Read this $BFLD HUGE NEWS from LAST NIGHT: Brookfield Resources Inc. Announces Acquisition of Mining Claims
MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, Jan. 17, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brookfield Resources Inc. (BFLD) has commenced preparation and exploration on their claims in the Cobequid Highlands. The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (NSDNR) commenced a renewed research program in the Cobequid Highlands as a follow up to a late 1980's stream sediment sampling program. Recent work has been processing and the NSDNR has announced two major mineralization discoveries: Rare Earth Elements (REE's) in 2010 and Gold (Au) in October 2011.
The REE's, as described by the NSDNR are enriched dykes and pegmatites as part of the area's granite. The initial mineralogy work by NSDNR has identified that REE mineralization is not locked up in the zirconium, and is enriched in the rarer more valuable rare earths: the Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE's).
The planned initial work program during the first and second phase would include an airborne geophysical survey, rock sampling combined with geological mapping, a full detailed stream sediment sampling program, with a follow-up soil/till sampling and a ground geophysical suite. The goal would be to identify target areas that would be the phase three focus and would include trenching in preparation for phase four: diamond drilling.