(Total Views: 905)
Posted On: 05/02/2018 8:11:32 AM
Post# of 9129
No, I dont work for the company,slanderer.
Destroyers are incapable of understanding givers like myself, who believe they should use their knowledge to help people ,not destroy people.Destroyers dont understand anything good.
I've posted many times that I've purposefully avoided even communicating w NNLX as long as they are otc, ''no info".
Since i believe the only way longs are going to profit from NNLX real world progress is to update to at least otc ''current info'',i have explained that at length a couple of times and that doing so would eliminate 3 major reasons for shorters/bashers to try to control the NNLX boards.
So, to rebut the usual intended false accusation of insider knowledge, I have none.
How is quoting a company update from the website insider info?????
I was doing college work by 5th grade (didnt even start paying attention til 4th grade bc everything was so primitive) and am pretty good at extrapolating- professors fell out of their chairs ,saying i understood in less than minutes what took a whole semester to teach,and kept calling the cult leader to tell them, 'hes a genius'. I didnt learn from man, who knows very little (and according to the book nothing),and thus i have knowledge etc to draw upon beyond your imagination.
How arrogant!! I've spent thousands of hours helping establish this site as an alternative to the basher boards,which encourage bashing and then eliminate longs when they respond to the bashing. As part of my attempts to help build this site as an alternative to the basher boards,I started the posting on this board,where i was alone for many months as i remember.
Then the johhny come lately bashers arrived, employing their usual craft tactics to intimidate and eliminate longs-especially a dd long or leading long like myself,so they could totally control the discussion while they make a profit shorting,requiring ca 20 hrs of my time every week confronting their destruction,as some longs hysterically kept demanding i do.
My best friend had to beg me for 6 months to join him in pennies so i could use my profits to help him avoid foreclosure on his house built just before the great recession destroyed his otherwise successful construction company,which congressional investigations showed were aided by shorting. I had less than zero interest in stocks and didnt even know the sick practice of shorting existed
But as soon as i entered,shorter/bashers took over the boards. Before that he made a 40 fold return in 6 months.After bashers took over,neither he nor i could profit and we lost most of what we invested-this has been typical for longs. It was almost impossible for longs to profit and many longs left, unable to find a company to profit when bashers controlled the boards. This resulted in not only losing his house but his family and his life. When I mentioned this to a couple bashers ,they were gleeful and said that only encouraged them to up their antics-sick sick sick!!!.
How arrogant of you to come onto this board at this stage and intimidate or try to intimidate many longs directly and indirectly w your posts. I'm going to remove every post which is designed to intimidate longs-such posts violate tou anyway. It doesnt surprise me in your arrogance that you went to the admin apparently twice to try to cause trouble -thats what destroyers do.
So i can start my campaign to have you banned from this site as several before you were.
I've seen how you basher/destroyer/liar/intimidators/manipulators follow your master in stealing killing and destroying via the aforementioned craft tactics,especially as i grew up in a craft cult by birth and the crafters in said cult employed those exact tactics my entire life, harassing me (through 3rd parties-like bullies they didnt dare a frontal attack for i won all power encounters) my entire life and trying to kill me countless thousands of times bc I would not worship satan-the destroyer ,slanderer /manipulator stealer with them.
Posted By: microcaps
The following is our opinion gathered from various sources:
Longs, surfers, newbies, please ignore the self proclaimed ' bloody ' basher shorters who have tried to capture the board and control the discussion as part of a shorting raid for their profit at our expense. Shorters use fear tactics and disinformation for profit.
See the NNLX website www.nanologix.com for info re NNLX game changing technology. Since NNLX is beginning to transition to commercialization while improving various products, they will very possibly upgrade to pink current status before long and later up-list as a fully SEC reporting company, perhaps initially as OTCQB, and then Nasdaq or another major exchange.
Shorting groups short thousands of stocks, no matter what the price, whether sub-penny or blue chips,including stocks which may not be easy for the average free agent shorter to short. A congressional investigation showed they had a part in initiating the great recession, and thus shorting was prohibited in certain financial stocks for ca six months.
Naked shorting, where they never even borrow a stock, is illegal. Where they are trading shares they never borrowed and don't ''own", like money out of thin air or counterfeit money.
In regular shorting, they borrow the shares when the price is high, and sell after lowering the pps via their campaign of disinformation. If they borrow the shares when pps is $.50, and sell (at which time they have to buy what they borrowed in order to sell it) at $.10, they profit the difference-$.40.
To profit, they use fear by continually shouting fire in a crowded theater- which would be a crime in real life- imo often the worst lies or irrelevancies they can think of. It's a war of attrition where they try to wear down long's and block/deceive newbies. They try to prevent others from buying and get longs to sell, only to have longs move on to another stock in a destructive game of musical chairs where longs experience the same shorting in a vicious cycle, thus never profiting- for a good portion of these penny stocks are shorted.
The bi-monthly short reports are reportedly easy to manipulate and allow mm's etc many days to prepare for such so in our opinion understate true shorting.
finra also has a daily shorting count under the shorting descriptive- shorters description of such implies finra is deceiving-reporting just 1 leg of a transaction,which does not make sense when all legs can be completed in seconds with todays electronic clearing houses.
mm's reportedly have a dozen ways to hide true shorts-see posts elsewhere by 4kids9pets etc
They attack the stock, company, longs, threaten longs publicly and privately, anything and everything they can think of to drive the price down.
Unlike longs, many shorters, in the shorting cartels etc., reportedly get paid and thus do this for a living,with much training from the basher/shorter handbooks etc. If you look at MaxShocker's posts of articles re bashers and mm's etc. below, copied from his trading tips 101 board, posts 40, 86, 117, you will see some of the general rules for dealing with shorters :
These rules include :
1). Don't link directly to their post if you reply to something they say. We will rebut disinformation as deemed necessary but most should follow the general rule to IGNORE them .
2). Linking directly to their posts emphasizes what they have said twice,so in most cases if you need to respond to disinformation, use the ''create new post" menu.
3). Plus they reportedly get paid for every post that directly links to their post , except perhaps for the leader and others on salary. For every post that piggybacks on a link that directly links to their post, they might get paid also. See below.
4). Also, don't mention their monikers in your posts, for they reportedly get paid for that .
5). Try to keep it professional, as per the terms of use. If you wrestle with a pig, as the saying goes, you will get dirty and frustrated,for you cannot educate them or steer them from their goal, but the pig will enjoy the mudbath free for all ,for it is the pigs chosen method of operation and lifestyle. And the pig, especially the crafters, loves to get dirty.
Destruction is the goal- fear, strife, hatred, division, frustration, confusion,deception, disinformation the tools, in my experience. When somebody loses their life or home etc. because of their games, one or more have privately said that encouraged them all the more. Getting angry, calling them names, is something from my experience they apparently enjoy. So cease and desist in thinking such respond like most.
occasional formatting, spell correction or underlining in the following posts:
from trading tips 101,post 117
Posted On: 05/06/2012 2:59:04 PM
Posted By: MaxShockeR
~ Confessions of a Paid Stock Basher :
Source: http://www.stockhouse.com/
''I am a paid basher.
Yes, it is true. Today is my last day at this company; I'm moving on to a new job. I've realized that there are more dignifying jobs out there that can pay me equally as well. But before I go, I want to explain a few things because this just isn't right and I won't feel good about myself until I expose this sham. It's hurt too many people and I don't want it on my conscience anymore. I can no longer live with a lie. I work for a company called Global Calumny Funds in Stamford, CT.Basically, it's a Boiler Room much like the one in the movie of the same name.The idea behind my group is to bash the price of a company's stock down low enough to where the group of investors who retained our company's services can buy the stock really cheap and perhaps even take it over all together.
There are approximately 70 people at the company divided into several groups. My group, consisting of 5 people, is responsible for IDWD. While I probably shouldn't give any names of anyone working here now, what the heck, I'm leaving here, so what can they do? sue me? Ha! I can tell you that "laptoptrader" and [..........] were part of my group until he left last week, as "wasninaturtle". Others who have been part of this include early bashers like "harddata" and "Investorman". You may be interested to know that some hypsters, such as "MONEYMADE" and even "Datatech!!", have also been part of the scam (more on that later).
There are several companies engaged in the bashing business, ours is not the only one. However, I can tell you that not every basher in here is a paid basher. Having done this for a year, I can usually tell who is a paid basher and who is merely someone having a little fun. While unpaid bashers have a different motive than someone like me, they can be unwilling accomplices to helping me achieve my ultimate goal and they also spread rumor and confusion throughout a room, which also helps me. What is that goal? Well, I am merely a cog in a much larger machine, so my bosses never really explained the big picture to me, but I'd say essentially, Shaddowwatch2oo 3 was right. There are several companies who are quite familiar with Jim Bishop and Janice Shell and who are deathly afraid of them .
There are three types of bashers here at Global Calumny Funds: Advanced,Intermediate and Beginner. An Advanced-level basher (also known as a SilverTongued Devil) would spread false or misleading information about the company. They would deal in facts, countering every longs post with articles,news reports and opinion surveys that gave a negative impression about thecompany. An Intermediate-level basher (also known as a Serpent) would try to elbow their way into the confidence of longs and create doubt using rumor or innuendo.
Finally, a Beginner-level basher (also known as a Pitchfork) would attempt to create confusion in the room by distracting other posters with satire, name calling and pointless arguments. The idea was to make sure no serious discussion of the stock could take place. A Pitchfork was usually a basher, but not always. Sometimes, we would throw in a hypster Pitchfork such as "MONEYMADE" and "laptop" and a pumper like " Datatech" to create the illusion of an argument going on. What was really funny (in a perverse way, I guess) was that "Datatech" and I sat next to each other, laughing the whole time.
I was a Serpent basher, because I am known for effective bashing based on solid facts and truth. I was paid a base wage of $18 an hour for my services. I was given a $1.25 bonus for every decent quality post over 100 per day as well as a monthly bonus of $100 for every penny the stock had dropped from the previous month. I was also paid a bonus for bashing on weekends . While this may not sound like much, I made a decent, though dishonorable, paycheck plus a niceLaptop with free wireless internet connection. Each of us sat in a small half-cubicle in a cluster with our teammates.Each group (usually five people) was made of three beginners (two who would bash and one who would hype), one intermediate and one advanced level basher.Occasionally for some of the hotter stocks, one of the beginners would be replaced by an intermediate depending on how much the stock was rising. IDWD was a low-level stock, meaning it got the 3-1-1 configuration. Honestly though, somehow, I get the feeling that WV Hillbilly may have worked for a basher company or knows someone who does because the fund website she occasionally posts is eerily similar to our employer's websites. While not exact, I'd say it is about 90 percent the same. We do have certain rules that we follow.
First, we have to develop a character and stay within that character in order to build a "following." My character, " FogOfWar ," was a humorous,sarcastic, obnoxious supporter of free speech and loved to portray himself as a truth-telling superhero, but only when it came to bashers. Next, we had to follow certain guidelines on what we could say. We were urged to have an "answer" to every long's question, but we were to frame that answer in a way that ridiculed the questioner for asking such a question .However, we were never to use profanity or vulgarity because that would cause people to ignore us. We were to make fun of people, but in a civil way. The idea was to get "play," i.e. reaction from other posters. The more play we got, the more the room would be disrupted. Ignored posters get no play. One exception would be the hypsters since they were "defending" the stock against our onslaught, they got a little more leeway. People would side with the hypster because they thought he was real since he appeared to be on their side, but was really on ours, setting us up to disrupt the room. "MoneyMade" was quite good at this and gets paid very well.
I've worked on IDWD, VLO, AGII, QBID, BKMP for a few months now. In addition to the FogOfWar alias, I've used a few others on several other boards as well. I've used so many aliases that I can not remember the monikers or the passwords. I honestly lost track of everything. I stuck with FogOfWar because it was the one that got the most play from other posters .
In closing, I feel absolutely terrible about this. It's just awful how I've been part of a scam designed to cheat honest, hard-working people out of their investments all for the benefit of a few wealthy people who already have enough money to last a lifetime .These greedy people MUST be stopped. That's why I'm posting this before I leave. I want to make up for some of the damage I've done. I can't live with this lie anymore. You can't imagine how hard it is to look at myself in the mirror each morning knowing my job is to cheat and lie. I have to go now, I'm too broken up to continue. I hope this confession can make up for my sordid deeds; I would urge everyone who reads this to inform as many people as you can. Only by shining the light of truth can we drive these rats back into the darkness from whence they came. Believe me, they don't want publicity.
Good luck and I hope all of you the best in your investment endeavors.
from trading tips 101 board
Posted On: 03/12/2012 3:01:21 PM
Posted By: MaxShockeR
* A BASHERs Handbook *
Reprinted here as a service to those who doubt this actually exists, or is simply an unfounded urban legend.
Is the "Bashing" of a stock an essential part of the online investment landscape?
Our Constitution guarantees us free speech and we have always valued the lessons gleaned from dissent. When does dissent cross over that imaginary line and become "Bashing"? To often we find well grounded dissent capriciously labeled as "Bashing" by over zealous investors bent on protecting a stocks reputation at any cost. The "Bashing" that is addressed on this site is quite different from dissent. The Anatomy of a Basher strives to look at the calculated erosion of confidence in a given stock. Erosion by means that are, in every sense, void of truth, hinged on deception and innuendo, and motivated by greed at the expense of others. This compendium is offered to aid in identifying the telltale signs of "Bashing", and hopefully provide a counter balance to this heretofore unchecked manipulation of investors fears for personal gain.
IS IT EASIER TO SCARE PEOPLE INTO SELLING THAN IT IS TO SCARE PEOPLE INTO BUYING A STOCK? I have asked some knowledgeable investors this question and the answer is always: "YES, OF COURSE YES!"
Consider the elderly that are investing for retirement, they find their way to the message boards for validation only to see false posts about "SEC Violations" and "Class action suits"... or the head of a "typical growing family", with children to put through college, who is monitoring a message board only to read posts by a "pack of 15 to 20 Bashers" (probably 5 or 6 under various alias's) posting continuous disinformation... what do you think these new investors will do? It's safer to not buy or even sell the stock, put the money back in the bank than to deal with all this whirl wind of "unsupported" negative chaff.
The Internet has lured a whole new class of investor into the market. A new investor is just that - New! This new investor, while learning the basics, is particularly vulnerable to the tactics of professional Bashers. New investors tend to lurk in the background of message boards, content to form independent opinions based on what they read with their own eyes. Very often, honest, intelligent and cautious people can easily be overcome by a well orchestrated propaganda effort.
You must always remember that their is a lot of money to be made in just the motion of a stock UP or DOWN it doesn't matter! And Bashers have money at risk just as you do. But they have the edge of fear, lies, and falsehoods to post while preying on the un-initiated. The average investor does not have the edge of organized deception .
Recent revelations have indicated that even Market Makers (those charged with keeping the playing field level) have been involved in stock manipulation by Bashing on a stock message board. HAVE NO DOUBT THAT THIS IS A REAL THREAT!
Lesson 1: Remember, BASHERS NEVER Bash A BAD STOCK. Check the boards for stocks with no potential. They never have any Bashers. Bashers only go after stocks that are moving up or have excellent potential to do so . Bashers work to bring the price down to either increase their position at the expense of others or help a Short make their bones.
Lesson 2: BASHERS ALWAYS BRING UP OLD NEWS THAT YOU HAVE HEARD MANY TIMES. New startup companies always have a few bits of bad news. The Basher will post this over and over again. Unsophisticated Bashers will try to freshen up old news with a new date or by-line in an attempt to fool you.
Lesson 3: BASHERS POST MANY TIMES A DAY. They try to wear you out. They comment on everything, every other post , and can answer every question. THEY KNOW IT ALL! There is no positive comment they won't Bash. They try to control the board . True longs may have to confront the Bashers or they will appear to the newbies as being the people with all the information. This is best accomplished by posting positive, well researched data on the company, repetitively, while trying hard not to engage the Bashers in direct repartee. REMEMBER - LONGS... RESIST USING THE BASHERS ALIAS!
Lesson 4: BASHERS WILL LIE TO YOUR FACE. Never trust a Basher. The truth on startup companies is that they make mistakes. What new company hasn't? The Basher will compare your issue to another companies, financials - deals - management, etc., trying to lure you into making an Apples to Oranges comparison . Remember each company is unique and while it is prudent to seek out established indicators, do so with care and don't take someone else's word for it. Strive to come up with at least a "six-pack" of indicators so your vision of the state of a company is not tied to a single barometer. Not doing so is tantamount to going to a Race Track and betting on the "Pretty Brown Horsey". BASHERS WANT TO WHISPER IN YOUR EAR - PLANT A SEED OF DOUBT, AND HOPE THAT YOU ARE NOT SAVVY ENOUGH TO RESEARCH THE TRUTH ON YOUR OWN . This is how they achieve their greatest success.
This is your investment... work for it, protect it and don't panic on the words of every shadowy figure that "has your best interest in their heart". Consider that one factor: Someone you have never met, is not a member of your family, is now, out of the goodness of their hearts - GIVING YOU FREE ADVICE (that you didn't ask for). It's a no brainer. They have motives $$$$$$$$$$$$ .
Lesson 5: Bashers know YOU CAN'T VERIFY THEIR STATEMENTS. That's why they make the vague statements they do. They rely on you being to lazy to research their droppings other than to scan the board for others opinions. This is particularly dangerous when you consider that Bashers work in packs and often validate and back up each others nonsense with what appears to be "innocuous and unsolicited" verification by comrade Bashers. Let's face it, we are all conditioned to "believe" everything we see in writing. If others by virtue of their "posts" also confirm this belief, then we are subconsciously doomed to swallow the hook, line and sinker... Basher - 1 Honest Investor - 0
Lesson 6: The Bashers PLAY ON YOUR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE . They can lie about information and you won't know the difference (unless you have done your own DD on the company and know the truth and facts).
Lesson 7: Bashers play on your lack of patience . You have held a stock for a while. You knew it will be a big stock someday, but the BASHER CAN GET TO YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE TIRED OF WAITING FOR YOUR GAIN. That's when the Basher is best. You are tired. You have forgotten the goal for the stock was to hold it for one year. The Basher is bothersome, so you dump it on a bad day. Some others also dump. Then you get mad for your loss and return to let everyone know how mad you are. Then you turn into a semi-Basher as well. THE BASHER HAS WON, AND GAINED A NEW ALLY - YOU!
Lesson 8: BRING THE PRICE DOWN. That is the Basher's job. The truth is not important. Lies are the norm. Post continuously on the board every day. They are trying to scare the newbies that are just investigating a stock. They are trying to wear down the faithful longs on the board and gain free reign and control .
Do not underestimate a Bashers influence on a stock. The Pro's are good at what they do and what they do is profit from your losses . Below is their "hand-book". Learn from it or you will be donating your hard earned money to them!
1. Check the "Born on Date" Bashers create identities on a regular basis. Rarely do you find a Basher with older "Created On" date. So click on the Identity icon for more details.
2. Take the time to look at the Basher's history of Posts. Go to other boards and see if their is a pattern to the theme of the posts. Bashers rarely waste time trying to blend in with "positive" posts, unless they are cultivating a new uninformed assistant.
3. When did the Basher show up. Bashers rarely show up when activity is in at a Lull. They show up when activity up/down..
4. Bashers never answer direct questions except with another question.
5. Bashers do work in teams (sometimes themselves as a team). So be suspicious of someone showing up and automatically having a Shadow to converse with who supports their argument.
6. Bashers always select "an argument" that can never be resolved by research.
Grade 'A' Basher:
If you post lots of old news, respond to all positive posts with a negative side. Never respond to being called a Basher, never post on another board with same alias. Can spend up to 80 hours a week Bashing a stock.
Grade 'B' Basher:
Very good way with words, always claims to be your "friend" taking the positive poster into confidence, never posts on another board, spends about 60 hours a week.
Grade 'C' Basher:
Spends less time than the others but is somewhat effective and gets a C grade due to getting excited when Bashers rules say not to get excited, spends about 40 hours a week.
Grade 'D' Basher:
Needs to learn the basics about being convincing when making a negative statement. Spends a good amount of time working the stock, maybe 20 hours a week.
Grade 'E' Basher:
A complete idiot, most readers are not convinced he knows anything about stocks in general. The type that says a stock "sucks", but gives no rationale, shows up every so often but no regular schedule.
Rules for Successful Bashing:
1. Be anonymous
2. Use 10% fact. 90% suggestion. The facts will lend credibility to your suggestions.
3. Let others help you learn about the stock. Build rapport and a support base before initiating your Bashing routine.
4. Enter w/ humor and reply to all who reply to you.
5. Use multiple ISP's, handles and aliases.
6. Use two (2) or more aliases to simulate a discussion.
7. Do not start with an all out slam of the stock. Build softly.
8. Identify your foes (Longs) and the boards "guru" Use them to your advantage. Lead them do not follow their lead.
9. Only Bash until the tide/momentum turns. Let doubt carry it the rest of the way.
10. Give the appearance of being open minded.
11. Be bold in your statements. People follow strength.
12. Write headlines in caps with catchy statements.
13. Pour it on as your position gains momentum. Not your personality.
14. Don't worry about being labeled a "Basher". Newbies won't know your history.
15. When identified put up a brief fight, then back off. Return in an hour unless your foe is a weak in reasoning powers.
16. Your goal is to limit the momentum of the run. Not to tank the company or create a plunge in the stock; be subtle and consistent.
17. Kill the dreams of profits, not the company or the stock.
18. Use questions to create critical thinking. Statements to reinforce facts.
20. Encourage people to call the company. 99% won't. They'll take your word for claims made. If they do call you can always find something that is inaccurate in how they report their findings.
21. Discourage people from believing Press Releases. Encourage them to call the company. They won't out of laziness.
22. If the companies history/PR's are negative constantly point to that. Compile a list of this data prior to beginning your efforts.
23. If the price rises blame it on the hype or the PR, temporary mass reaction, the market, etc. Anything but the stock itself.
24. If other posters share your concerns, play on that and share theirs too.
25. Always cite low volume, even when it's not.
26. Three or four aliases can dominate a board and wear down the longs.
27. Bait the Longs into personal debates putting their focus/efforts on you and not the stock or facts. Divert their attention from facts.
28. Promote other stocks that would-be investors can turn to instead of the one your Bashing.
30. Do not fall for challenges on the "values" of what you are doing, it's a game and you are playing it with your own rules.
LEARN ABOUT HOW BASHERS WORK: For instance: did you know that some Bashers are paid?
Golden Rule:
IGNORE THEM ...learn how professional Bashers are paid: When you REPLY to Bashers you give them an opportunity to earn appox. 5-7 dollars . The service agreement they enter into with their employer states their messages will be monitored for content, profanity, lies, etc. but Overseers and the like don't have the time to check all their Bashers messages. Only occasional spot checks are done. Those who manage the Basher will generally read the headlines to see if a Basher is replying to other posters by name. That tells them the Basher isn't just "posting blindly" or repeating the same message over and over since they won't pay for those.(True to form a Basher will put the bite on anyone, even their unscrupulous employer). A Basher will attempt to milk three to five replies per post at one to two dollars each. This way the Basher spreads negative influence to as many stockholders as possible. A Basher will create this discussion thread because it takes less time reading more messages than is necessary. This ultimately allows the Basher more time to post and make money.
In general, NEVER ENGAGE A BASHER. Make them read all the posts and think up ways to enter the discussion. NEVER ENGAGE A BASHER; if you do so then YOU BECOME THE BASHER,S AID! If you feel compelled to challenge a Basher do so without mentioning his/her true alias in your response. This will make it hard for the Basher to use your post as a revenue stream .
Read the news, do your own homework and make your own decisions. Get real time quotes and follow the stock for a couple of weeks. Due Diligence is key here. Know that there will be a time when the stock runs up which will be followed followed by the Bashers and those that missed the boat. The Bashers will trash the stock by saying such things as "it's a Pump and Dump" and "the company is lying" and deceiving. Their goal is to scare off newbies and potential new investors by "shaking" you out of your shares . Take the time to confirm your DD ,trust your own judgement and believe in yourself, pick your point of return or loss and live with it. Don't listen to hype or Bashers trust your own judgement. Live by the rules you have created .
The Basher 'Pack' Mentality
Bashers love to work in packs. It provides the quintessential cover to achieve supposedly "independent" validation of an argument . It is neither independent nor validating.
Pack Structure: Basher Packs can be comprised of any number of Bashers. They can be purposely formed within an organization or they can be "ad hoc" formed during a conclave on a particular board. In fact a pack mentality can be achieved by an ambitious "party of one" with a few select aliases.
Once a pack is formed, a leader emerges. This leader is usually acknowledged by other Bashers because of 1. Knowledge of the stock. or 2. Recognition by current board Longs (high visibility). Once established the Leader will usually work the Pack members up in to a posting frenzy. Constantly changing themes and even occasionally biting the ear of another pack member (this earns instant credibility), and it doesn't offend the bitten Basher because he/she knows it is all part of the effect. Quite sophisticated.
Packs will disband and slink away without notice. Usually this is the call of the Pack Leader who is adept at recognizing overplay. More often than not, Pack members must move on because they have other Bashing commitments to fulfill. They will return to the site of a good hunt over and over again, until hamstringing is achieved.
What calls a pack together. The Cry of the Leader. Certain Bashers love to work together. They know each others bite, how to feign in and out, it is a well choreographed Bash when pack members have worked together before. They constantly check their "Sites Du Jour" for signs of Pack activity. Occasionally they will throw out a "Nibbler" Bash to see if the pack responds or if not they can work the site themselves. It's all about effectiveness, time and earning money.
< BEWARE OF THE PACK > (post by intheclouds)
IMO negativity tends to breed negativity .... Creating uncertianty tends to create fear and fear tends to create selling ... BUY the FEAR.
Keep a healthy emotional/rational balance when approaching everything.
from trading tips 101 board-- post 40- -- 4kids9pets is also an expert on the games mm's play, and 7-10-11,and others
Posted On: 03/08/2012 2:59:04 PM
Posted By: MaxShockeR
More and more investors are winning the game nowadays despite all bashers that float through the Internet that has become part of the game. Floor traders of market makers often watch CNBC, news wires and bulletin boards in order to follow the market during trading session. OTC BB market makers (MMs) don't use fundamental and technical analysis. However, what they do realize is a lot of dumb money does use this newest niche charting or TA (Technical Analysis) to run a stock either up or down. To the MMs this is like taking candy from a baby. Simply they will paint the tape and use whatever tactic to affect the charting bands. Thus the public and dumb money they will have eating out of their hands. Effectively the MMs can show a strong stock growing weak by manipulating the close price in order to generate selling volume, delaying trading time to manipulate trading activities, or even stalling the ask without honoring orders to hold a stock price.
MMs follow a simple code of business when making a market in a atock especially an OTC BB / PS. That is the level that stocks will seek that yields the most volume. Now this is very important because they make money on the volume buying at the bid and selling at the ask. In other words, by making the market they are buying low and selling high. Now smart money adheres to that rule, so do all the market makers. They could careless whether the stock is at $22 or at $0.0002. All they care about is the action thus being able to sell stock at the offer (The high) and buy stock at the bid (The low). To increase their profitability, they make the spread as great as possible on as many shares as they can especially if the volume falls off
When they have mostly all "buy" orders, that's not the price that's going to yield the most volume. They need both buy and sells to get the maximum action. Remember, MMs play the volume. If the volume decreases and there are mostly Buys that become a one way volume, Buy volume. So what they do is let the stock run up to a price where it runs out of steam. They fill all the buy orders there that they can and then comes the pullback one way or another naturally or induced. During the pull back they can buy tons of shares and flip them to those averaging down or trying to catch the bounce. At some price, the stock will be relatively stable and yield the most volume. Now that is the average price you will see.
The average price is the point where a stock seeks a level where MMs can profit on the most volume. So during the day that is the price that MMs and momentum/day traders want to see the stock at. Why? Because they know the public and dumb money was chasing the price thing up. Most of the time, the MMs love a flurry of Market Orders which is a dead sign of an artificial run or momentum. Merely it is money in the bank for them. Most get hung in a momentum or day trade or by the tactics of Market makers, who are in the business to screw the public every chance they get. They are merely making the market liquid is their reasoning.
The market makers have created an added complication to the OTCBB's// PS chaos of the already volatile intra-day price movements created by dumb money, momentum and day-traders. MMs can not relate to long-term holders in the OTC BB / PS. That makes absolutely no sense what so ever. They feel a large percentage of trades in the OTC BB / PS market consist of short-term or day-trades, MMs merely view the barrage of buy and sell orders as relatively neutral to the market. How they figure it is when the average dumb money buys shares in a company, the MMs feel or rather know with some certainty it is very likely that dumb money will want to sell back those shares relatively quick on the slightest drop.
Now somewhat comfortable with this logic the MMs merely short sells into the buying and attempts to take the stock down in an effort to "shake out" the weak. Since it is tough to know for sure whether a move is the beginning of a trend, or a routine shake out, this type of deception works quite well for the MMs. What the long-termers do to a stock is surprise the MMs because instead of falling, the shorting has no effect and the price goes up. Now that puts the MM at selling low through shorting and thus having to buy high in order to cover.
Boy, when this happens, the MMs are not very happy campers. The investors and traders aren't supposed to be doing that to them. Now it becomes time to pull out every trick and tactic in the book in order to attempt to get a Bear Raid at every dollar/cent mark or percent from where the stock started. Could be a fraction of a penny in smaller priced securities. What MMs do is give you a chance to make a small amount of money for your momentum and day trading style by shorting it at these levels and trying to get a bear raid each time. Each failure is compounding the MMs short position so they let it go to the next level. Now come more deliberate tactics MMs use to coerce Bear Raid or panic selling.
Once the MM is caught short and the strength of the buy is overpowering the MM will want to cover his short position. So the MMs call up one of his friendly MMs and says some like "the weather is sure rough today." The MM along with the other "friendly MM initiates a down tick about the same time. Now this can also be done with a certain amount of shares such as an infamous 100 shares flag. This down tick gives the illusion of weakness designed to hopefully begin the bear raid of selling. The fickle, fearful, day trader, momentum and short term begin to sell out allowing the MM to cover his short position at lower prices. They will move it down quickly to get it to a price of least financial damage. Problem they have is long-term investors in the OTC BB / PS. They start accumulating and buying comes flying in when they take it too far thus the MMs took it to the point of volume again and not only investors the other MMs step in the make money on the spread.
Alas the poor MM does not get to cover. Now comes various tactics like stalling, boxing, or even locking the Bid and Ask for a while. Of course, MMs aggressively deny any sort of collusion designed to fix quotes or spreads.
MMs have a vast resource of tactics and it would take probably more than a lifetime to figure them all out.
So how do investors somehow manage to overcome the obvious deception in OTCBB arena? One answer is indirection trading style by going long which the MMs do not expect. In the war between investors and public companies on the OTC BB / PS vs the MMs, if the MMs have all the advantages due to position or other factors, direct confrontation such as momentum or day trading hitting the stock is a definite death sentence
However, an indirect approach tends to weaken the path of least resistance before slowly overcoming it. The most effective way is long-term investors slowly accumulating and holding thus drawing the MMs out of its defenses making them as naked as their short position. This is war so this slow accumulation and holding for the long term easily achieves the desired effect to force MMs to cover and knock off the tactics or bury themselves deeper.
The MMs when caught will especially use every trick and tactic in the book to get a Bear Raid thus playing on the individual fear of most people. The MMs feel they have information and position advantages over the investors as long as the holding of the stock is in weak hands or short term holders. Since they are OTC BB MMs who believe all OTCBB companies are not worth investing and management is ineffective regardless what is happening within the company. Furthermore, MMs know they are in the position to impose a great deal of influence in OTC BB stocks trading when it suits their needs.
This inherent power of position enables the MMs to move the markets at any time up or down. As a result, the only way to draw them out of their favorable position is going long. Now this does not mean just any company but to effectively nail the MMs, Longs must find the great company on the floor and accumulate long before the MM tactics and games begin
( Posted by SJJMartin and Reposted/Edited by MaxShokeR - Original Source ? )
Destroyers are incapable of understanding givers like myself, who believe they should use their knowledge to help people ,not destroy people.Destroyers dont understand anything good.
I've posted many times that I've purposefully avoided even communicating w NNLX as long as they are otc, ''no info".
Since i believe the only way longs are going to profit from NNLX real world progress is to update to at least otc ''current info'',i have explained that at length a couple of times and that doing so would eliminate 3 major reasons for shorters/bashers to try to control the NNLX boards.
So, to rebut the usual intended false accusation of insider knowledge, I have none.
How is quoting a company update from the website insider info?????
I was doing college work by 5th grade (didnt even start paying attention til 4th grade bc everything was so primitive) and am pretty good at extrapolating- professors fell out of their chairs ,saying i understood in less than minutes what took a whole semester to teach,and kept calling the cult leader to tell them, 'hes a genius'. I didnt learn from man, who knows very little (and according to the book nothing),and thus i have knowledge etc to draw upon beyond your imagination.
How arrogant!! I've spent thousands of hours helping establish this site as an alternative to the basher boards,which encourage bashing and then eliminate longs when they respond to the bashing. As part of my attempts to help build this site as an alternative to the basher boards,I started the posting on this board,where i was alone for many months as i remember.
Then the johhny come lately bashers arrived, employing their usual craft tactics to intimidate and eliminate longs-especially a dd long or leading long like myself,so they could totally control the discussion while they make a profit shorting,requiring ca 20 hrs of my time every week confronting their destruction,as some longs hysterically kept demanding i do.
My best friend had to beg me for 6 months to join him in pennies so i could use my profits to help him avoid foreclosure on his house built just before the great recession destroyed his otherwise successful construction company,which congressional investigations showed were aided by shorting. I had less than zero interest in stocks and didnt even know the sick practice of shorting existed
But as soon as i entered,shorter/bashers took over the boards. Before that he made a 40 fold return in 6 months.After bashers took over,neither he nor i could profit and we lost most of what we invested-this has been typical for longs. It was almost impossible for longs to profit and many longs left, unable to find a company to profit when bashers controlled the boards. This resulted in not only losing his house but his family and his life. When I mentioned this to a couple bashers ,they were gleeful and said that only encouraged them to up their antics-sick sick sick!!!.
How arrogant of you to come onto this board at this stage and intimidate or try to intimidate many longs directly and indirectly w your posts. I'm going to remove every post which is designed to intimidate longs-such posts violate tou anyway. It doesnt surprise me in your arrogance that you went to the admin apparently twice to try to cause trouble -thats what destroyers do.
So i can start my campaign to have you banned from this site as several before you were.
I've seen how you basher/destroyer/liar/intimidators/manipulators follow your master in stealing killing and destroying via the aforementioned craft tactics,especially as i grew up in a craft cult by birth and the crafters in said cult employed those exact tactics my entire life, harassing me (through 3rd parties-like bullies they didnt dare a frontal attack for i won all power encounters) my entire life and trying to kill me countless thousands of times bc I would not worship satan-the destroyer ,slanderer /manipulator stealer with them.
Posted By: microcaps
The following is our opinion gathered from various sources:
Longs, surfers, newbies, please ignore the self proclaimed ' bloody ' basher shorters who have tried to capture the board and control the discussion as part of a shorting raid for their profit at our expense. Shorters use fear tactics and disinformation for profit.
See the NNLX website www.nanologix.com for info re NNLX game changing technology. Since NNLX is beginning to transition to commercialization while improving various products, they will very possibly upgrade to pink current status before long and later up-list as a fully SEC reporting company, perhaps initially as OTCQB, and then Nasdaq or another major exchange.
Shorting groups short thousands of stocks, no matter what the price, whether sub-penny or blue chips,including stocks which may not be easy for the average free agent shorter to short. A congressional investigation showed they had a part in initiating the great recession, and thus shorting was prohibited in certain financial stocks for ca six months.
Naked shorting, where they never even borrow a stock, is illegal. Where they are trading shares they never borrowed and don't ''own", like money out of thin air or counterfeit money.
In regular shorting, they borrow the shares when the price is high, and sell after lowering the pps via their campaign of disinformation. If they borrow the shares when pps is $.50, and sell (at which time they have to buy what they borrowed in order to sell it) at $.10, they profit the difference-$.40.
To profit, they use fear by continually shouting fire in a crowded theater- which would be a crime in real life- imo often the worst lies or irrelevancies they can think of. It's a war of attrition where they try to wear down long's and block/deceive newbies. They try to prevent others from buying and get longs to sell, only to have longs move on to another stock in a destructive game of musical chairs where longs experience the same shorting in a vicious cycle, thus never profiting- for a good portion of these penny stocks are shorted.
The bi-monthly short reports are reportedly easy to manipulate and allow mm's etc many days to prepare for such so in our opinion understate true shorting.
finra also has a daily shorting count under the shorting descriptive- shorters description of such implies finra is deceiving-reporting just 1 leg of a transaction,which does not make sense when all legs can be completed in seconds with todays electronic clearing houses.
mm's reportedly have a dozen ways to hide true shorts-see posts elsewhere by 4kids9pets etc
They attack the stock, company, longs, threaten longs publicly and privately, anything and everything they can think of to drive the price down.
Unlike longs, many shorters, in the shorting cartels etc., reportedly get paid and thus do this for a living,with much training from the basher/shorter handbooks etc. If you look at MaxShocker's posts of articles re bashers and mm's etc. below, copied from his trading tips 101 board, posts 40, 86, 117, you will see some of the general rules for dealing with shorters :
These rules include :
1). Don't link directly to their post if you reply to something they say. We will rebut disinformation as deemed necessary but most should follow the general rule to IGNORE them .
2). Linking directly to their posts emphasizes what they have said twice,so in most cases if you need to respond to disinformation, use the ''create new post" menu.
3). Plus they reportedly get paid for every post that directly links to their post , except perhaps for the leader and others on salary. For every post that piggybacks on a link that directly links to their post, they might get paid also. See below.
4). Also, don't mention their monikers in your posts, for they reportedly get paid for that .
5). Try to keep it professional, as per the terms of use. If you wrestle with a pig, as the saying goes, you will get dirty and frustrated,for you cannot educate them or steer them from their goal, but the pig will enjoy the mudbath free for all ,for it is the pigs chosen method of operation and lifestyle. And the pig, especially the crafters, loves to get dirty.
Destruction is the goal- fear, strife, hatred, division, frustration, confusion,deception, disinformation the tools, in my experience. When somebody loses their life or home etc. because of their games, one or more have privately said that encouraged them all the more. Getting angry, calling them names, is something from my experience they apparently enjoy. So cease and desist in thinking such respond like most.
occasional formatting, spell correction or underlining in the following posts:
from trading tips 101,post 117
Posted On: 05/06/2012 2:59:04 PM
Posted By: MaxShockeR
~ Confessions of a Paid Stock Basher :
Source: http://www.stockhouse.com/
''I am a paid basher.
Yes, it is true. Today is my last day at this company; I'm moving on to a new job. I've realized that there are more dignifying jobs out there that can pay me equally as well. But before I go, I want to explain a few things because this just isn't right and I won't feel good about myself until I expose this sham. It's hurt too many people and I don't want it on my conscience anymore. I can no longer live with a lie. I work for a company called Global Calumny Funds in Stamford, CT.Basically, it's a Boiler Room much like the one in the movie of the same name.The idea behind my group is to bash the price of a company's stock down low enough to where the group of investors who retained our company's services can buy the stock really cheap and perhaps even take it over all together.
There are approximately 70 people at the company divided into several groups. My group, consisting of 5 people, is responsible for IDWD. While I probably shouldn't give any names of anyone working here now, what the heck, I'm leaving here, so what can they do? sue me? Ha! I can tell you that "laptoptrader" and [..........] were part of my group until he left last week, as "wasninaturtle". Others who have been part of this include early bashers like "harddata" and "Investorman". You may be interested to know that some hypsters, such as "MONEYMADE" and even "Datatech!!", have also been part of the scam (more on that later).
There are several companies engaged in the bashing business, ours is not the only one. However, I can tell you that not every basher in here is a paid basher. Having done this for a year, I can usually tell who is a paid basher and who is merely someone having a little fun. While unpaid bashers have a different motive than someone like me, they can be unwilling accomplices to helping me achieve my ultimate goal and they also spread rumor and confusion throughout a room, which also helps me. What is that goal? Well, I am merely a cog in a much larger machine, so my bosses never really explained the big picture to me, but I'd say essentially, Shaddowwatch2oo 3 was right. There are several companies who are quite familiar with Jim Bishop and Janice Shell and who are deathly afraid of them .
There are three types of bashers here at Global Calumny Funds: Advanced,Intermediate and Beginner. An Advanced-level basher (also known as a SilverTongued Devil) would spread false or misleading information about the company. They would deal in facts, countering every longs post with articles,news reports and opinion surveys that gave a negative impression about thecompany. An Intermediate-level basher (also known as a Serpent) would try to elbow their way into the confidence of longs and create doubt using rumor or innuendo.
Finally, a Beginner-level basher (also known as a Pitchfork) would attempt to create confusion in the room by distracting other posters with satire, name calling and pointless arguments. The idea was to make sure no serious discussion of the stock could take place. A Pitchfork was usually a basher, but not always. Sometimes, we would throw in a hypster Pitchfork such as "MONEYMADE" and "laptop" and a pumper like " Datatech" to create the illusion of an argument going on. What was really funny (in a perverse way, I guess) was that "Datatech" and I sat next to each other, laughing the whole time.
I was a Serpent basher, because I am known for effective bashing based on solid facts and truth. I was paid a base wage of $18 an hour for my services. I was given a $1.25 bonus for every decent quality post over 100 per day as well as a monthly bonus of $100 for every penny the stock had dropped from the previous month. I was also paid a bonus for bashing on weekends . While this may not sound like much, I made a decent, though dishonorable, paycheck plus a niceLaptop with free wireless internet connection. Each of us sat in a small half-cubicle in a cluster with our teammates.Each group (usually five people) was made of three beginners (two who would bash and one who would hype), one intermediate and one advanced level basher.Occasionally for some of the hotter stocks, one of the beginners would be replaced by an intermediate depending on how much the stock was rising. IDWD was a low-level stock, meaning it got the 3-1-1 configuration. Honestly though, somehow, I get the feeling that WV Hillbilly may have worked for a basher company or knows someone who does because the fund website she occasionally posts is eerily similar to our employer's websites. While not exact, I'd say it is about 90 percent the same. We do have certain rules that we follow.
First, we have to develop a character and stay within that character in order to build a "following." My character, " FogOfWar ," was a humorous,sarcastic, obnoxious supporter of free speech and loved to portray himself as a truth-telling superhero, but only when it came to bashers. Next, we had to follow certain guidelines on what we could say. We were urged to have an "answer" to every long's question, but we were to frame that answer in a way that ridiculed the questioner for asking such a question .However, we were never to use profanity or vulgarity because that would cause people to ignore us. We were to make fun of people, but in a civil way. The idea was to get "play," i.e. reaction from other posters. The more play we got, the more the room would be disrupted. Ignored posters get no play. One exception would be the hypsters since they were "defending" the stock against our onslaught, they got a little more leeway. People would side with the hypster because they thought he was real since he appeared to be on their side, but was really on ours, setting us up to disrupt the room. "MoneyMade" was quite good at this and gets paid very well.
I've worked on IDWD, VLO, AGII, QBID, BKMP for a few months now. In addition to the FogOfWar alias, I've used a few others on several other boards as well. I've used so many aliases that I can not remember the monikers or the passwords. I honestly lost track of everything. I stuck with FogOfWar because it was the one that got the most play from other posters .
In closing, I feel absolutely terrible about this. It's just awful how I've been part of a scam designed to cheat honest, hard-working people out of their investments all for the benefit of a few wealthy people who already have enough money to last a lifetime .These greedy people MUST be stopped. That's why I'm posting this before I leave. I want to make up for some of the damage I've done. I can't live with this lie anymore. You can't imagine how hard it is to look at myself in the mirror each morning knowing my job is to cheat and lie. I have to go now, I'm too broken up to continue. I hope this confession can make up for my sordid deeds; I would urge everyone who reads this to inform as many people as you can. Only by shining the light of truth can we drive these rats back into the darkness from whence they came. Believe me, they don't want publicity.
Good luck and I hope all of you the best in your investment endeavors.
from trading tips 101 board
Posted On: 03/12/2012 3:01:21 PM
Posted By: MaxShockeR
* A BASHERs Handbook *
Reprinted here as a service to those who doubt this actually exists, or is simply an unfounded urban legend.
Is the "Bashing" of a stock an essential part of the online investment landscape?
Our Constitution guarantees us free speech and we have always valued the lessons gleaned from dissent. When does dissent cross over that imaginary line and become "Bashing"? To often we find well grounded dissent capriciously labeled as "Bashing" by over zealous investors bent on protecting a stocks reputation at any cost. The "Bashing" that is addressed on this site is quite different from dissent. The Anatomy of a Basher strives to look at the calculated erosion of confidence in a given stock. Erosion by means that are, in every sense, void of truth, hinged on deception and innuendo, and motivated by greed at the expense of others. This compendium is offered to aid in identifying the telltale signs of "Bashing", and hopefully provide a counter balance to this heretofore unchecked manipulation of investors fears for personal gain.
IS IT EASIER TO SCARE PEOPLE INTO SELLING THAN IT IS TO SCARE PEOPLE INTO BUYING A STOCK? I have asked some knowledgeable investors this question and the answer is always: "YES, OF COURSE YES!"
Consider the elderly that are investing for retirement, they find their way to the message boards for validation only to see false posts about "SEC Violations" and "Class action suits"... or the head of a "typical growing family", with children to put through college, who is monitoring a message board only to read posts by a "pack of 15 to 20 Bashers" (probably 5 or 6 under various alias's) posting continuous disinformation... what do you think these new investors will do? It's safer to not buy or even sell the stock, put the money back in the bank than to deal with all this whirl wind of "unsupported" negative chaff.
The Internet has lured a whole new class of investor into the market. A new investor is just that - New! This new investor, while learning the basics, is particularly vulnerable to the tactics of professional Bashers. New investors tend to lurk in the background of message boards, content to form independent opinions based on what they read with their own eyes. Very often, honest, intelligent and cautious people can easily be overcome by a well orchestrated propaganda effort.
You must always remember that their is a lot of money to be made in just the motion of a stock UP or DOWN it doesn't matter! And Bashers have money at risk just as you do. But they have the edge of fear, lies, and falsehoods to post while preying on the un-initiated. The average investor does not have the edge of organized deception .
Recent revelations have indicated that even Market Makers (those charged with keeping the playing field level) have been involved in stock manipulation by Bashing on a stock message board. HAVE NO DOUBT THAT THIS IS A REAL THREAT!
Lesson 1: Remember, BASHERS NEVER Bash A BAD STOCK. Check the boards for stocks with no potential. They never have any Bashers. Bashers only go after stocks that are moving up or have excellent potential to do so . Bashers work to bring the price down to either increase their position at the expense of others or help a Short make their bones.
Lesson 2: BASHERS ALWAYS BRING UP OLD NEWS THAT YOU HAVE HEARD MANY TIMES. New startup companies always have a few bits of bad news. The Basher will post this over and over again. Unsophisticated Bashers will try to freshen up old news with a new date or by-line in an attempt to fool you.
Lesson 3: BASHERS POST MANY TIMES A DAY. They try to wear you out. They comment on everything, every other post , and can answer every question. THEY KNOW IT ALL! There is no positive comment they won't Bash. They try to control the board . True longs may have to confront the Bashers or they will appear to the newbies as being the people with all the information. This is best accomplished by posting positive, well researched data on the company, repetitively, while trying hard not to engage the Bashers in direct repartee. REMEMBER - LONGS... RESIST USING THE BASHERS ALIAS!
Lesson 4: BASHERS WILL LIE TO YOUR FACE. Never trust a Basher. The truth on startup companies is that they make mistakes. What new company hasn't? The Basher will compare your issue to another companies, financials - deals - management, etc., trying to lure you into making an Apples to Oranges comparison . Remember each company is unique and while it is prudent to seek out established indicators, do so with care and don't take someone else's word for it. Strive to come up with at least a "six-pack" of indicators so your vision of the state of a company is not tied to a single barometer. Not doing so is tantamount to going to a Race Track and betting on the "Pretty Brown Horsey". BASHERS WANT TO WHISPER IN YOUR EAR - PLANT A SEED OF DOUBT, AND HOPE THAT YOU ARE NOT SAVVY ENOUGH TO RESEARCH THE TRUTH ON YOUR OWN . This is how they achieve their greatest success.
This is your investment... work for it, protect it and don't panic on the words of every shadowy figure that "has your best interest in their heart". Consider that one factor: Someone you have never met, is not a member of your family, is now, out of the goodness of their hearts - GIVING YOU FREE ADVICE (that you didn't ask for). It's a no brainer. They have motives $$$$$$$$$$$$ .
Lesson 5: Bashers know YOU CAN'T VERIFY THEIR STATEMENTS. That's why they make the vague statements they do. They rely on you being to lazy to research their droppings other than to scan the board for others opinions. This is particularly dangerous when you consider that Bashers work in packs and often validate and back up each others nonsense with what appears to be "innocuous and unsolicited" verification by comrade Bashers. Let's face it, we are all conditioned to "believe" everything we see in writing. If others by virtue of their "posts" also confirm this belief, then we are subconsciously doomed to swallow the hook, line and sinker... Basher - 1 Honest Investor - 0
Lesson 6: The Bashers PLAY ON YOUR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE . They can lie about information and you won't know the difference (unless you have done your own DD on the company and know the truth and facts).
Lesson 7: Bashers play on your lack of patience . You have held a stock for a while. You knew it will be a big stock someday, but the BASHER CAN GET TO YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE TIRED OF WAITING FOR YOUR GAIN. That's when the Basher is best. You are tired. You have forgotten the goal for the stock was to hold it for one year. The Basher is bothersome, so you dump it on a bad day. Some others also dump. Then you get mad for your loss and return to let everyone know how mad you are. Then you turn into a semi-Basher as well. THE BASHER HAS WON, AND GAINED A NEW ALLY - YOU!
Lesson 8: BRING THE PRICE DOWN. That is the Basher's job. The truth is not important. Lies are the norm. Post continuously on the board every day. They are trying to scare the newbies that are just investigating a stock. They are trying to wear down the faithful longs on the board and gain free reign and control .
Do not underestimate a Bashers influence on a stock. The Pro's are good at what they do and what they do is profit from your losses . Below is their "hand-book". Learn from it or you will be donating your hard earned money to them!
1. Check the "Born on Date" Bashers create identities on a regular basis. Rarely do you find a Basher with older "Created On" date. So click on the Identity icon for more details.
2. Take the time to look at the Basher's history of Posts. Go to other boards and see if their is a pattern to the theme of the posts. Bashers rarely waste time trying to blend in with "positive" posts, unless they are cultivating a new uninformed assistant.
3. When did the Basher show up. Bashers rarely show up when activity is in at a Lull. They show up when activity up/down..
4. Bashers never answer direct questions except with another question.
5. Bashers do work in teams (sometimes themselves as a team). So be suspicious of someone showing up and automatically having a Shadow to converse with who supports their argument.
6. Bashers always select "an argument" that can never be resolved by research.
Grade 'A' Basher:
If you post lots of old news, respond to all positive posts with a negative side. Never respond to being called a Basher, never post on another board with same alias. Can spend up to 80 hours a week Bashing a stock.
Grade 'B' Basher:
Very good way with words, always claims to be your "friend" taking the positive poster into confidence, never posts on another board, spends about 60 hours a week.
Grade 'C' Basher:
Spends less time than the others but is somewhat effective and gets a C grade due to getting excited when Bashers rules say not to get excited, spends about 40 hours a week.
Grade 'D' Basher:
Needs to learn the basics about being convincing when making a negative statement. Spends a good amount of time working the stock, maybe 20 hours a week.
Grade 'E' Basher:
A complete idiot, most readers are not convinced he knows anything about stocks in general. The type that says a stock "sucks", but gives no rationale, shows up every so often but no regular schedule.
Rules for Successful Bashing:
1. Be anonymous
2. Use 10% fact. 90% suggestion. The facts will lend credibility to your suggestions.
3. Let others help you learn about the stock. Build rapport and a support base before initiating your Bashing routine.
4. Enter w/ humor and reply to all who reply to you.
5. Use multiple ISP's, handles and aliases.
6. Use two (2) or more aliases to simulate a discussion.
7. Do not start with an all out slam of the stock. Build softly.
8. Identify your foes (Longs) and the boards "guru" Use them to your advantage. Lead them do not follow their lead.
9. Only Bash until the tide/momentum turns. Let doubt carry it the rest of the way.
10. Give the appearance of being open minded.
11. Be bold in your statements. People follow strength.
12. Write headlines in caps with catchy statements.
13. Pour it on as your position gains momentum. Not your personality.
14. Don't worry about being labeled a "Basher". Newbies won't know your history.
15. When identified put up a brief fight, then back off. Return in an hour unless your foe is a weak in reasoning powers.
16. Your goal is to limit the momentum of the run. Not to tank the company or create a plunge in the stock; be subtle and consistent.
17. Kill the dreams of profits, not the company or the stock.
18. Use questions to create critical thinking. Statements to reinforce facts.
20. Encourage people to call the company. 99% won't. They'll take your word for claims made. If they do call you can always find something that is inaccurate in how they report their findings.
21. Discourage people from believing Press Releases. Encourage them to call the company. They won't out of laziness.
22. If the companies history/PR's are negative constantly point to that. Compile a list of this data prior to beginning your efforts.
23. If the price rises blame it on the hype or the PR, temporary mass reaction, the market, etc. Anything but the stock itself.
24. If other posters share your concerns, play on that and share theirs too.
25. Always cite low volume, even when it's not.
26. Three or four aliases can dominate a board and wear down the longs.
27. Bait the Longs into personal debates putting their focus/efforts on you and not the stock or facts. Divert their attention from facts.
28. Promote other stocks that would-be investors can turn to instead of the one your Bashing.
30. Do not fall for challenges on the "values" of what you are doing, it's a game and you are playing it with your own rules.
LEARN ABOUT HOW BASHERS WORK: For instance: did you know that some Bashers are paid?
Golden Rule:
IGNORE THEM ...learn how professional Bashers are paid: When you REPLY to Bashers you give them an opportunity to earn appox. 5-7 dollars . The service agreement they enter into with their employer states their messages will be monitored for content, profanity, lies, etc. but Overseers and the like don't have the time to check all their Bashers messages. Only occasional spot checks are done. Those who manage the Basher will generally read the headlines to see if a Basher is replying to other posters by name. That tells them the Basher isn't just "posting blindly" or repeating the same message over and over since they won't pay for those.(True to form a Basher will put the bite on anyone, even their unscrupulous employer). A Basher will attempt to milk three to five replies per post at one to two dollars each. This way the Basher spreads negative influence to as many stockholders as possible. A Basher will create this discussion thread because it takes less time reading more messages than is necessary. This ultimately allows the Basher more time to post and make money.
In general, NEVER ENGAGE A BASHER. Make them read all the posts and think up ways to enter the discussion. NEVER ENGAGE A BASHER; if you do so then YOU BECOME THE BASHER,S AID! If you feel compelled to challenge a Basher do so without mentioning his/her true alias in your response. This will make it hard for the Basher to use your post as a revenue stream .
Read the news, do your own homework and make your own decisions. Get real time quotes and follow the stock for a couple of weeks. Due Diligence is key here. Know that there will be a time when the stock runs up which will be followed followed by the Bashers and those that missed the boat. The Bashers will trash the stock by saying such things as "it's a Pump and Dump" and "the company is lying" and deceiving. Their goal is to scare off newbies and potential new investors by "shaking" you out of your shares . Take the time to confirm your DD ,trust your own judgement and believe in yourself, pick your point of return or loss and live with it. Don't listen to hype or Bashers trust your own judgement. Live by the rules you have created .
The Basher 'Pack' Mentality
Bashers love to work in packs. It provides the quintessential cover to achieve supposedly "independent" validation of an argument . It is neither independent nor validating.
Pack Structure: Basher Packs can be comprised of any number of Bashers. They can be purposely formed within an organization or they can be "ad hoc" formed during a conclave on a particular board. In fact a pack mentality can be achieved by an ambitious "party of one" with a few select aliases.
Once a pack is formed, a leader emerges. This leader is usually acknowledged by other Bashers because of 1. Knowledge of the stock. or 2. Recognition by current board Longs (high visibility). Once established the Leader will usually work the Pack members up in to a posting frenzy. Constantly changing themes and even occasionally biting the ear of another pack member (this earns instant credibility), and it doesn't offend the bitten Basher because he/she knows it is all part of the effect. Quite sophisticated.
Packs will disband and slink away without notice. Usually this is the call of the Pack Leader who is adept at recognizing overplay. More often than not, Pack members must move on because they have other Bashing commitments to fulfill. They will return to the site of a good hunt over and over again, until hamstringing is achieved.
What calls a pack together. The Cry of the Leader. Certain Bashers love to work together. They know each others bite, how to feign in and out, it is a well choreographed Bash when pack members have worked together before. They constantly check their "Sites Du Jour" for signs of Pack activity. Occasionally they will throw out a "Nibbler" Bash to see if the pack responds or if not they can work the site themselves. It's all about effectiveness, time and earning money.
< BEWARE OF THE PACK > (post by intheclouds)
IMO negativity tends to breed negativity .... Creating uncertianty tends to create fear and fear tends to create selling ... BUY the FEAR.
Keep a healthy emotional/rational balance when approaching everything.
from trading tips 101 board-- post 40- -- 4kids9pets is also an expert on the games mm's play, and 7-10-11,and others
Posted On: 03/08/2012 2:59:04 PM
Posted By: MaxShockeR
More and more investors are winning the game nowadays despite all bashers that float through the Internet that has become part of the game. Floor traders of market makers often watch CNBC, news wires and bulletin boards in order to follow the market during trading session. OTC BB market makers (MMs) don't use fundamental and technical analysis. However, what they do realize is a lot of dumb money does use this newest niche charting or TA (Technical Analysis) to run a stock either up or down. To the MMs this is like taking candy from a baby. Simply they will paint the tape and use whatever tactic to affect the charting bands. Thus the public and dumb money they will have eating out of their hands. Effectively the MMs can show a strong stock growing weak by manipulating the close price in order to generate selling volume, delaying trading time to manipulate trading activities, or even stalling the ask without honoring orders to hold a stock price.
MMs follow a simple code of business when making a market in a atock especially an OTC BB / PS. That is the level that stocks will seek that yields the most volume. Now this is very important because they make money on the volume buying at the bid and selling at the ask. In other words, by making the market they are buying low and selling high. Now smart money adheres to that rule, so do all the market makers. They could careless whether the stock is at $22 or at $0.0002. All they care about is the action thus being able to sell stock at the offer (The high) and buy stock at the bid (The low). To increase their profitability, they make the spread as great as possible on as many shares as they can especially if the volume falls off
When they have mostly all "buy" orders, that's not the price that's going to yield the most volume. They need both buy and sells to get the maximum action. Remember, MMs play the volume. If the volume decreases and there are mostly Buys that become a one way volume, Buy volume. So what they do is let the stock run up to a price where it runs out of steam. They fill all the buy orders there that they can and then comes the pullback one way or another naturally or induced. During the pull back they can buy tons of shares and flip them to those averaging down or trying to catch the bounce. At some price, the stock will be relatively stable and yield the most volume. Now that is the average price you will see.
The average price is the point where a stock seeks a level where MMs can profit on the most volume. So during the day that is the price that MMs and momentum/day traders want to see the stock at. Why? Because they know the public and dumb money was chasing the price thing up. Most of the time, the MMs love a flurry of Market Orders which is a dead sign of an artificial run or momentum. Merely it is money in the bank for them. Most get hung in a momentum or day trade or by the tactics of Market makers, who are in the business to screw the public every chance they get. They are merely making the market liquid is their reasoning.
The market makers have created an added complication to the OTCBB's// PS chaos of the already volatile intra-day price movements created by dumb money, momentum and day-traders. MMs can not relate to long-term holders in the OTC BB / PS. That makes absolutely no sense what so ever. They feel a large percentage of trades in the OTC BB / PS market consist of short-term or day-trades, MMs merely view the barrage of buy and sell orders as relatively neutral to the market. How they figure it is when the average dumb money buys shares in a company, the MMs feel or rather know with some certainty it is very likely that dumb money will want to sell back those shares relatively quick on the slightest drop.
Now somewhat comfortable with this logic the MMs merely short sells into the buying and attempts to take the stock down in an effort to "shake out" the weak. Since it is tough to know for sure whether a move is the beginning of a trend, or a routine shake out, this type of deception works quite well for the MMs. What the long-termers do to a stock is surprise the MMs because instead of falling, the shorting has no effect and the price goes up. Now that puts the MM at selling low through shorting and thus having to buy high in order to cover.
Boy, when this happens, the MMs are not very happy campers. The investors and traders aren't supposed to be doing that to them. Now it becomes time to pull out every trick and tactic in the book in order to attempt to get a Bear Raid at every dollar/cent mark or percent from where the stock started. Could be a fraction of a penny in smaller priced securities. What MMs do is give you a chance to make a small amount of money for your momentum and day trading style by shorting it at these levels and trying to get a bear raid each time. Each failure is compounding the MMs short position so they let it go to the next level. Now come more deliberate tactics MMs use to coerce Bear Raid or panic selling.
Once the MM is caught short and the strength of the buy is overpowering the MM will want to cover his short position. So the MMs call up one of his friendly MMs and says some like "the weather is sure rough today." The MM along with the other "friendly MM initiates a down tick about the same time. Now this can also be done with a certain amount of shares such as an infamous 100 shares flag. This down tick gives the illusion of weakness designed to hopefully begin the bear raid of selling. The fickle, fearful, day trader, momentum and short term begin to sell out allowing the MM to cover his short position at lower prices. They will move it down quickly to get it to a price of least financial damage. Problem they have is long-term investors in the OTC BB / PS. They start accumulating and buying comes flying in when they take it too far thus the MMs took it to the point of volume again and not only investors the other MMs step in the make money on the spread.
Alas the poor MM does not get to cover. Now comes various tactics like stalling, boxing, or even locking the Bid and Ask for a while. Of course, MMs aggressively deny any sort of collusion designed to fix quotes or spreads.
MMs have a vast resource of tactics and it would take probably more than a lifetime to figure them all out.
So how do investors somehow manage to overcome the obvious deception in OTCBB arena? One answer is indirection trading style by going long which the MMs do not expect. In the war between investors and public companies on the OTC BB / PS vs the MMs, if the MMs have all the advantages due to position or other factors, direct confrontation such as momentum or day trading hitting the stock is a definite death sentence
However, an indirect approach tends to weaken the path of least resistance before slowly overcoming it. The most effective way is long-term investors slowly accumulating and holding thus drawing the MMs out of its defenses making them as naked as their short position. This is war so this slow accumulation and holding for the long term easily achieves the desired effect to force MMs to cover and knock off the tactics or bury themselves deeper.
The MMs when caught will especially use every trick and tactic in the book to get a Bear Raid thus playing on the individual fear of most people. The MMs feel they have information and position advantages over the investors as long as the holding of the stock is in weak hands or short term holders. Since they are OTC BB MMs who believe all OTCBB companies are not worth investing and management is ineffective regardless what is happening within the company. Furthermore, MMs know they are in the position to impose a great deal of influence in OTC BB stocks trading when it suits their needs.
This inherent power of position enables the MMs to move the markets at any time up or down. As a result, the only way to draw them out of their favorable position is going long. Now this does not mean just any company but to effectively nail the MMs, Longs must find the great company on the floor and accumulate long before the MM tactics and games begin
( Posted by SJJMartin and Reposted/Edited by MaxShokeR - Original Source ? )
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