Thanks again for your help.
I understand that everything is pure speculation at this point but I, like you (though I don't want to be putting words in your mouth), also expect KEVETRIN to be handled quite well by P1 patients. I always thought that the initial cohort may in many ways be the biggest risk in just making sure the human liver processes KEVETRIN acceptably and once we got past that the odds for success jumped markedly to our favor. I also expect to see strong tumor shrinkage and by summer an application for Breakthrough Treatment status for KEVETRIN. The creme de la creme would be for all patients to still be alive and improving come June!
Sitting comfortably till mid-March to April time frame as things could be slow IMO til then but come Spring we start to strut our stuff. I could say I will back off on reading the boards til then but I know I am hooked so that is not going to happen. At any rate, the only thing that could rattle me would be bad clinical news. Stock price between now and then means absolutely nothing to me as MM's and the dark side can play all the dirty games they want and it won't matter to me. If so, I will have time to buy more in a few more months and gain that much more.
I am one of the lucky ones in that my wife doesn't question the investment so daily zigzags don't mean much.
Still can't get over how wonderful a job Progressive did on his interview piece.