And maybe you missed this from a more recent post from StockSpock. . .
Expanding the program beyond Madison County could have profound effects. Experts figure every head of beef or dairy cattle in New York state generates eight pounds of this ag plastic a year. And with 700,000 head of beef or dairy cattle in the state, that translates into 2,800 tons of waste a year.
Lois Levitan, program leader of the Recycling Ag Plastics Project at Cornell University says New York state has always been a leader in recycling ag waste. But she says the impact of this takes it to a different level.
"People used to think it was progressive to talk about cradle-to-grave of products. So the cradle would be making the plastics, and the grave would be, what do you do at the end," said Levitan. "Now they're talking about cradle-to-cradle -- how do you make it into something else? How do you have zero waste?"