Good freakin Gawd..... Davies, who prolly is nothing but Smid's alter ego, sure doesn't deserve to be "blessed" He...and/or Smid, do need to be put in the stockade, and worse, for their egretious sins agains good people like yourself.
I'm afraid SRGE's 68% drop today, which damn near touched the trips, is just the start, of the long inexorable slide into oblivion and irrelevance, just as many of us have warned.
Also, I saw no one, of the group of intelligent truthseekers, that predicted the stock would drop lower than it did this the first day. I called for higher, by the way. and even hoped some would get a chance to exit at .003 or above. Sadly, that wasn;t the case. But a few good traders were able to flip it for a quick 50-80%, including that bitch buybio2, now banned for a month. You should see the post that got her banned. Boy did she fly off the handle!!!
lemme know, I'll pm it to ya!
It is THE most blatant scam in years, sad to say...Can't say you weren't warned, either.