Volume recently has been much more healthy than it has been in months past, however there are still obviously many shenannigans going on in the stock right now. The last two sessions have seen daily short volume percentages at 38% and 64%, respectively, as compared to total daily volume.
Another 17.8M shares were "traded" after-hours (T-trades) which I suspect was likely short covering. If you do the math, the total volume for the day was 81M including the T-trades and the reported volume of 63M was for the regular session today, if you consider that during the regular session the shorting was about 64% of the total traded during normal hours, then it is clear that the T-trade number of shares of about 18M brought the daily short percentage just under the 50% shorting level. Basically without those T-trades, there would have been more shorts than executed than long shares bought today, which typically indicates that the stock is getting massively shorted and that market participants are accumulating short positions. We can conclude that there are market participants desperate to keep a lid on this stock and are using a lot of shorting power to attempt to absorb the incoming buying volume (almost exactly, share for share) whilst not allowing the PPS to rise. Hmmmm..
16:12:23 0.0018 7800000
16:01:13 0.0016 10000000
15:57:38 0.0018 250000
Reckless are they!! You must unlearn what you have learned. The dark side clouds everything.