(Total Views: 185)
Posted On: 02/27/2018 6:20:14 PM
Post# of 32775

This FAQ was assembled with the information and help from many LONGS (CUIN2, HIGHPEAKS, yerboss, ki2002rom, SHEEPWOLF, Stockseekr and many others).
Why? Because there is so much information. It could take someone a month to find all of it and this FAQ is meant for anyone as quick reference to links, videos and facts to help you do your OWN due diligence. This FAQ was not created by nFusz. Don't base your buying/selling decisions on anything said on a messageboard.
This FAQ will continuously be updated and all are welcome to add, share, copy and repost the latest version so people can make their own decision to buy, hold or sell.
As Rory has said in every update, do your OWN diligence:
@ 2:09 "Do your own due diligence. Do your OWN INDEPENDENT due diligence. Make an informed investment decision."
Don't invest in any stock if you are going to get scared out of your shares a day, week or month later. Don't! Do your DD first and feel great about your own investment decisions.
Q: Found the stock but I don't have time to do DD. I glanced at the FAQ and whoever put that together is either a genius or has way, way too much time on their hands. It all sounds good. Why would I need to invest any more time?
A: Everyone is on the Fusz board to make money. This is not a charity company and no one here is doing volunteer work. While everyone has the same goal (i.e to make a ton of money), there are many strategies (a.k.a. agendas) on how people go about it. This is why Rory said repleatedly, to do your OWN INDEPENDENT DUE DILIGENCE.
Q: Got it, but why are you harping on this? I'm excited about the company and you are telling me to do homework. I hate homework. I never did homework when I was in school and don't plan on starting now.
A: The investor that doesn't do DD will be the FIRST one scared out of their shares. You may was well just put your money in a brown paper bag on the curb and write on the side "Free Money for Flippers".
The FAQ in the Sticky and posted at least once a day with updates, was put together as a starting point. Read as much as you want, watch the videos, but do your OWN independent due diligence.
List of Agendas (uhm, I mean Strategies)
Long-term: - In it for the long haul. Sees the value, doesn't have time to worry about every little nit thing, understand stocks consolidate, but sees a tremendous growth potential long-term. Likely to have bought at a number of price points. Usually likes to share research on the company and help people decide for themselves.
Short-term: - In this for the short-term. May stay longer, but undecided about that. If the stock goes up 10% or more, may seize that opportunity right away and move onto something else. Never will stick around for a 10 bagger, but hopes to get there with many short wins. Might post a bit. Might ask questions, but doesn't have a lot invested emotionally and likely focused on many stocks.
Trader: - May trade full-time or at the very least, invests significant time looking and following stocks that might at least have some short-term potential. Will try to invest at a lower price point and exit quickly which could be the same hour, day or week. Usually professional and in & out so won't post much.
Chartist - Understand the trends of stocks in general and uses that knowledge to predict which stocks to invest or sell. Sometimes they won't know much or anything about the company. What can be unpredictable is when new news will be released, which can substantially change the predicted course. Likely not to matter most as they usually will hold very short-term positions. Usually following a lot of stocks and seeing what pops up on the radar daily. May share a chart or two.
Lemming: Usually don't do DD and think that is too much work. Will flower Chartist and others around investing in stocks for a short-term based on recommendation of who they are following. May not be in a stock for long so may not post at all. Usually two steps behind the person making recommendation so not as successful, but can make money on the crumbs.
Flipper: - Trader-wannabe. Someone that tries to buy low and sell high, but often flips their perspective on the company as well at the drop of a hat. One day (or hour) they are very positive and the next day (or minute) the world is coming to an end. When they are out of a position and what to buy back in, many will try to find fault with every little thing to scare new investors into selling, or at the very least, create enough posts and confusion so people can't read what is really happening with the company. Easy to identify them as they cold have brought all their worries up at anytime, but save them for after they exit and desperately want back in. Typical posting habits of a flipper is not stop. There over-the-top negative post usually get deleted which makes them look pro company when glancing at their flip-flop history. Flipflopper trader-wannabe tend to hold small positions but act like they are selling millions of shares to scare new investors. A telltale sign is they will often post what they bought (lowest point) at and/or sold at (highest point). Keep in mind often times there is no record of those transactions or it was 100 shares.
Short: - People who sell (borrow) the stock at a high point hoping the stock will go down to buy those shares. Many shorts will not bother to post but the ones that do will try to strike fear into new investors so they second guess their decision and sell. The latter will tend to post non-stop in hopes that new investors put in stop loses that can be taken out like dominos if the price consolidates a bit.
Potential Short Term Catalysts
1. Rich Bohn's review
2. Oracle deal PR
3. IR campaign
4. American idol debut in early March
5. NotifiAir
6. NotifiID
7. Marketo Integration PR
8. Perhaps new Agreements with other big CRM companies
9. Maybe an announcement of the pending Hawaii trip
Company/Stock Related
Q: How much of the company is held by insiders
A: Almost 43% owned by insiders
Q: What is the float
A: 49M as recently reported
Q: Has the CEO or insiders sold or plan on selling?
A: Rory: "NONE of the nFusz insiders have sold a single share. None of us has even had the legends removed from our shares and in fact, many of us, including myself, have yet to have our certificates printed. This stock is gold to us and we’re not parting with it at anywhere near these prices..."
Q: When is the company thinking of uplisting?
A: Rory: "I want to clean up the balance sheet and position us for an uplist as soon as possible."
2/16/18 SHAC: http://nfusz.com/super/ajax/ajax2.php?mediaid=iGV0dg
Q: I've heard there are some big annoucements coming mentioned in the SEC filings but not yet PR'ed. Where can I review the companies press releases and SEC filings.
A: The Oracle and Marketo deals are in the filings (Form 8-K). A joint PR is to come.
Company Press Releases: https://nfusz.com/press-releases/
Company SEC Filings: http://www.m2compliance.com/hosting/company/F...lings.html
Q: Are there any really big investors in this company?
A: Chakradhar Reddy owns over 9M. Many of the Longs here own a sizable position.
CRD#: 79
NEW YORK, NY 10179
https://brokercheck.finra.org/individual/summary/4786479 ;
A Managing Director at J.P. Morgan personally owns 9,300,000 Shares.
https://www.streetinsider.com/dr/news.php?id=13437378 ;
https://www.linkedin.com/in/chuckie-reddy-0900171 ;
Q: I know the company has not annouced revenue and it's early on, but what would the stock price look like if they reached $50M in sales as an example?
A : One of the early goals of the company is to get to 20K subscribers. At $10 each, that would be 20,000 X $10 X 12 = $2.4M. To reach $50M would be 400,000 which potentially can happen quickly when the company is selling through Oracle, Marketo, Entourage Package, etc. Here's what it could look like at various PE levels at $50M

nFusz Media Updates
Q: Has the CEO recently provided any updates?
A: Yes, at least once of week, if not more either through radio interviews on CEO Money or Shareholder updates using nFusz technology. Here's some of the most recent updates:
2/23/2018 - SHAC: http://nfusz.com/super/ajax/ajax2.php?mediaid=iGV9dQ
@1:17 "We've become the cutest puppy in the pet store. Everybody wants to work with us. We've been closing straight equity deals at the highest valuations we've ever done in the history of nFusz to minimize dilution for all of us
Why? Why am I doing this? Because I'm building a war chest of cash. We're getting rid of debt. We're cleaning up our balance sheet.
We are positioning guys, we are position us because I want to uplist to NASDAQ or NYSE as soon as we possibly can.
I want to bring in large institution investors, brokerage houses, pension funds. They can't invest in OTC stocks. They can and they'll want to invest in us."
2/23/2018 - New Investor Video
@ 1:35 "Users have reported increases in conversion rates, that projects to customers, as much as 600%
2/23/2018 - Rory on Uptick Newswire:
2/16/2018 SHAC Update
@ 0:20 "We're Excited! You buckled in? Because this is just the beginning!"
@ 4:40 "Oracle, we brought it home and yes, it is a BIG DEAL!
@ 4:51 "We also brought on some more people resources that we will announcing in the near-term really to ensure that our grow proceeds unimpeded.
@ 5:10 "I believe it's going to be a big game changer for existing Oracle Netsuite users once they have access to this tool right from their dashboard. Yeah I think it's going to be very very well received among existing Netsuite users and there's millions of them."
@ 5:30 "Marketo disclosed in a form 8-K this week. Also a very exciting revenue opportunity. And like Oracle, they prefer to wait until the integration is complete before the press release goes out to the world.
Good opportunity for those people checking out our filing."
@ 5:48 Look, we believe that the strategy of incorporating our technology into those CRM providers that already have a massive user base is as strong value creator for us and our shareholders at there is. And they are NON-Exclusive Deals guys! You should not assume we are limited to those two!"
@ 6:55 "Monthly renewal rates exceeding 98%"
@ 7:35 "Did I mention Oracle. Did I mention Oracle. I don't know about you but where I come from I call that the good housekeeping seal of approval"
@ 8:02 "Look guys. We got some stuff going on. OK, wish I could share. Just, just be patient"
@ 9:48 "So why am I doing this? Look, you know what I want to do, you know where we want to go and I want all of you to come with us.
I want to clean up the balance sheet and position us for an uplistinng as soon as possible. OK, and I want to create a war chest of cash to ensure that we can grow and expand this machine as smart and fast as possible"
2/16/18 SHAC: http://nfusz.com/super/ajax/ajax2.php?mediaid=iGV0dg
See more management videos here: https://nfusz.com/management-videos/
2/5/18 (NotifiID):
Radio Interviews:
2/14/18 CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KypJp_8x_g
2/07/18 CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RshkibLaqx0
1/31/18 CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQNpCbsfwCA
1/24/18 CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yv4lib7oXA
1/17/18 CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBSi5cfzD2Q
1/10/18 CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78hN-XiJuAY
1/03/18 CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6uyN4NUOTQ
12/20/17 CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypxZm0ueeIY
12/13/17 CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJoRGp2TdVc
12/06/17 CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deAQNnbDACQ
11/30/17 CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSDo9JVJDe4
11/20/17 CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K7lEohuaw4
Management Videos: https://nfusz.com/management-videos/
CEO Soical Media Posts: https://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/Profile...ser=546276
nFusz Technology & Innovation
Q: Is the code proprietary?
A: Rory: "our source is proprietary and protected by copyright"
Q: Couldn't another company replicate the software?
A: Rory: "I believe it’s now more than 10 million lines of code and it would be exceedingly difficult for anyone to duplicate"
Q: What other applications could nFusz technology be applied?
A: LinkedIn, Real Estate, Armed Forces Recruitment, Dating Websites (e.g. Match.com), Insurance Brokers, etc. The list goes on and on.
Q: I could see how this walk about technology would be more engaging then a LinkedIn profile. How would that work?
A: Here's a video on NotifiID:
Q: Someone told me the company is considering blockchain technology and crypto-currency. What's that all about?
A: On 1/31/18, the nFusz CEO shared plans to Disrupt Digital Advertising Through Blockchain Technology On iHeartRadio Talk Radio Show
CEO Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQNpCbsfwCA
"The massive revenue stream generated in online advertising is based almost entirely on the number of views a piece of advertising content generates," states nFusz CEO Rory J. Cutaia. "Isn't it about time that we allow the people responsible for generating that revenue - the viewers themselves - to participate in that income opportunity," continues Mr. Cutaia. "Our plan is to create an entirely new ecosystem for the distribution of advertising revenue utilizing some of the latest innovations in blockchain technology and crypto-currency," continues Mr. Cutaia.
Q: THere are a lot of videos on YouTube. Could people buy a subsription to create more engaging videos and post them there?
A: Actually that's how it works. The videos you simply and quickly create are stored on YouTube. They have over a billion of user (almost a 1/3 of the internet) in 88 countries in 78 languates watching over a billion hours of videos everyday.
Q: How would nFusz technology help people who create videos for YouTube?
A: Approximately 20% of the people who start a video will leave after the first 10 seconds. The trick to prevent that is to create damn good intro. nFusz notifiCRM can capture someone's attention right away.
Q: I heard most CRM product don't sell. They just track, but this product is unique in the CRM world and actually helps sells. What are the results?
A: nFuse notifiCRM actually does the selling for you. You can make your videos not only engaging with the simple to user walk out technology, but all interactive with the ability to put call to action (CTA) buttons anywhere on the screen at anytime. 80% of people get distracted long before a video ends and it many cases, that is too late to engage the customer. notifiCRM allows companies to engage potential customers throughout the entire video. Users have reported increases in conversion rates, that projects to customers, as much as 600%.
2/23/2018 - New Investor Video
@ 1:35 "Users have reported increases in conversion rates, that projects to customers, as much as 600%
Q: That's great that the company "thinks" their product is great. What about other people, companies, users, analyts?
A: Richard Bohn said "This one is HOT! A real game-changer (a phrase I seldom use!)". Oracle gave what some would call the good housekeeping seal of approval. The retention rates are over 98% which are the highest in the industry for compaines that don't have "vendor lock in"
28 CRM Influencers to keep on your radar
Rich Bohn: "The oldest independent CRM analyst alive, Richard Bohn is a one-of-a-kind blend of salesman and computer geek on a mission to help companies to get the best bang for their buck when it comes to CRM software. He does this by thoroughly reviewing about every single CRM system he can get his hands on. You can find his reviews over at SellMoreNow, along with tons of tips and tricks on CRM use and implementation. If you would ever come across someone more passionate about CRM software than Richard, please contact us asap."
"Some folks in the industry (mostly the CRM product managers who have to deal with me!) call me a crotchety old fart. However, I have been at this since January-1985 and have earned my solid reputation in the analyst community as a totally independent and brutally honest reviewer of all CRM solutions."
Q: I know what CRM is (Customer Relationship Management, but what is an influencer?
A: An influencer is an individual who has the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of his/her authority, knowledge, position or relationship with his/her audience. An individual who has a following in a particular niche, which they actively engage with. The size of the following depends on the size of the niche. It is important to note that these individuals are not simply marketing tools, but rather social relationship assets with which brands can collaborate to achieve their marketing objectives.
11:41 - Hear who Rich Bohn is and why he said the twitter quote below:
"Great update from folks at @nFuszInc This one is HOT! A real game-changer (a phrase I seldom use!) Full #CRM Review real soon now!"
SHAC Update - 12-7-17: https://bnotifi.com/ajax2.php?mediaid=3643&am...a04d8c8317
Q: I've looked at many of the influences on CRM and they aren't even using instagram and facebook. How the heck are they influencing anyone?
A: Their target audience is not on Facebook nor the selfie audience on Instagram. Many big corporations actually "pay" people like Richard Bohn and companies like Garter, Forrestor, etc. for the research work they do.
The big advantage Mr. Bohn has is he's independent. He can say whatever he wants vs. biting the hand that feeds them like the research companies. Gartner and Forrestor which are the two largest are not going to blast Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, IBM, etc.
Recent Deals & Launches
Q: Besides the Oracle deal that has been 8-K'd but not PR'd yet, is there any other deals that are under the radar yet to be PR'd?
A: On February 9, 2018 an agreement with MARKETO, INC. with an effective date of April 1, 2018. Marketo is the leading Engagement Platform that empowers marketers to create lasting relationships and grow revenue.
Q: I'm not familiar with Marketo. I they are small or midsize company?
A: Marketo is a large company. They were sold in 2016 to Vista Equity Partners LLC for $1.8B
Q: Has nFusz launched anything new recently?
A: The company launched notifiCRM Entourage Package for Network Sales
specifically for the 100 million people involved with network marketing sales.
January 30, 2018
Q:When is the Oracle deal going to be announced?
A: Form 8-K: 1/2/2018 - "The Agreement provides that the development of the application, which will be undertaken jointly by us and ORACLE, will be completed within one year. We anticipate that development of the application, which has already begun, will be completed within 120 days. The Agreement is for an initial term of one year, but renews automatically for successive one-year terms, unless sooner terminated in accordance with the termination provisions set forth in the Agreement."
The development started before the 8K was released and word from the company is they are ahead of schedule. Anticipate development to be competed in the next month.
Q: Has there been any other updates on the Oracle announcment since the 8-K?
A: Rory: “Remember, Oracle has yet to announce our deal. While there are no guarantees in life or investing, it’s inconceivable to me that their PR - about 45-60 days away, possibly much sooner - would not create a level of awareness about our company in the investment community at large, institutional and otherwise, that would drive volume in the stock to levels we have never seen. We will be seen by investors that don’t track OTC companies. If you believe that scenario, as I do, then this pull-back - affecting all stocks on all exchanges right now - should be seen as a buying opportunity. We’ve seen first hand how the SP can move on modest news. The die is cast. People need to take off their day-trader glasses through which they view most OTC stocks and take a fresh hard look at the due diligence material available on nFusz. The sky is not falling, we’re just getting closer to it as we’ve begun to fly.”
Q: How does NetSuite fit into all of this with Oracle? Does anybody use NetSuite?
A: Oracle bought NetSuite a little less than two years ago for $9.3B and added 10,000 companies since (33% increase). How do you keep that market share growing? By adding new capabilities as fast as you can.
Oracle Buys NetSuite
$9.3 billion
Redwood Shores, Calif.—Jul 28, 2016
Global Organizations using NetSuite
2014 - 20,000
2016 - 30,000
2018 - 40,000
Oracle sell 3 Editions of NetSuite:
Limited Edition: companies up to 10 named users and have less than 50 employees
Mid-Market Edition: companies between 11-1,000 named users
Enterprise Edition: companies over 1,000 named users
Pricing starts at $999/mo. for the Limited Edition.
NetSuite comes with standard features including CRM and ERP, but has a number of Advanced large modules that are additional. This is similar pricing model as SAP, Workday and other SaaS providers. Customers are used to paying more for new capability and can add notifiCRM for $10-$20.
Rory: "Oracle, we brought it home and yes, it is a BIG DEAL!
I believe it's going to be a big game changer for existing Oracle Netsuite users once they have access to this tool right from their dashboard
Yeah I think it's going to be very very well received among existing Netsuite users and there's millions of them."
2/16/18 SHAC: http://nfusz.com/super/ajax/ajax2.php?mediaid=iGV0dg
Q: Oracle is a large product, development and service company. With all their resources, why wouldn't they develop something similar?
A: For the last year they've been hiring like gangbusters. They have 1,619 sales openings right now only topped by 1,797 in product development.
That potentially is $250M in product development new hires and another $250M in sales new hires per year.
That's 1/2 a billion $ in new hires. It is a lot faster to partner with an existing company than to try to hiring even more to create a new solution from scratch
Q: Why would Oracle do a deal with a small startup company?
A: Large companies do it all the time when they find great innovation. Here's an example:
Slack valued at $5.1 billion after new funding led by SoftBank
SEPTEMBER 18, 2017
Slack locks down Oracle partnership targeting enterprises
OCTOBER 3, 2017
Slack locks down Oracle partnership targeting enterprises
Q: What is the revenue split with Oracle?
A: 90-10. 90% to nFusz and 10% to Oracle
Q: I heard a lot about Salesforce being a giant in CRM. Why didn't nFusz do a deal with them first or even SAP?
A: Oracle is under a lot of pressure to continue to drive sales like every company and in this case, to the cloud. Having innovative products from nFusz will help them hit their targets.
What a lot of people don't know is even Oracle's competition rely on Oracle. Having Oracle sales reps market nFusz to Oracle customers is also marketing the company so Oracle's competitors at the same time.
"Let me tell you who's not moving off of Oracle. A company you've heard of that gave us another $50 million this last quarter. That company is Amazon. They're not moving off of Oracle. Salesforce isn't moving off of Oracle. Our competitors, who have [no reason] to like us very much, continue to invest in and run their entire business on Oracle. I don't know who's moving on from Oracle. Maybe Mark knows, maybe Safra does. But Amazon , you think Amazon would really want to move. Let me tell you someone else who is not moving out of Oracle: SAP . They have the database called HANA. They'd like to move SuccessFactors. They've been trying to move off of Oracle for 5 or 6 years. All SAP large customers run on Oracle. Amazon continues to buy Oracle technology to run their business. Salesforce runs entirely on Oracle. Go ahead, you tell me who's moving off of Oracle."
Q: Now that nFusz has done a deal with Oracle, does that mean they can't do a deal with any of the other large companies like SalesForce, SAP, Microsoft, etc.?
A: The Oracle deal is non-exclusive. nFusz is free to do deals with anyone else.
Q: Why would SalesForce, SAP, Microsoft want to do a deal with nFusz now that the product is going to be integrated into Oracle's Netsuite?
A: To stay competitive and not lose market share. Integrating nFusz technology into their solutions could cancel out the advantage Oracle has initially. Oracle is raising the bar on the product offering and NotifiCRM may be the new minimum that every product must have.
Q: What is the relationship of Oracle, Salesforce, SAP, Microsoft, Amazon and Google? Why would more than one of them do a deal with the same company?
A: Salesforce's Triangulation Strategy
Jan 24, 2018 2:45 PM PT
Marketing Campaigns
Q: I heard that this software could make it easy for me with my network marketing and is available for 100's of millions of users. Is it available for my company?
A: nFusz put together a solution for 100 million people involved with network marketing sales called “Network Marketing Made Easy”
We’ve compiled company videos and resources from some of the top direct sales and network marketing organizations.
Each video is interactive on notifiCRM, with personalized calls-to-action right in the video!
You can directly point your prospects and leads straight to your company landing pages, to purchase your products, to sign up for your organization, to call or email you directly, to schedule a meeting with you, and so much more-all from within an engaging interactive video.
All you have to do is:
1. Select the company you work with
2. Sign up for notifiCRM
3. When you log in, you’ll have a gallery of videos that are auto-populated and auto-personalized for you
4. Simply import your contacts, craft a quick message, send out your interactive videos, and watch your sales roll in!
Pricing starts as low as $9.99/month.
Other Considerations
360 View of nFusz from the FAQ:
Management Team:
Credibility and character of the management team. A lot of people based their investment not only on the products and potential of a company, but also the management team. Do they have the intelligence, drive, passion, commitment, character and track records to take it all the way.
For credibility listen to last weeks radio program of why other CEOs are asking him for advice:
For track record:
nFusz CEO Rory Cutaia Tells How He Made People Millionaires, and Will Do It Again, on iHeart Radio
Rory has done this before with the company Telx he founded in 2000, to disrupt the telecommunications industry. He sold it a mere 6 years later in 2006 for $216,000,000 making investors 18x their original investment. It resold again in 2015 in partnership with Berkshire Partners for $1.9 BILLION! https://www.thestreet.com/story/13217986/1/ab...ealty.html
SasS Solution:
No vendor lockin, no 6 months in legal-land working on a contract, no 6 months implementation plan. Users can signup online and drive immediate value. This is a Win-Win for the custmoer as well as the company as they can recognized revenue right away.
Simple to create. Simple to view. Simple to share. "Easy of use" is a winner every time when it comes to software. Especially CRM that the number one complaint is it's too difficult, takes too much time and doesn't add value for the salesperson. Walkouts are not new, but it sure used to be a lot harder to
do them until now.
We all have seen a lot of videos. The good, the bad and the ugly. Unless it's a video that is more of a TV commercial it's hard to capture someone's attention. If it was easy, companies wouldn't spend billions of dollars on brand engagement. You are more likely to engage someone who is almost fully standing in front of you with nothing distracting vs. a traditional video. I almost think of most videos as 2D and
this has a 3D feel to it.
No more click the link at the bottom of this web page when the video is done messages. You are interacting with your potential customers at any point in the video. Compare the bounce rates of a customer using a nFusz video vs. not and I bet they are a lot lower. You have the CTA buttons right in the video.
Cross Industry:
Some products are geared towards certain segments of the market. The first thing a lot of people say when they see this product is: "Oh, it would be great using this _______. Fill in the blank as so many industries and applications have been suggested.
Cross Platform:
Works on your PC, laptop, mobile device, iPhone, etc. None if this, sorry it only works in IE version #.#.# but we are going to port it to your device this Summer so it should work for you're company then.
Mass Appeal:
The companies sales strategy is brilliant in my opinion. Rather than go after sales with one company at a time, they are going after million of users at a time. The potential to grow and grow quickly is exponential rather than linear
Sells Itself:
The product doesn't need a sales person to have a one hour meeting with a client to show them the product. Send of link and people get it right away.
Sets a New Standard:
If I'm watching a video, I'd much prefer to see the full view of someone. Read their body language, expression, how they carry themselves, etc. especially if I'm listening to a sales pitch. Will this become the new normal, I don't know, but everyone that sees it loves it.
nFusz made an important change last fall and that was to leverage youtube for video storage. Not only does that remove a lot of cost for the company and increases margins it allows them to scale more rapidly.
Cost of Entry:
It's $10/mo. Look at what the average Salesforce deal is or some of these other behemoth systems. nFusz could have priced it a lot higher, but are going with the volume, mass adoption approach.
Take a look at what they are doing for uBid. That is quite an extension of the platform in a unique way.
If I'm a big corp looking to buy a product, I'm always thinking about the bottomline. Is this product going to increase sales or cut cost are the two questions I'm most interested in.
Well both. You are going to engage your customers better which will have higher sales closure rates with lower acquisition cost. Does your salesforce need to get on the plane every time someone is interested in your product? Do you even need the same size sells force if your videos are doing some of the selling for you. This can drive more leads that end in deals.
The proof is in the pudding as they say. Rory just said the retention rates are 98%. That is remarkable considering they are going after millions of customers and you would think some would just try it for just a month with not much to lose. Must be working and adding value.

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