Kinda wonder that for the past week we have been having more winning days...Could it be because what we think is on the horizon or is someone in the know loading up in increments because they just might know the so called big news???
Its so very hard to keep a secret...Some people just brim at having a secret and tell someone else just to get it off their chest, hoping they won't spill the beans, but that person has the same problem and soon, more people know the secret, and it no longer is a secret...
I am betting besides Reid et al directors, that there are some people that knows what it is and funny how the price has been almost consistantly going up now...not by much but more that before...considering we suffered a very long stretch of downturn.
Not that it makes a difference to me, I've held on this long, no sense in abandoning this ship..I am thinking it will go back up to at least the 5's or 6's soon, seems to always do that...just hoping that it keeps going up instead of going down again. I am getting seasick with the ups and downs...