it's also easier to document and note UCs' (undercuts) on ask .. those ask hits that don't adjust ask sizes vs those that do .. and which MMs are best on bid/ask
also with low volume it's easy to track what trades wind up being marked re: daily reg sho
currently ..
10:03:44 0.58 400 OTO .. goes off @ UC ask (CDEL adjusts)
09:54:53 0.58 1637 OTO .. goes off @ UC ask (ETRF adjusts)
09:53:38 0.5725 1000 OTO .. goes off hidden (B/A 565/58)
09:30:01 0.585 100 OTO .. goes off hidden .. ask would be UC from 59 to 58
Bid 0.565
Bid Size 1000
Ask 0.58
Ask Size 4863
Volume 3,137
Volume (10 day Average) 116,982
Volume (90 day Average) 247,537
B/A .. may not align with Fido's above
CSTI 0.565 1,000 08:30
NITE 0.55 1,000 04/10
CDEL 0.51 2,710 10:09
LAFC 0.51 1,000 04/03
ETRF 0.50 8,000 09:55
STXG 0.40 2,500 03/05
VERT 0.40 2,500 03/26
CANT 0.3449 2,500 08:30
VNDM 0.30 2,500 04/10
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
PUMA 0.0001 10,000 08:10
ETRF 0.58 3,363 09:55
CDEL 0.58 1,500 10:09
CANT 0.59 1,000 08:30
NITE 0.61 1,000 04/10
LAFC 0.635 1,000 04/09
CSTI 0.635 1,000 08:30
VERT 0.715 1,000 03/12
VNDM 1.00 100 04/10
STXG 2.00 100 10/05
PUMA 2.52 100 08:10
MAXM 8.00 100 07:35
looking forward to what mgmt files next ..
What I like seeing is this low volume. When something happens, it's going to move this puppy like a hot knife through butter.
Those morons will be chasing.