Mayhem72ss, I do not know too much about Mr. Jared Lazerson's personal life or dealings. I did contact him after the MOU was PRed, and he said William had only talked to him, and that no money had changed hands, which makes the MOU questionable. While he did admit they had a sort of understanding (so the MOU may be technically correct), they never really agreed to anything except that Lazerson needed money. Lazerson has had this property for years, and has been looking for someone - anyone - to invest in his mine, because he did not have the funds to explore more or to complete a resource report. I can once again look up citations from the mining handbooks regarding the cost and time required to bring a copper mine to production if you would like. I read one post on Icrap which said this mine could be in production with something like $5,000. I can tell you that this is false.
One question that should be asked, is why have no large copper miners shown interest in this property? The Japanese and Chinese are buying up mining property all over Canada, but they have not invested in this property. This is a previously worked set of claims, and one thing to look for in mining is who owns the mining patents. Many mines get started in Canada, and even end of with resource reports, but they fail to obtain the mining patents because a previous owner still has these. I just can't imagine William spending the money to develop anything. How many shares would he have to dilute to have the money to start any kind of serious mining operation?