From ORILEY on InvHub:
There is a shipment on the way to Belize that is scheduled to be in port on Monday June 4th.This shipment has all additional equipment needed to clear the 1st well and drill the second well.
because the GOB preferred to use Mud Tanks instead of mud pits Treaty has sent a new mud tank and a new trailer mounted 12 inch mud pump that can handle pumping depths to 6000ft.Also the shipment includes cement.mud,a multitude on different types of lost circulation materials,casing tubing and additional tooling for the large rig that has been completely reconditioned while Treaty has been putting together all the necessary items to please the GOB
I was told that they are making absolutely sure that they are in full compliance with all GOB rules and get prior approval to every move being made so as to avoid the mistakes made in the past.
The drilling crew arrived in Belize on Wednesday and are awaiting the shipment to clear the 1st well,wire line the well and seek GOB approval to complete the well.