First off, hats off to Progressive for an extremely well done job. Why can't our professional news media pull off this type of non-biased, informative interview?
Question to the board: Who makes our Kevetrin product? Seems like there must have been a lot of it made to fulfill all the clinical trials that seem to be upcoming soon.
Question to seel: Do you feel now that a couple of cohorts are finished and the toxicity level is still minimal (assuming this is true due to no negative news) that the odds of KEVETRIN performing on humans so as to closely duplicate the results shown during animal testing has improved? What is your gut feeling now as to percentage of success that KEVETRIN meets all safety / toxicity issues so as to reach an MTD far exceeding when it starts to work? Will we ever hear word as to whether patients are still alive and doing well or if some have died since starting the trials or is that restricted info that would not be given to CTIX?