Supporters are coming out on MMTE now, but why? The prevailing argument appears to be that if people would just quit complaining and slamming William, then everything will be okay. Can't we all just get along?
To be fair, there is some logic to this reasoning. If no one said a single word about all the losses and poor management skills and lack of communication with investors, then new investors would likely be lured into MMTE again, and this would allow those who helped William take advantage of so many investors to exit without the loss of quite so much of their money. Remember, these are the same group of people who controlled what could and could not be posted on various message boards --- posts that might have saved so many investors from huge losses.
So now we are supposed to support William with another huge long shot with little hope of ever seeing the production he claims will always come (soon or imminently or shortly). And, did anyone read this last press release? Does any of this press release sound oddly familar? Oh, and does anyone question why William still can't tell MMTE investors that he intends to merge with TTXP --- another Lieberman shell company he controlls with huge debt and a 2.5 million dollar pump promotion going on as we speak that has to be paid for by selling shares? In my prior post I already asked what will happen with the 30 million TTXP shares William is giving to this copper mining CEO --- doesn't he have to sell these shares to get any of the money William is promising? Does anyone care to ask why this CEO would look for TTXP as a partner? What experience does TTXP have in copper mining? What money do they have? Does anyone with half a brain ask any questions?
Probably not. All these people want to do right now is screw you so they can recover some of their money.