldehyde. NOHO helps neutralize acetaldehyde, therefore helping reduce the effects of a hangover. NOHO also re-hydrates the body and restores vital nutrients, so it provides benefits beyond a hangover remedy by helping prevent and reduce the effects of a hangover!
NOHO is the perfect hangover cure and should be taken an hour BEFORE and/or WHILE consuming alcohol. The effects on a hangover may be minimal if taken the next day. For drinkers interested in a better morning after, NOHO eliminates the byproduct of alcohol in the liver that is associated with dreadful mornings and SUPPORTS OVERALL DETOXIFICATION from the liver, gastrointestinal tract and lymphatic system and supplies key antioxidant support to the tissues.
PRICKLY PEAR EXTRACT, helps hydrate the body and cleanse the liver.
GINGER ROOT EXTRACT, soothes the stomach and digestive system.
POTASSIUM, helps move nutrients into cells and get rid of toxins.
MAGNESIUM, provides energy production and manages blood sugar.
IRON, carries oxygen from lungs throughout the body.
ZINC, for proper functioning of the immune and reduction of stress levels.
Market Cap consideration for this sector:
Beverage (Alcoholic) 4.05 price/sales ratio
Beverage (Soft) 3.57 price/sales ratio
NOHO reviews on Amazon from 2017 and 2018:
older reviews 2012 and up (from times when NOHO was properly distributed by the previous CEO; generating $900k revenue) can be found on the internet such as:
Manufactured 3/5/2018 as confirmed by seller BargainSquad ; Expiration date 3/5/2020

DRNK owns NOHO, a hangover prevention and healthy lifestyle drink which has received various awards , such as the Spirits International Prestige (SIP) Award which handed NOHO, Inc. a Gold medal in taste and quality for NOHO’s premium lifestyle 8.4 oz. beverage, NOHO Gold, at the 2015 award ceremony.
Along with the Gold medal, NOHO also won a Consumers’ Choice Award for being awarded a Gold medal two years in a row.
See NOHO's current trademark registration:
DRNK also owns a FDA registered drug offering fast and effective relief from Hangover pain and headache . DRNK is listed by FDA as Significantly Regulated Organization (SRO)
FDA.gov. Search for "DRNK" on the FDA website below.
Business name: NOHO, Inc
Ticker Symbol: DRNK
DUNS#: 078534735
The exclusive rights to the product were purchased from DMR Biologic, LLC (formerly Puramed Biosc.). Patent see https://ndclist.com/?s=34331-202-06
The CEO:
The CEO, David Mersky, is an attorney (practiced law in the NY for 10 years as a litigation attorney) and was CEO of an elite and successful marketing firm (Time Jump) that specializes in developing products for web based offerings/implementation of the sales process/CRM consulting and credit card processing.
NOHO provides a mixture of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and antioxidants. It is SUGAR FREE, GLUTEN FREE, LOW IN SODIUM, WITH NO ADDED CAFFEINE.
In addition to dehydration, a primary cause of hangovers is the result of a toxin called acetaldehyde. NOHO helps neutralize acetaldehyde, therefore helping reduce the effects of a hangover. NOHO also re-hydrates the body and restores vital nutrients, so it provides benefits beyond a hangover remedy by helping prevent and reduce the effects of a hangover!
NOHO is the perfect hangover cure and should be taken an hour BEFORE and/or WHILE consuming alcohol. The effects on a hangover may be minimal if taken the next day. For drinkers interested in a better morning after, NOHO eliminates the byproduct of alcohol in the liver that is associated with dreadful mornings and SUPPORTS OVERALL DETOXIFICATION from the liver, gastrointestinal tract and lymphatic system and supplies key antioxidant support to the tissues.
PRICKLY PEAR EXTRACT, helps hydrate the body and cleanse the liver.
GINGER ROOT EXTRACT, soothes the stomach and digestive system.
POTASSIUM, helps move nutrients into cells and get rid of toxins.
MAGNESIUM, provides energy production and manages blood sugar.
IRON, carries oxygen from lungs throughout the body.
ZINC, for proper functioning of the immune and reduction of stress levels.
Market Cap consideration for this sector:
Beverage (Alcoholic) 4.05 price/sales ratio
Beverage (Soft) 3.57 price/sales ratio
NOHO reviews on Amazon from 2017 and 2018:
older reviews 2012 and up (from times when NOHO was properly distributed by the previous CEO; generating $900k revenue) can be found on the internet such as:

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