1. What are your goals for IENT going forward and where do you envision IENT in 2-3 years?
2. How many new sponsors were you able to sign up at the SHOT show?
3. What is the profit potential for IENT and when will do you envision it turn a profit?
4. How many new games will be launched in 2013 and can you share a timetable?
5. Will mobile applications be part of the new games?
6. Are you planning to try and re-list on the Nasdaq exchange in the future?
7. Are the games planned for release in 2013 from Great Outdoors or from IENT?
8. What platforms do you plan on releasing the new outdoor online game to ? IE: PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, etc
9. What funding does IENT have and how will they fund operating expenses.
If you have a question - please add it to the list and re-post it.