3 MMs' abusively shorting @ ask (3Cs) .. meaning there is nothing adjusting off the ask .. but more telling imo are the hidden trades (and in some cases mirrored) and what NR is *revealing* so far .. note the last trade .. relo/s 44c bid and the ask is UC (undercut) to 448c .. (prior hiddens price point)
13:41:01 0.44 3600 OTO .. @ bid relo/s bid back to 4301 (ask UC)
13:26:19 0.448 1111 OTO .. hidden (1111x2 = 2222)
13:24:52 0.44 2050 OTO .. @ bid .. relo/s ETRF
13:21:22 0.45 1000 OTO .. @ ask NC 3Cs' on ask
13:05:53 0.45 433 OTO .. @ ask NC 3Cs' on ask
13:02:46 0.45 1500 OTO .. @ ask NC 3Cs' on ask
13:01:53 0.45 2222 OTO .. @ ask NC 3Cs' on ask (note 1111x2 = 2222)
12:58:30 0.44 2350 OTO .. @ bid
12:46:47 0.44 4000 OTO .. @ bid
12:46:37 0.44 2500 OTO .. @ bid
12:08:24 0.445 63 OTO .. note the 433 above .. done @ ask
12:07:02 0.45 2500 OTO .. @ ask NC (no change) 3Cs' on ask
12:07:02 0.448 2500 OTO .. hidden (done between B/A) .. mirrored
Detailed Quote:IPIX
0.44Down -0.003 (-0.68 %)AS OF 1:41:01PM ET 04/23/2018
Last Trade 0.44
Trade Time 1:41:01pm ET
Change -0.003
% Change -0.68%
Bid 0.4301
Bid Size 2500
Ask 0.448
Ask Size 7500
Open 0.445
Day High 0.456
Day Low 0.4275
Previous Close
04/20/2018 0.443
52-Week High
12/06/2017 1.17
52-Week Low
04/19/2018 0.41
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
04/20/2018 -47.88%
Volume 257,341
Volume (10 day Average) 270,731
Volume (90 day Average) 229,346
last grab B/A .. may not align with Fido's above
CDEL 0.4301 2,500 13:26
CANT 0.43 2,500 11:57
ETRF 0.43 2,500 13:24
CSTI 0.43 2,500 13:41
OTCX 0.425 10,000 11:51
NITE 0.425 2,500 12:46
VERT 0.40 2,500 03/26
LAFC 0.30 2,500 04/17
STXG 0.30 2,500 04/17
VNDM 0.30 2,500 04/20
PUMA 0.0001 10,000 08:10
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 08:26
DBOX U 0 04/16
ETRF 0.448 5,000 13:35
CDEL 0.45 5,500 13:26
CANT 0.45 2,500 11:57
CSTI 0.45 2,500 12:26
PUMA 0.4597 2,500 08:10
OTCX 0.47 8,000 12:27
NITE 0.48 2,500 10:30
LAFC 0.50 27,912 09:30
VERT 0.715 1,000 03/12
VNDM 1.00 100 04/20
MAXM 1.95 100 08:26
STXG 2.00 100 10/05
DBOX U 0 04/16
my (post) below .. exchange via PM earlier ..
i have no doubts they are desperate
just an fyi .. NR has 3 options in play going forward *imo*
they can get ever more stupid and take the PPS down (35c imo is next round if done) .. the problem there is longs will continue to buy and daily reg sho %s will keep morphing up the % food chain) .. it becomes pretty obvious which is why it has to be removed .. because the visuals don't lie .. unlike the embeds
second is what they have done for the last few years somewhat successfully because they've been able to control what i refer to as NRs' *orchestrated take ups* .. key here as i've pointed out is each round is done @ a lower and lower PPS price point .. the last *take up* stopped out @ 69c .. (i'd noted NRs' line in the sand being 70 - 75c) .. this time around imo the risk on NR being able to *CON-TROLL* the PPS take (up) is rather diminished .. we have a 52 week low *currently* of 41c .. which has been relentlessly compressed for 2 months now sub 63c (69 take up on *minor* volume) .. so this next round's price point (illegally manipulated UP) is maybe mid 50s .. if that
the third option NR has ..is hike volume (been done since 4.9.2018 significantly) .. and going forward do what i refer to as a *laddered* take up by NR .. this is when
they do a % higher more than the %s done on the resets back .. so for example
each week going forward .. stock PPS increases .. by say 5 to 10c .. the take down is less (3c to 7c) .. what this does is bring in the *retail traders* .. and allows
CEs/NRs .. to *work* volume UPWARD .. but roll their resets in a very specific pricing channel
again news out of mgmt can totally obliterate any one of the above .. but never forget the adage re: NRs .. make an OTC targets' good news look bad .. and bad news look fatal
anyone who watches *trades* and RT l2 .. and doesn't see what is being done .. imo is naive at best and an embed at worst
curious to see the next 2 to 3 round/s of dated *legal* short info ..
they (NR/CEs) really do have issues ..